Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2269 The Headless Statue! (1 more)

(PS: "Ling Feng" with double quotation marks refers to the ancestor Can Nian who controls Ling Feng, while Ling Feng in the consciousness space does not have double quotation marks, referring to Ling Feng's self-awareness. Because these chapters will Keep switching perspectives, so let’s make a statement first!)

"What's going to be in there?"

Within the consciousness space, Ling Feng's soul can witness everything in front of him from the perspective of a bystander.

The giant bronze door slowly opened, and "Ling Feng" flew in. The scene in front of him was a bit unexpected.

This fairy dome has been closed for who knows how many years, but the inside looks out of place with the ruins outside.

What comes into view is a courtyard with particularly dense flowers and plants, rockery and rocks, and an eclectic look. It seems to be a very elegant garden.

Just because no one has taken care of it for a long time, the trees, flowers and plants have grown extremely tall and clustered together.

You can still vaguely see a cobblestone path among the flowers and plants. The winding path leads to a quiet place. At the end of the cobblestone path, there seems to be a temple.

Yes, it’s a temple!

The anger in "Ling Feng's" eyes became more and more intense, and he moved forward quickly, like a bolt of electricity.

Yu Junyao and the others quickly followed. Everything here gave people a very mysterious, weird, and even a little bit weird feeling.

Finally, "Ling Feng" arrived at the door of the temple. With a wave of momentum, the door of the temple immediately exploded.

Surprisingly, inside the temple, two men dressed as Taoist boys actually walked out. They looked at Ling Feng with a look of blame, as if they were blaming him for coming uninvited.

"Oh my God!"

Yu Junyao's eyes almost fell out when she saw this scene.

Is there anyone else here?

Living person?

Could it be that these two people are from the immortal realm, immortals?

"I don't know, you two..."

Just as Yu Junyao was about to ask, she saw Ling Feng's aura surge around him, and the bodies of the two "Tao boys" immediately burned with black flames, and in the blink of an eye, they had turned into ashes!


Yu Junyao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, the immortal was destroyed?

The bitch was also breaking out in a cold sweat. The current "Ling Feng" was too terrifying. The "immortal" on the opposite side didn't even say a word, but was destroyed directly?

After all, those two guys are also the "aboriginals" of this place. From their mouths, we can get some valuable information. "Ling Feng"'s footsteps did not stop, and he rushed directly into the temple in a flash. .

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and quickly followed.

At the same time, more and more warriors are gathering towards this temple. Most of the Taihua Immortal Palace is in ruins. Only this "Taihua Immortal Dome" looks very complete.

It is conceivable that the most complete treasures and opportunities must be within the Taihua Immortal Dome.

After Ling Feng and his party entered the Taihua Immortal Dome, it was Young Master Xiang Liu and his group of monsters who were secretly following them.

When Young Master Xiang Liu saw that Ling Feng actually burned those two "immortals" to death with just one look, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Ling Feng just glared at him. If he had used that kind of black flame, he would have been wiped out in ashes!

"Then boy, what's going on?"

Mang Niu was also secretly afraid, but fortunately he didn't jump out and directly trouble Ling Feng, otherwise, the grass on the grave would have been waist-deep by now!

"No matter what, there must be a huge secret in that kid!"

A ray of light flashed in Young Master Xiang Liu's eyes, "If we can get his secret, hum!"

For a time, a group of strong demon clan men all had their own agendas. On the surface, they were uniting to deal with Ling Feng, but in fact, they all wanted to monopolize the benefits and seize the opportunity of Ling Feng.

Finally, "Ling Feng" strode into the temple. The space inside seemed much larger than expected.

This is a very spacious hall, with at least hundreds of people inside, kneeling on the ground, muttering words with pious expressions, as if they are praying to some supreme being.

There are so many people!

Within the consciousness space, Ling Feng's soul was startled. He could clearly see that those people were all alive!

Similarly, Yu Junyao, Jianlu, and the warriors who entered the temple later were also stunned.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them with their eyes straightened.

They could never have imagined that there would be so many living people in Taihua Immortal Palace!


can not imagine!

But even though many warriors had already entered the hall, the "immortals" who were worshiping did not seem to notice anything. They just continued to mutter words and kowtowed devoutly from time to time, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

The next moment, an indescribable feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart.

In the ears, there seems to be a majestic Sanskrit sound, hitting the soul directly, like a magic sound, making people feel a wholehearted surrender, and even fearless, as long as the supreme existence makes a sound With the order, you can go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire!

It is a feeling of faith, which seems to have achieved great detachment, great freedom, and makes people awe-inspiring!

Just like the song of the great road, a god with infinite brilliance rises in my mind. I can't help but respect and worship them, and I also want to join them.

Through his own eyes, Ling Feng's spirit could clearly see that the expressions of the warriors who entered the temple from behind gradually became dull, but their eyes clearly showed signs of struggle.

A strong person who can be promoted to the Saint level has already coincided with the power of the Great Dao, and is naturally unwilling to grovel and become someone else's believer.

No, those people in the hall are more like puppets than believers.

Each of them has lost themselves and become slaves of the "god" they believe in.

"Damn, what's going on? I can't control myself anymore!"

More and more people are discovering the weirdness of this temple, but they can't control themselves at all. There are even some who are not determined and have knelt down on the ground and started to worship a statue in the center of the hall.

Looking in the direction where hundreds of believers were worshiping in the temple, they were worshiping a stone statue more than three feet high. However, it had been damaged from the neck up, leaving only a body without a head.

Judging from some physical characteristics, this statue should be a female deity. Although it has lost its head and is just a stone statue without a soul, it exudes an indescribable divine power.

The Sanskrit sound that confuses the mind is inspired by this severed head statue.

"Ling Feng", with anger in his eyes, walked towards the statue step by step.

Finally, "Ling Feng" stopped under the altar, staring at the broken statue, with a ball of angry flames surging in his eyes, and let out a roar like a thunderous explosion——

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