Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2260 Young Master Xiang Liu! (1 update)


Heart-rending screams rang out, and the snake-man man tightly covered his eyes, dark green blood gurgling out, and the severe pain almost made him roll on the ground.

But it turned out that the "Ling Feng" he had just petrified was indeed Ling Feng, but it was just a clone created by Ling Feng using the Great Creation Technique.

Unlike using the Eye of the Void to summon the Void Witch Spirit Yorick, the clone created by the Great Creation does not need to be prepared in advance, nor does it need to consume blood essence. It can be used at any time, which can be said to be very convenient.

When Ling Feng was locked by the petrified eyes of the snake man, he already realized that something was wrong. The power of petrification was not unfamiliar to him.

In particular, his Eye of the Emperor also has similar abilities.

He knew very well that once he was completely petrified, his end would be extremely miserable.

Fortunately, the snake cage in the sky created by the snake man created a bunker for him at this time, allowing him to hide. After the power of truth disappeared, he was able to take the snake man by surprise and kill him in one fell swoop. Both eyes are useless.

"Nice eyeball!"

Ling Feng pinched his two eyeballs with one hand and put a smile on his lips.

The petrification power inside can more or less enhance the power of your own petrification pupil.

The snake man was shaking all over in pain, but his hollow eyes were still staring at Ling Feng. Blood was dripping on his defeated face, and his head was full of snake hair, dancing crazily.

"Human, you've pissed me off completely!"

The snake man roared wildly, and snake hair shot out from his head. Giant pythons more than a hundred feet long were entangled towards Ling Feng.

On the other side, the monsters who were fighting fiercely with Yu Junyao and the others also showed a hint of anxiety when they saw the situation on the snake man's side.

Unexpectedly, even their leader, a strong man with half a foot on the level of the Great Sage, would suffer such a big loss in front of a human kid who could only reach the emperor level.

Most of the abilities of the Xiang Liu clan were concentrated on a pair of petrified eyes. Ling Feng actually dug out his eyes, which was equivalent to destroying half of his abilities!

Facing the thick and huge pythons, Ling Feng roared wildly. The next moment, his body suddenly swelled in the wind, and golden hair instantly covered his whole body.

"Chaos True Form!"

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng had transformed into a golden giant ape that was more than ten feet tall. He grabbed a python and tore it directly from his mouth and split it in half.

This terrifying brute force makes people's scalp numb!

Under the blessing of Chaos True Body, Ling Feng's dragon-elephant power was even more vividly displayed. Without much effort, the dozen giant pythons released by the snake-man man were all strangled by Ling Feng one by one.

And when Ling Feng got rid of those giant pythons, he found that the snake man from the Xiangliu clan had disappeared.

This guy is indeed insidious. Even in this situation, he can make the most rational judgment.

Ling Feng snorted softly, released the form of his true form of Chaos, and flew forward to support Bitch.

With Ling Feng's support, it didn't take long for the remaining monsters to be killed and injured by Ling Feng and his party.

"Boy Ling Feng, you actually let that demonic snake run away, you are too rubbish!"

After the battle, the bitch began to taunt Ling Feng in a weird way. He didn't even think about it. If Ling Feng hadn't come back in time to help, he would have turned into donkey meat and burned!

"Yes, yes, you are the best!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at this guy angrily, then looked at the demon captives and asked in a cold voice: "What is your leader's name, and what is his status among the demon clan?"

"Bah, lowly human beings, don't expect to know any news from me!"

A bear-human monster cursed loudly and spat in Ling Feng's direction.

"Since you don't tell me, I'll get it myself!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, and the yin and yang fish floated in his eyes.

The divine patterns of humanity are condensed, and memories are plundered!

The bear-human monster only felt a sharp pain in his mind. Then, his mind lost control, and the sea of ​​​​spirit was occupied by Ling Feng's divine thoughts.

After a while, Ling Feng got the answer he wanted, and the bear-human monster collapsed directly, his brain disintegrated, and he died miserably.

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged. Since he was an enemy, there was no need for any mercy.

But it turns out that the snake man of the Xiangliu clan, named Qinglin, is the young clan leader of the Xiangliu clan. No wonder he is so powerful.

Moreover, unlike those ordinary arrogant and arrogant dudes, this Young Master Xiang Liu is the most scheming. In addition to his powerful strength, what is even more terrifying is his unfathomable scheming.

Ling Feng already had a deep understanding of this after fighting with him.

Moreover, even after his eyes were gouged out by Ling Feng, he could still remain calm and choose to escape. Such an opponent is often even more terrifying!

In addition to the group of monsters led by Young Master Xiangliu Qinglin, there are three other monster teams that have also boarded the floating fairy island. Young Master Xiangliu is very likely to defect to them. Several other squads.

"Next time, I won't let you escape!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, the so-called not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about him.

A cunning and cunning figure like Young Master Xiang Liu is like a thorn in the back, and must be removed as soon as possible in order to rest easy.

the other side.

When Young Master Xiang Liu trapped Ling Feng with the giant python formation, he did not hesitate and chose to escape far away.

He knew very well that after losing his eyesight, he no longer had any advantage.

If you continue to delay, I'm afraid your own life will be at stake.

Therefore, he made a prompt decision and chose to abandon his subordinates and fled the battlefield directly.

At this moment, Young Master Xiang Liu looked extremely embarrassed, with blood still gurgling from his empty eye sockets.

His head full of snake hair was dancing, his face was distorted, and the demonic snakes merged into his body. After a while, his blurred face became clear again, and his eyeballs regenerated.

The Xiangliu clan is originally a Hydra clan. The so-called Hydra, as the name suggests, has nine heads and nine lives.

Ling Feng dug out his eyes, which was equivalent to destroying one of his heads, and he still had eight eyeballs to replace.

But the difference is that the ability to petrify the eyes of the Xiangliu clan will only appear on one of the heads, and his eyes were dug out by Ling Feng, and he completely lost the ability to petrify.

But if you can regain your ID eyeball within a certain period of time, you may still have a chance to regain the ability to petrify.

"Damn human being, remember this! I will ask you to get this debt back!"

Young Master Xiang Liu clenched his fists tightly, his eyes bursting with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Originally, he wanted to monopolize the reward for capturing Ling Feng alive, but now, he had to rely on the help of several other demon saints!

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