Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2258 The monster clan is suppressing the realm! (2 updates)

Ling Feng frowned. It had been three or four days since this floating fairy island arrived in the West Sword Region. But before that, it had caused a terrible catastrophe. In an instant, millions of people, Along with it, a thousand-year-old city was completely destroyed.

Such a disaster would naturally cause a stir in the surrounding area. Even if you don't know the news about Taihua Immortal Palace, you will inevitably become curious when you see this floating island.

So today, in addition to the group of strong men who first landed on the Floating Fairy Island, there are also many warriors around, and even the strong men of the demon clan are dispatched.

This man from the Snake Tribe is one of them.

"Are you monsters only capable of stabbing people in the back?"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, and there was a slight surge of anger in his heart.

"What kind of morality do you need to talk about as a human race?"

A monster with a tiger's head and human body on the opposite side roared.


The snake-man man smiled sinisterly, took out a scroll, looked at Ling Feng carefully for a few times, and then laughed strangely, "You are the human boy who killed Young Master Jin Jiao. Bar?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and felt helpless. He didn't expect that his "reputation" was not small among the demon clan!

"So what?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and slowly pulled out the annihilation in all directions.

Now that his cultivation has been fully restored, and he has acquired the immortal sword skill "Xuantian Breaking Cloud Sword", why should he be afraid of a battle?

"Your head is very valuable!"

The snake-man man vomited out the scarlet snake letter and grinned: "Now the Golden Dragon Great Sage is leading an army of one hundred thousand monsters, and they are only forcing the three major sword houses of the human race to hand you over. Unexpectedly, he actually let you I met you here, hahaha!”

After hearing the words of the snake man, Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. Sure enough, the demon clan could no longer hold back, and the war between the human race and the demon clan had already broken out.

This time, I really made a big mistake.

But at the moment, it is useless to think too much. The best way is to improve your strength as much as possible and rush back to Yueling City.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng stared at the snake man and shouted: "Your demon pill is also very valuable!"


The snake man's expression suddenly changed when he heard that Ling Feng was actually planning on his demon pill.


The next moment, the snake man was seen pulling out a silver snake soft sword and charging towards Ling Feng.

The subordinates around him also bared their teeth and claws, and rushed towards Yu Junyao and others, as if they wanted to wipe out Ling Feng's group.

"Grandma, how dare you do something in front of this divine beast?"

The cheap donkey roared, kicked his hooves, and took the lead in launching a counterattack. This guy actually took down three opponents directly. He used the seventy-two moves of the divine donkey. The three demons had no room to fight back. Being pressed down and beaten by him.

This guy is covered in dragon scales, and his defensive power is extremely strong. Coupled with the physical skills of close combat, those monsters who only rely on their blood talents will not be able to use their various talents and magical powers once they are close. Naturally, Only to be beaten.

And Yu Junyao, Xiao Hen, and Xuanyuan Yu are all geniuses among geniuses. It is not difficult at all to bet against ordinary first-level demon saints.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that his subordinates were at a disadvantage in an instant, the snake man's eyes flashed coldly and he stared at Ling Feng coldly. He knew that he had to make a quick decision.

Unfortunately, he made the wrong calculation!


The invisible sword energy surged, and in the next moment, Ling Feng had already spread out his sword domain.

After a long period of suppression, Ling Feng's sword domain has become more condensed, and has even reached the peak entry level from the entry level.

There is only one step left to reach the Hinayana realm of Sword Domain.

The sword domain expanded, Ling Feng's sword energy became more powerful, and the killing sword intent exploded.

The snake man's expression changed slightly. No wonder this human being could actually kill the young master of the golden dragon. It was truly extraordinary.

However, isn't it said that this person's cultivation has been sealed? Now it seems that his seal has been completely released!

"Boy, how did you seal and unlock the corpse's soul?"

The snake man stared at Ling Feng coldly and asked in a cold voice.

"Nothing to do with you!"

Ling Feng swung his sword, recalling the sword power of Xuantian Poyun Sword in his mind, the sword came out like crazy!

Xuantian's sword power suddenly exploded!

In an instant, the face of the snake man changed drastically, and Ling Feng's sword actually gave him a feeling of fear.

"How can it be!"

The snake man stared at Ling Feng, his cultivation level could already be regarded as a half-step saint.

Generally speaking, the demon race is more blessed than humans. Among the same level, the demon race is generally much stronger than the human race.

Therefore, his strength is actually slightly inferior to that of the previous Sword Elder of the Azure Fire Tribe, but it is not far behind.

However, he never expected that a human boy like Ling Feng, who was worthy of the Emperor Realm, would have such strength!

"Such a heaven-defying monster has appeared in the human race!"

The snake man's face became increasingly gloomy. Even if it wasn't for the astonishing reward from the Golden Dragon Great Sage, he would still have to kill this human being.

Otherwise, once he grows up, how can the demon clan hold its head high?

Kill without mercy!

The snake man had murderous intent in his eyes, and his snake hair suddenly grew crazily.

The snake hairs turned into giant pythons, twining towards Ling Feng in an instant.

Thousands of snakes swept through, spitting purple poisonous mist from their mouths, and actually formed a field of poisonous mist in an instant.

Even with Ling Feng's physique, it is difficult to be completely immune to the poisonous attack.

"Huh huh, human boy, you are proud enough to be able to force me to use this move of my own. Just accept your death!"

The snake man laughed ferociously. Under the purple poisonous mist, his poisonous skills would become stronger, but Ling Feng had to concentrate on fighting against the poisonous mist.

Under this situation, it may be difficult for Ling Feng to concentrate on using the Xuantian Breaking Cloud Sword.

However, at this moment, a milky white light flashed around Ling Feng.

Soft, holy level, once the poisonous mist attaches to Ling Feng's body, it disappears like ice and snow melting.

No, it should have been swallowed directly!

" could it be!"

The snake man had an incredible look on his face. Not even the great saints dared to touch his poisonous mist, but this human boy actually absorbed it directly?

Little did he know that Ling Feng had a red-eyed ice silkworm that evolved into a demon race.

Oh no, it should be called Yu Xiaodie now!

Before that, Ling Feng had also made a spiritual pet contract with Xiaodie, which meant that she could also merge with Ling Feng's beast soul like the cheap donkey.

Unlike Jie Donkey, who can maintain his self-awareness after fusion, because Xiaodie's consciousness is too weak, after fusion, Ling Feng can completely master Xiaodie's various abilities.

Swallowing poison is one of Xiaodie's most incredible talents after evolving.

Any toxin will become the best "tonic" in the eyes of Ling Feng who is in the state of beast soul fusion!

In this way, after Ling Feng absorbed these toxins, not only was he unscathed, but he also became more energetic.

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