Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2270 Crush! (2 updates)


That kind of anger, even Ling Feng's soul was deeply infected by it.

Vaguely, he seemed to be able to "see" a scene of a blood-stained sky. That scene was the source of his anger.

Ling Feng can guess that these may be what the ancestor of the Tiandao clan experienced during his lifetime.

There must be a blood feud between the ancestors of the Tiandao clan and the owner of this broken statue in Taihua Immortal Palace.

Under the pull of Qi, an extremely terrifying supreme aura erupted from Ling Feng's body.

The Shifangjiu in his hand became hot and even emitted a dark red light.

The overwhelming aura almost shattered the void, and the entire temple shook violently.

At the same time, the severed head statue also burst out with a divine light that soared into the sky, violently colliding with the aura of "Ling Feng".

For a moment, the unparalleled aura that transcended the imperial realm, the holy realm, and the ancestral realm, and the power of the fairy spirit possessed only by the powerful immortals, entangled and collided with each other.

On one side is an image of destruction and destruction, and on the other side is an image of brilliance and divine power, which collides violently.



The entire hall shook violently, and the next moment, tiny cracks appeared on the severed statue, and then spread like a spider web.

Finally, there was only a "boom" explosion and turned into flying ash.


Ling Feng also spurted out a mouthful of blood, "kick, kick, kick" and stepped back for more than ten steps before regaining his balance.

At the same time, all the believers seemed to have lost their backbone, their eyes were empty, and they just kept kowtowing, as if they were very panicked.

Ling Feng felt that the strange power in his body suddenly disappeared, and his consciousness took control of his body again. A feeling of weakness came over him, making Ling Feng almost unsteady on his feet.

"Is it possible that the ancestor's goal was that statue?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned around and walked towards Yu Junyao, grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard a few times.

Yu Junyao had also been bewitched by the Sanskrit sound before, with a fanatical look in her eyes.

Fortunately, the statue was blown up by "Ling Feng", and there was no further temptation, so she quickly woke up.


As soon as Yu Junyao woke up, she immediately exclaimed, "Oh my God, I just..."


Ling Feng comforted her and said in a deep voice: "It's okay!"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng, first stunned, and then said happily: "You brat, have you finally changed back?"

"So be it!"

Ling Feng only felt that his body was extremely weak, but it seemed that there was still some residual strength integrated into his body.

If this power can be used for oneself, then it will be invincible!

Without the power to confuse people's hearts, the monks in the temple woke up one after another, and at the same time showed signs of panic.

"There's something weird in this hall!"

An old man showed fear on his face and said solemnly: "In my opinion, it's better to withdraw first and then consider the long term!"

"Joke, quit?"

Another saint-level powerhouse sneered, "Old guy, these guys kneeling on the ground seem to have no self-awareness. If we directly loot them, I'm afraid we can get a lot of good things, right?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes showed greed.

Other things may not be well preserved, but if there are things like spiritual rings on these living people, they are full of treasures!

And looking at these guys, they have already become puppets, they are all unconscious walking zombies. There is no point in leaving things to them anyway.

But despite this, no one dared to actually plunder these people's belongings.

After all, these people may be "immortals". If they are awakened, ten lives of these people may not be enough to die.

" my lord!"

At this moment, an old man who looked to be gray-haired stared at a middle-aged man in the hall who had become confused, frightened and uneasy because he had lost the idol, and exclaimed.


The companion who knew the old man stared at the old man and said: "Thunder Light Sword Master, are you kidding me? Is that guy the ancestor of your Lei family?"


The old man named Thunder Light Sword Master took a deep breath and said: "My ancestor disappeared mysteriously more than two thousand years ago and has never been heard from again. Unexpectedly, he is trapped here!"

Everyone's expressions changed. It was not the first time that Taihua Immortal Palace came to the West Sword Region. Every time, there were not a few strong people who died in Taihua Immortal Palace.

But now it seems that those people are not necessarily dead, but are trapped here and have become the puppets of the statue!

These people in the hall are probably all powerful men from various major domains. They all entered Taihua Immortal Palace in order to seek opportunities, but in the end they ended up like this.

In fact, if Ling Feng hadn't accidentally obtained the Heavenly Punishment Broken Sword and was possessed by the remnant soul of his ancestor, thereby destroying the statue, perhaps all the warriors who entered the temple today would not have been able to escape.

"Master, let me take you away!"

The Lightning Sword Master was in tears. He was now more than 2,000 years old, and his great-grandfather had disappeared when he was very young.

He never thought that he would meet his great-grandfather in this new way after more than two thousand years.

When the others saw that the Thunder Sword Master could actually touch the master, but the other party didn't react at all, their minds immediately became active.

These "believers" trapped here are all strong men from the five major realms. Many of them are from the Southern Witch Realm, even the Zhongyuan Realm, and perhaps the God Clan, and there are many recent ones. It's hundreds of years old, and even more distant, maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

If you can get some benefits from them, it will be a worthwhile trip!

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