Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2262 Heavenly Punishment! (3 updates)

"This spiritual spring is definitely related to the Tiandao clan!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "And Zifeng is definitely related to the Tiandao clan!"

He gritted his teeth and continued to dive. This seemingly shallow pool was actually incredibly deep.

Ling Feng felt that he had almost dived into the bottom of this floating fairy island, or directly entered another special space.

All in all, after a long dive, Ling Feng finally saw Zifeng in the pool, trying very hard to pull something out.

That seems to be a broken sword!


Zifeng looked back at Ling Feng and shouted to him quickly: "Master, come and help me!"

Ling Feng stared at the broken sword, his expression stagnant.

This sword gave him a very familiar feeling, it could even be said that it was a feeling of blood connection.

Before this, you would only feel this way when you held the Ten Directions All Destroyed!

Could it be that this is also a heavenly weapon!

The Heavenly Weapon is an exclusive divine weapon given by the Heavenly Dao clan after awakening the Eye of Heaven.

This is the unique talent of the Tiandao clan. The strength of the Tiandao clan, and even the demise of the Tiandao clan, are more or less related to the existence of the heavenly soldiers.

(PS: As mentioned earlier, the five immortal emperors of the Immortal Realm coveted the heavenly weapons of the Tiandao clan, so they joined forces to deal with the Tiandao clan. Not only that, they also took the descendants of the Tiandao clan as prisoners to sacrifice and refine the heavenly weapons. For details, see " Chapter 885 Heavenly Soldiers!》)

And here, there actually exists a broken heavenly weapon?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, he sneaked to Zifeng's side, reached out and grabbed the broken sword!

For a moment, in Ling Feng's mind, an extremely majestic figure suddenly appeared, one man and one sword, fighting fiercely in the heavens!

The sword in his hand is similar to his Shifang Destruction, but it has another name.

God damn it!

Ling Feng's ten directions were destroyed. In fact, it can also be called killing the sky!

God damn it! Punish the sky!

Ling Feng felt as if his mind was about to explode. A powerful will swept out from the broken sword, sweeping Ling Feng's entire sea of ​​consciousness and entire dantian space like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves. Sweeped the whole thing.

Then, there seemed to be a special power gathering from the limbs and bones, condensing at the center of the eyebrows.

Divine pattern!

On Ling Feng's forehead, a bright golden inscription faintly flashed, which was somewhat similar to Yu Junyao's original divine pattern, but more complex and mysterious.

However, the divine pattern only existed for a breath before dissipating again. Ling Feng vaguely felt that some kind of change had occurred in his body, but it did not seem obvious.

Then, in Ling Feng's hand, the broken sword that Zifeng could not pull out after exhausting all his strength was like a wooden stick. He pulled it out from the crack in the rock with a slight pull.

"So easy?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, but strange things continued to happen. As soon as he took the broken sword, it began to become extremely hot, and then it seemed to be in his hand. No matter how hard Ling Feng shook it, he couldn't shake it off.

Then, the scorching broken sword melted into molten iron and "drilled" directly into his body. Shifang Jue Mie seemed to have completely lost control and merged with the mass of molten iron.

In the blink of an eye, the two swords merged into one!

All directions were destroyed, but the petrification became slightly shorter, and there were a few more strange inscriptions on the sword's edge.

"Could it be that the heavenly soldiers will still devour each other?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, clearly feeling that some kind of power was quickly dissipating in the pond.

He glanced at Zifeng and found that Zifeng was also looking at him blankly. It seemed that he probably hadn't understood the situation yet.

"No matter, let's go up first and talk about it later!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, believing that Yu Junyao and the others were impatient to wait above.

At this time, Yu Junyao was wandering back and forth by the pool, constantly cursing Ling Feng in a low voice.

The stupid donkey was lying on the ground, staring at the pool and thinking hard, "What kind of spiritual spring is this? This divine beast doesn't know!"

Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen, on the other hand, stood on the side in silence, obviously having their own concerns.

At this moment, an astonishing fluctuation erupted from the bottom of the water. Everyone's expressions changed, and they all stared at the pool.

But this fluctuation quickly disappeared, and the pool fell into silence again.

Just when a few people thought they were about to wait for another long time, they saw a figure in white emerging from the water.

Naturally it was Ling Feng.

"Come down quickly and refine this spiritual spring before the spiritual energy disappears completely!"

Ling Feng hurriedly waved to Yujunyao and others. This pool of water contained the power of the origin of chaos. Although Yujunyao and the others could not absorb all the attributes of the power, they could absorb energy that was beneficial to themselves.

The power of chaos is all-encompassing. In other words, anyone can absorb the power of chaos. It's just a matter of how much.

"You brat, if we can go down, we would have gone down long ago!"

The bitch cursed lowly, picked up a stone, and threw it at Ling Feng.

However, the stone was not bounced away, but was caught by Ling Feng.

The restrictions around the pool seem to have disappeared!

"Ha ha!"

The stupid donkey is naturally not stupid. As soon as he saw this scene, he immediately spread his hooves and jumped into the pool.

"Wow haha, this spiritual spring is so powerful!"

The bitch laughed heartily. After absorbing the water from the pond, the power of chaos immediately transformed into demonic essence and merged into his body.

In just a moment, he felt that the demonic energy in his body had grown stronger.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen also jumped into the pool. One activated his sword intention, and the other activated his spiritual consciousness. They both suddenly showed expressions of ecstasy.

This pool is so mysterious!

In the end, only Yu Junyao frowned and glanced at the people in the pool with some disgust.

There are several stinky men again, and there is also a stinky donkey. I feel so disgusted!

But in the end, she still couldn't resist the attraction of improving her cultivation. She gritted her teeth and jumped into the pool with a plop.

The moment she stepped in, a sense of warmth immediately penetrated into her body, wrapping the origin of her soul, nourishing and strengthening it.

She even felt a strong sense of tiredness and wanted to just fall asleep.

"Oh my God, why can this spring water even strengthen the original divine fire of our Jiuli Divine Clan!"

Yujunyao was almost dumbfounded, but she felt that her brain had stopped thinking, and her entire body was greedily absorbing the pure energy contained in the water.

Time passed little by little, and the water pool became more and more transparent. Because Ling Feng pulled out the broken sword, the spiritual energy in the water pool was quickly dissipating and returning to the world.

But even so, the harvest of Ling Feng and the others is undoubtedly huge!

Especially Ling Feng, although his cultivation level is the lowest, his speed of absorbing spiritual energy is the most exaggerated!

In less than half an hour, his cultivation has risen from the fifth level of the Destiny Realm, like a rocket, to the sixth, seventh, and eighth levels!

Finally, it stabilized at the ninth level of Destiny Realm!

There's only one step left, and that's half-saint!

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