Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2271 Unrivaled Demon! (3 updates)

For a moment, greed flashed in everyone's eyes.

It wasn’t just about who was the first to take action, but then a group of people started to fight over each other crazily, stripping away the clothes, rings, accessories and other things from those “puppets”.

Anyway, as long as you can get it, you won't let it go.

No matter what these people did, the puppets didn't react at all. They just stared in the direction of the altar with an expression of extreme fear.

Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head. Everything in this temple was weird, especially the altar.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. Judging from the looks in the eyes of the believers, could there be something terrifying under the altar?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, the temple shook violently.

Because the statue exploded, cracks began to appear on the altar below and continued to spread.

Immediately afterwards, with an explosion, the altar exploded, and a dark hollow was connected to the void. Black air floated from it, and finally turned into a huge ghost, which actually covered the roof of the temple. Open.

The ghost figure rose up in the storm, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge god and demon dozens of feet tall, covering the sky and the sun, and the entire world was shrouded.

For a moment, thousands of ghosts screamed, and the sound was terrifying!

The warriors who were frantically snatching the spiritual rings from the believers in the temple were stunned for a moment, and then stared at the huge ghost in mid-air. They were all scared out of their wits.

The black air is swirling, there is no light and no sun, and hundreds of ghosts are walking at night!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This was obviously not a god, but a peerless demon!

Could it be that there was a demon suppressed under that statue, but because the statue was shattered, the demon was released?

If that were the case, everything would be too bad!

But at this moment, the remnant soul of his ancestor seemed to have disappeared. If he didn't take action, how could he fight against such a powerful god and demon?

What a pit!

Ling Feng was so depressed that he vomited blood. Before he had time to rejoice that he had regained control of his body, he ended up inheriting such a mess again.


"Oh my God, what the hell is this!"

Under the pressure of the monsters that were rolling in, everyone, whether at the emperor level or at the holy level, was so frightened that their legs trembled and their legs became weak.

At this time, no one could care about robbing the treasures. Everyone was running away like crazy, wishing they could grow more than a dozen legs.

"Qing Lin, you are a pest, what a great opportunity, I think it is a catastrophe!"

Mang Niu shouted loudly and reprimanded Young Master Xiang Liu loudly. If this guy hadn't said that following Ling Feng would have unexpected benefits, and they hadn't followed, how would they have encountered such a mess!

"You'd better save some energy and think about how to escape!"

Young Master Xiang Liu also looked pale. The demon in the air was so big that no matter how they tried to escape, it seemed they couldn't escape its sight.

What makes people even more desperate is that if this monster escapes from Taihua Immortal Palace, then it will probably be a disaster for the entire West Sword Region, no, for the entire Xuanling Continent!

Roar! ——

At this moment, a long roar came from the distance, the sound spread thousands of miles and rolled like thunder.

The next moment, a terrifying figure flew out from the huge demon shadow!

It was a very burly looking alien, at least two meters away, with a ferocious and twisted face, and a pair of huge wings on its back.

But there was no flesh and blood on the wings, only a pair of skeletons remained, like two sickles, shining with a dark light.

Not only the wings, but his entire body was also rotten. Some parts only had skeletons left, while others still retained rotten flesh, and his whole body exuded an extremely fishy smell.

I saw him slowly spreading his two bone wings, and the demon shadow behind him automatically synchronized with his movements, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura that made people feel chilled.


As he flapped his pair of bone wings, a violent wind suddenly set off. Some warriors who tried to fly away from the Taihua Immortal Dome were directly swept by the violent wind. Their skin and flesh were immediately torn, and then their bones and flesh were separated, and they were covered in flesh and blood. , was crushed directly, leaving a bare skeleton, and then, the strong wind blew, and the skeleton also dissipated!


So powerful!

This terrifying power immediately makes people’s scalp numb!

Everyone also instantly realized a problem: it is impossible to escape!

If you are targeted by that monster, there is only one way, and that is to think!

"I'll wipe it!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth also twitched, and he thought to himself: My ancestor, you have tricked me to death this time!

He wanted to take revenge and destroyed the statue. He felt comfortable, but he was miserable.

That rotten monster's power has probably reached the level of immortality!

How could he deal with such a strong man?

"It's too...this is too fatal!"

The bitch was so frightened that his legs became weak and his heart almost jumped out.

After the rotten monster released a round of Gangfeng, half of the warriors present were wiped out almost instantly.

At this time, no one dared to move anymore, and the monster seemed to have lost interest in other people.

The next moment, he was seen falling from the air, landing heavily on the ground, stepping forward, and striding towards the exploded altar.




Every step he took seemed to cause an earthquake. Everyone broke out in cold sweat and did not dare to take a breath for fear of alarming this terrifying existence.

"Hmph, how can the Tiandao clan be afraid?"

At this moment, a cold and stern voice came from his mind, "Get out!"

Ling Feng was startled and asked tentatively: "Get out... get out? Where to go?"

The next moment, Ling Feng actually felt that he flew out uncontrollably. He was so immortal that he actually blocked the path of the rotten monster!


Ling Feng felt like he was about to vomit blood. My ancestor, just leave as soon as you leave. Why don't you cheat me like this?

I just want to keep a low profile and get through it!

Although Ling Feng considered himself "mighty and unyielding", he still had to see how powerful the opponent was!

If you are so strong and still rush out stupidly, wouldn't you be asking for your own death?

"You still have my divine power left in your body, although it's not much, it's enough to kill this monster!"

In my mind, the voice sounded again, "Since Tianzhu has chosen you, if you can kill this monster, I will teach you the Nine Techniques of Tianzhu!"

Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. His own Ten Directions Destruction had a unique sword technique to match it, "Tian Zhu Sword Technique", and the broken sword Tian Zhu he got naturally also had corresponding sword techniques.

If you can learn it, it is another powerful trump card!

Moreover, the most important thing is that this is the swordsmanship of the ancestor of the Tiandao clan!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng held Shifang Jumie tightly, staring at the rotten monster, with a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

Since the ancestors said that they can deal with this monster, then use the divine power from the ancestors to kill it here!

If he is allowed to go out, then the entire Xuanling Continent may be in trouble.

This is something Ling Feng doesn't want to see anyway.

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