Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2264 Taihua Immortal Order! (2 updates)

"Phew... survived!"

Yu Junyao and others all let out a sigh of relief. Although Ling Feng resisted most of the calamity thunder for them, they still managed to survive the first nine-turn calamity in the end, and their strength was greatly improved. Small improvement.

The bitch was even more elated, and proudly posed in a few poses that he thought were very strong, patted his arms... well, the tendons on the donkey's hooves, laughed loudly and said: "This beast is worthy of being the best in the world. A divine beast, strong and invincible!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily, "I don't know who shouted for help just now!"

"Hmph, you are the most beloved of this beast, so it is only natural to help this beast overcome the calamity!"

The bitch raised his hoof and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Good job, Xiao Fengzi!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. He was about to say something bad to this guy when he heard a scream of "Fuck!". The electric current escaping from Ling Feng's body made him numb all over. Black smoke was rising from his head. He fell to the ground, with his legs in the air, twitching.

"You brat, you deliberately messed with me!"

After a long while, the bitch spat out black air and stared at Ling Feng angrily.

"This is what you deserve!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly and said: "I have just absorbed so many tribulation thunders, but I haven't been able to refine them yet. Look..."

As he spoke, Ling Feng's body flashed with lightning again. This situation may last for a while.

At this time, Xiao Hen and Xuanyuan Yu also slowly finished their work, and both bowed to Ling Feng, "Thank you, Brother Ling!"

In their eyes, apart from gratitude, there was more shock.

What kind of monster is this guy? He dares to swallow that level of thunder directly into his stomach!

In the end, my face was only slightly blackened, and my clothes were not torn!

This is too outrageous!

What's even more exaggerated is that this guy is not even a saint-level person!

"You are Welcome!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Let's leave quickly, others will be here soon!"

There was a calamity cloud that enveloped this area before, so naturally no one dared to come, but now that the calamity cloud has dissipated, there must be many curious people coming.

In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

As for those pools of water...

The spiritual energy inside has basically dissipated, and even if there is still some residual spiritual power, the effect will definitely not be very good.

Furthermore, these pools of water have now become "bath water" for people like them. Ling Feng felt a little uncomfortable when he thought about it, so he gave up the idea of ​​collecting some and taking them back.

On the contrary, his own ten directions were destroyed.

Before Ling Feng did this, he actually took out Shi Fang Ji Mie and observed it carefully several times.

Apart from being a little shorter and having a few inexplicable patterns, there doesn't seem to be anything special about it.

It is extremely strange to fuse a handful of heavenly weapons, only to have them destroyed in all directions, neither in terms of quality nor power.

As for the guy Zifeng, he seemed to have become very lethargic again. He went straight back to the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and started to fall asleep.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get any valuable information from him.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng didn't think much about it. Even for the time being, the broken sword fused by Destruction in All Directions had no effect, but Ling Feng believed that this broken sword must contain something special. The power, I just haven’t discovered it yet!

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng's eyes were focused, and he led a few people towards Taihua Immortal Palace and moved forward again.

Because the collision of the rules of the two worlds just now may shorten the time Taihua Immortal Palace can stay in Xuanling Continent, so they have no time to waste.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will miss the opportunity in Taihua Immortal Palace.

After they left, it took a while before many warriors came over.

When they discovered that there was actually a "spiritual spring" hidden here, everyone looked ecstatic.

"Haha, I think someone who was able to break through in cultivation before and cause a thunderstorm must have drank from the spiritual spring here!"

"This is a fragment of the Immortal Realm. This is an Immortal Spring. If you take a sip, your cultivation will definitely skyrocket!"

As a result, a group of warriors picked up the water from the pool and started drinking.

But soon, they discovered that although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this "immortal spring" was indeed quite pure, it was not to the level of heaven-defying proportions.

It’s only about 10% more efficient than meditating on this floating fairy island!

This level of improvement is of little significance, but it is still pretty good. After all, the richness of spiritual energy on the Floating Fairy Island is more than ten times higher than other places in the West Sword Region.

This 10% increase is not small.

"It's weird, the fairy spring I drank smells like donkey stinky!"

"It must be like this for things like Xianquan. Drink more and you'll get used to it!"

"You're right! In order to improve your cultivation, you have to drink even if you don't like it!"

"Gulu gulu..."

Then, all the emperor-level and saint-level experts started to drink happily.

If they knew the source of this donkey smell, the expressions on their faces would probably be very exciting!

About an hour later, Ling Feng and his party finally arrived at a dilapidated city.

Taihua Immortal Palace is right in the center of the city!

At this time, many warriors had already arrived in this dilapidated ancient city.

However, everyone gathered outside the city and did not go in.

At the city gate, there is also a line of ancient writing, which Yu Junyao can vaguely recognize, which reads: Taihua Immortal Order.

The general meaning is that entering this city requires the Taihua Immortal Order.

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