Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2272 Fishing in troubled waters! (1 update)


From the mouth of the rotten monster, an extremely hoarse voice came out, like an evil ghost emerging from purgatory, and a pair of miserable green eyes stared at Ling Feng.

This eerie monster gave him a feeling of extreme danger and cruelty.

If the voice in his mind hadn't told him that a part of the divine power of the Tiandao clan's ancestors still remained in his body, Ling Feng wouldn't have dared to stand in front of this monster.

"That guy is crazy!"

The warriors around them all turned pale with fear.

The monster's target was obviously not them. Being able to survive for the time being was already a blessing.

Fortunately for Ling Feng, the monster didn't bother him, but he actually dared to rush forward and stop the rotten monster!

If this rotten monster gets angry and kills everyone present, who will it be?

It doesn't matter if he wants to die himself, but don't involve others!

"What an idiot!"

"Fuck, what on earth does he want to do?"

A famous emperor-level, saint-level powerhouse was all frightened out of his mind by Ling Feng's actions. The monster just flapped its wings casually, and more than a dozen saint-level powerhouses were dead.

This kind of gap is simply a huge difference, and it is impossible for a mortal to resist!

Yu Junyao also frowned deeply, watching Ling Feng rush out to stop the rotten monster, her heart was in her throat.

"This brat, what is he going to do?"

"The devil knows!"

The bitch was completely frightened by the aura emanating from the rotting monster, and his legs were shaking.

In a sense, since that monster has wings on its ribs, it should obviously belong to the demon clan.

Therefore, the monsters present were even more afraid of this monster's aura. It was a fear that came from the depths of their blood and could not be restrained at all.

For example, Young Master Xiang Liu, the Tauren Mang Niu, etc. were all trembling with fear and could not stop themselves.


The hoarse voice continued to lengthen, as if sandpaper was rubbing against the wall, making goosebumps stand up all over the body.

The next moment, a strange will-o'-the-wisp flashed across the pupils of the rotten monster. The rotten arm raised its arm and clawed hard at Ling Feng.

There is no method, just a claw of instinct, like a walking zombie without consciousness.

But just such a casual claw gave Ling Feng the feeling that he had no way to escape.

The surrounding void was completely blocked. Ling Feng only felt that the world he was in was shattered, and all the rules and powers fell apart.


Cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead. He gritted his teeth and raised it high to destroy all directions.

At this point, all we can do is make a desperate move!

"Eight Swords in One!"

Ling Feng's right arm swung up and he used the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique!

An unspeakable feeling spread from the sword's edge.

Ling Feng only felt that the original power of chaos in his body was fully mobilized.

The Heaven-Destroying Sword Art seems to have undergone some kind of change.

At this moment, it seemed that he was not using his sword skills, but that all directions were destroyed, taking his body with him and striking out a flawless sword.

This sword, in line with some great principles, actually broke through the terrifying blockade of the rotten monster.


Ling Feng immediately relaxed his body, and quickly used Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou to avoid the monster's claw, and at the same time stabbed the monster's back with a sword.


There was a loud noise, and Ling Feng felt as if he had struck the iron plate with a sword. He quickly used the changes of force penetration and force shock. Then, he heard a "click", and the monster's skeleton actually A crack appeared!

"It actually worked!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. The remaining divine power of his ancestors on the broken sword really gave him the power to compete with this monster!

This is a powerful person comparable to the immortal level!

Unfortunately, Ling Feng also knew that this power was just an afterglow and was on the verge of exhaustion.


Several bones were broken, and the rotten monster roared angrily, then slapped Ling Feng hard with its claws.


A blazing flame ignited from Ling Feng's body. Different from swallowing flames, this was a black flame!

Previously, when the remnant soul of the ancestor was attached to Ling Feng, it used this kind of flame to burn the two "immortals" guarding the door of the temple to ashes.

It can be foreseen how terrifying the power of this flame is.

The monster seemed to be quite afraid of the flames surrounding Ling Feng, but it was only briefly stunned before grabbing Ling Feng again.

Ling Feng held all ten directions in his hands and was surrounded by black flames. He was like a Shura god of war. He fought with the monster with his sword and ended up evenly matched.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying power exploded in catharsis, and everyone was stunned to see it.

This junior is clearly only in the imperial realm, but he actually ended up in a tie with a demon whose realm far exceeded that of a mortal?

Could it be that he is also an immortal?

Taking this opportunity, some people quickly escaped from Taihua Immortal Dome. They didn't want to go through this muddy water.

Others stared at the damaged altar.

The rotten monster had been keeping an eye on the altar before, fearing that there might be some incredible treasure under the altar.

Now, Ling Feng and the monster are fighting, they may be able to fish in troubled waters!


Aren't they here just for the treasure?

Now is a great opportunity!

Suddenly, swiss, swish, figures rushed towards the direction of the altar.

As long as Ling Feng stops the monster, they will have a chance to steal the treasure and leave here immediately.

However, human greed is most vividly reflected at this time.

No one can just watch others benefit. Once someone gets close to the altar, they will become the target of others.

For a time, the temple fell into a melee again, and no one could get close to the altar.

Before even seeing the shadow of the treasure, these people were already massacred.

"Hmph, these greedy guys, now that the enemy is in front of them, the monster is not dead yet, they are thinking about the treasure!"

Yu Junyao snorted softly, and just wanted to say a few words to the bitch, but found that the bitch had already rushed out to grab the treasure.

In terms of greed, among those present, this bitch might be ranked among the top three!

No, it should be properly number one!

This guy killed more fiercely than anyone else, and in the end he provoked many strong men who joined forces to suppress him and beat him, causing him to complain endlessly.

Fortunately, everyone was distracted and focused on the direction of the altar, so for a while he was not in danger of his life.

"You bitch!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but cursed, how could this guy be any more heartless? What should I say, his master is still fighting hard against the rotten monster up there!

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