Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2261 Weird pool! (2 updates)

Let's say that after Ling Feng and his party dealt with the prisoners, they continued to move forward in the direction pointed by Zifeng.

It seemed that they had deviated from the direction to Taihua Immortal Palace. They met many other warriors on the way, and they were also a little curious, but they ignored them and just went on their own.

After all, opportunities in Taihua Immortal Palace wait for no one!

After traveling for more than a hundred miles, Zifeng's voice came to my mind again.

"Master, stop quickly, this is it!"

Ling Feng stopped as he was told and looked around, "What's wrong?"

"There's a discovery! Over there, that's over there!"

Zifeng exclaimed, and then actually jumped out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

This guy is usually as lazy as a pig. He will never sit down if he can lie down, and he will never show his head unless he can come out.

This time, he actually ran out on his own initiative. There was something that had a huge attraction for him.

I saw a flash of purple light, and a burly young man jumped out of the void.

This is the human form of Zifeng. The last time he used the body of "Long Xingye" of the Long family, relying on the origin of mutated soil, he was able to shed his shell and evolve successfully, so he had this human skin.

However, after the transformation with his power, his hair turned purple and his body shrunk a bit. Even if the Long family saw it, they would never recognize it. This was the "Long Xingye" of the past.


When Xuanyuan Yu saw someone suddenly appearing, he immediately exclaimed his origin. Xiao Hen even directly expanded the realm of spiritual consciousness with a solemn look on his face.

After all, they had never seen Zifeng before.

"Don't do it!"

Ling Feng quickly stopped the two of them and said in a deep voice: "We are friends!"

"Haha, Master, I found it, right there!"

Zifeng pointed to a forest of rocks on the right and shouted excitedly: "There is what I long for!"

Ling Feng looked intently and saw a pool in front of him. The water was quiet and very clear, but there seemed to be a special spiritual power floating in it. He could not see the bottom with his eyesight.

He turned around and flew towards the pool.

Yu Junyao and others looked at each other. Although they were a little confused, they all spread out their body skills and flew to follow.

This pool is hidden by a forest of rocks. It is overgrown with weeds. There are even a few quagmire nearby. At first glance, it seems to be just a quagmire. If Zifeng hadn't pointed it out, Ling Feng wouldn't have noticed it at all. You will notice this pool.

"What's this?"

Ling Feng stared at the pool in front of him, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Although the water in this pool looks a bit special, it is not like the Immortal Yao Pond in Dongling Immortal Pond. It exudes astonishing aura of heaven and earth.

It's hard to imagine what kind of spiritual spring this is that can make Zifeng so excited.

Yu Junyao, Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen also showed a hint of doubt.

There doesn't seem to be anything special about this pool.

The bitch, on the other hand, held up his cheeks and seemed to be racking his brains to search for something.

It seems that he has not yet recognized what kind of spiritual spring this is.

"I don't know either, but he is very attractive to me!"

Zifeng's face showed excitement, and the next moment, he jumped directly into the pool with a "pop".

Then, a series of bubbles appeared in the pool, and Zifeng seemed to have disappeared in the pool, without any movement at all.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. The pool seemed to be only up to his knees, but it was obvious that it was deeper than it looked!

In fact, Zifeng jumped down and made only a little movement.

But for now, it seems that we can only wait for now.

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Half an hour...

After half an hour passed, Ling Feng felt that his patience was about to be exhausted.

If Ling Feng hadn't sensed the spiritual pet contract with Zifeng in the spiritual sea, Ling Feng would have even thought that Zifeng had drowned directly in it.

"I'll go down and take a look!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and jumped directly into the pool.


A special feeling arose spontaneously, Ling Feng's complexion changed, and with a fierce move, he plunged directly into the water.

Then, Gululu...

Several bubbles popped up, and Ling Feng also "disappeared".

"What the hell is going on, I want to see this beast too!"

The bitch frowned, gritted his teeth, and wanted to jump into the pool.

However, as soon as he stepped one foot into the sky above the pool, a terrifying counter-shock force knocked him away.


The bitch fell to the ground, and his butt was smashed into eight pieces. His face turned blue in pain, and he cursed: "Damn it, there is no justice, why can't this divine beast go down!"

Yu Junyao, Xiao Hen, and Xuanyuan Yu looked at each other and tested the situation of the pool in their own way.

Sure enough, they were all just like the stupid donkeys, whether it was Yuan force, sword energy, or even the power of divine consciousness that invaded the past, they were all repulsed intact.

This pool of water is not a place where they can set foot!

"Damn it, that brat has taken advantage of everything!"

Yu Junyao cursed lowly, with displeasure written all over her pretty face.

Xiao Hen also frowned. Didn't Master Shen Buliangshen say that he could only get a chance by following Ling Feng? How come he didn't even catch a hair along the way?

And Xuanyuan Yu was even more depressed. If he had known it, he would not have teamed up with Ling Feng. Even if he wanted to enmity, he would still gain nothing.

This is so miserable!

Under the pool.

After Ling Feng dived into the pool, he felt that the original power of chaos in his body seemed to be fully mobilized.

This pool of water is indeed extraordinary!

Countless indescribable powers were integrated into his body through the countless pores in his body. He could feel the growth of the source of chaos.

This kind of growth made him feel very unreal.

Since he opened the Eye of the Emperor, the origin of chaos has grown three times in total.

For the first time, he met "Kong" at the end of the ancient road of time, and then under Kong's guidance, he obtained the Chaos Seed of another Son of Heaven.

That time was the moment when the origin of chaos truly awakened.

The second time, when he was promoted to the king level, he condensed the pattern of the "Egg of Chaos".

After the egg of chaos was conceived, it brought about the transformation of the egg of chaos. In the Dantian space, the power of chaos in the true sense appeared.

The third time, under the arrangement of his grandfather Ling Hanyang, he experienced a heart-wrenching encounter, opened the Golden Eye of the Emperor, and once again improved the power of the origin of chaos.

After that, no matter how much he practiced, the origin of chaos could not be improved at all.

However, just by soaking in this pool, my chaotic origin actually improved!

Although it is slow, even though it is very small, Ling Feng will never feel wrong about the trend that is accumulating and growing!

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