Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2265 Divine power breaks out! (3 updates)

"There may be clues in the ancient city!"

Yu Junyao said in a deep voice: "Since this Taihua Immortal Palace is the important place of the ancient Immortal Sect, there will definitely be disciples guarding it. Although after a long time, the corpses have disappeared, but among the relics of those disciples, there may be There is the existence of Taihua Immortal Order.”

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Ling Feng shook his head and said calmly: "This Taihua Immortal Palace is not the first time to come to Xuanling Continent. In other words, those before us have naturally obtained the Taihua Immortal Order. Even if there are still in the ancient city, If you want to find it, the chance is very slim.”

"What should we do?"

The bitch stared at the dazzling golden Taihua Immortal Palace, his eyes almost glowing green.

If he hadn't known that the restrictions in this fairyland were no joke, he would have wanted to force his way in directly.


Ling Feng slowly spit out one word, "As far as I know, this is not the first time Taihua Immortal Palace has come to the West Sword Region. In this case, someone must have obtained the so-called Taihua Immortal Order, or he will pass it on to his descendants. , then, as long as someone holds the Taihua Immortal Order, the ban can naturally be opened."

"That makes sense."

Everyone nodded. It was undoubtedly the best way to cope with the ever-changing situation by remaining unchanged.

Even if we take a step back, for Ling Feng, during this trip to the floating fairy island, his cultivation reached the peak of the Emperor Realm, and he also obtained the "Xuantian Cloud-Breaking Sword" and a Demon Blood Refiner. picture.

These gains are enough.

Even if you can't enter Taihua Immortal Palace, the trip is worthwhile.

Therefore, he is very calm anyway. It is best if he can get in. If he cannot get in, it will not be a loss!

However, Xiao Hen seemed a little anxious. The reason why he came to Taihua Immortal Palace was to find a powerful soul skill, not to simply improve his cultivation.

Admittedly, it was an unexpected blessing to be promoted to the second level of the Nine Transformations Realm, but this was not what he wanted.

Time passed bit by bit.

Sunrise and sunset!

Ling Feng and his party stayed behind outside Taihua Immortal Palace, waiting for three days!

At this time, Taihua Immortal Palace was vaguely unstable, and seemed to be returning to the endless void again.

"Oops, Taihua Immortal Palace is about to leave the West Sword Territory, but no one has come out with the Taihua Immortal Token!"

The bitch frowned. He wanted to break through the palace door again and again in the past few days, but he could never muster the courage.

Because the last warrior couldn't hold himself back, the grass on his grave is now several feet high.

This is no exaggeration, because the spiritual energy of the floating fairy island is extremely rich, and the grass on the grave grows very fast!

"Looks like the trip was in vain."

Ling Feng shrugged angrily. There was nothing he could do about it. If he couldn't find the Taihua Immortal Token, he couldn't just stupidly force his way in.

No matter how confident he is, he can't do such self-destructive things.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng's hand was destroyed and suddenly started to tremble slightly. Then, Ling Feng felt his mind heat up, and he walked towards Taihua Immortal Palace uncontrollably!

Kick, kick, kick!



He got closer and closer to Taihua Immortal Palace, and then, he raised his sword high!

"You brat, you're crazy!"

Yujunyao suddenly discovered that Ling Feng actually attacked the barrier of Taihua Immortal Palace, and was immediately frightened to death.

The backlash was no joke. They had seen an old saint-level powerhouse before, and in the blink of an eye, it was instantly destroyed.

Ling Feng, you are not such an irrational person!

However, he did it!

I saw him holding it high and destroying it in all directions, his expression became more and more cold and arrogant, his eyes seemed to have the fury of thunder, and the breath of terror kept pouring out of his body, as if what he was looking at was not a palace, but an sworn enemy. enemy!

This momentum is getting stronger and stronger, as if there is a terrifying power contained in Ling Feng's body, which is slowly waking up at this moment.


Click, click, click!


A huge earthquake in the void!


The restraints that countless other veteran saint-level powerhouses were helpless to restrain actually cracked at this moment!

Even Ling Feng's sword was only hanging high above his head and was not cut down!


With a huge crisp sound, the entire restriction shattered and turned into billions of fragments falling down!

As if the mirror was broken, the defensive barrier around Taihua Immortal Palace was broken!

Under Ling Feng's "divine power", the barrier actually broke apart automatically!

"Oh my God!"

Yujunyao witnessed this scene with her own eyes and could hardly believe her eyes.

Does this power really belong to Ling Feng?

That kind of power is probably the method of an immortal!

Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen were also dumbfounded. Ling Feng at this moment gave them an extremely strange feeling!

It seems that he is no longer Ling Feng!

The bitch was so frightened that her legs were shaking.

In Ling Feng, he felt an aura that could only be found in the master of his immortal realm, the real Tianbai Emperor himself.

And Emperor Tianbai himself is a real powerful immortal!

Does Ling Feng actually have the power of a powerful immortal hidden within his body?

At this time, the anger in Ling Feng's eyes had not dissipated.

The figure flashed, and the next moment, he had flown into Taihua Immortal Palace.

"Ling Feng! (Brother Ling!)"

Yu Junyao and others shouted at the same time, but Ling Feng seemed not to hear them at all. In the blink of an eye, they had disappeared.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, squeezed her pink fist, and quickly chased after him.

Xiao Hen, Xuanyuan Yu and Jianlu also rushed into Taihua Immortal Palace. While worried about Ling Feng's situation, they were pleasantly surprised. At least, they could finally enter the Immortal Palace.

"Look! The restrictions in Taihua Immortal Palace are cracked!"

Many warriors around suddenly found that the barrier of Taihua Immortal Palace was broken, and they all expressed ecstasy. Although they did not understand the specific situation, this did not affect their enthusiasm for entering Taihua Immortal Palace.

This is like picking up a fallen pie, don’t give it up for free!

"That breath just now..."

Many veteran saint-level powerhouses vaguely felt the terrifying aura before the barrier was broken, and they were all slightly worried.

But in the end, their enthusiasm for opportunities and treasures made them lose their minds, and they all rushed towards Taihua Immortal Palace!

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