Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2274 Asura’s Demonic Eye! (3 updates)

"Great Silver Fox, you got the baby, come back to us now, we can help you!"

A trace of resentment flashed in Young Master Xiang Liu's eyes, but he hid it well, instead putting on an extremely hypocritical smile on his face.

"Hmph, Young Master Qinglin, put away your hypocritical mask!"

Silver Fox sneered. He had always been very good at disguising, but now, with that treasure, he no longer had to hide anything!


Young Master Xiang Liu's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"If you don't understand, then you don't need to understand anymore!"

The silver fox raised the gem high, and the next moment, he saw a red light blooming from the blood-colored gem, and heard a "boom" explosion. Young Master Xiangliu didn't even have time to hide, and his whole body , was blown into a pool of blood foam!


The saint-level experts around him all took a breath of cold air.

The power released by that gem was so powerful that it was simply not something that a saint-level powerhouse could resist.

With this treasure in hand, even a powerful person at the level of a great sage can easily kill him instantly, right?


The rotten monster stared at the eyeball and rushed towards the silver fox.

Unlike others, it has no fear.

Seeing the bloody gem taken away by Silver Fox, he immediately abandoned his original opponent and attacked Silver Fox directly.

"Hmph! Looking for death!"

The silver fox sacrificed the gem again, and there was another flash of blood. The terrifying power penetrated the chest of the rotten monster, but it still did not kill it.

The rotten monster roared and rushed towards the silver fox. The silver fox's face changed with fear, and it began to activate the blood-colored gems crazily.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying blood-red beam exploded crazily. For a time, the entire temple was blown to pieces and turned into ruins. Countless warriors were affected, and the rotten monster was also blown to pieces, and its whole body was covered with wounds. There were more than a dozen holes opened, and dark green blood flowed out of the rotting body, which looked extremely disgusting.


A streak of blood shot towards Yu Junyao, coincidentally.

Yu Junyao exclaimed, and when she wanted to dodge, it was already too late.


Ling Feng's figure flashed and he grabbed Yu Junyao's shoulders. Before he could react, he picked up Yu Junyao's waist and rescued her.


Around Ling Feng, the sound of a barrier breaking was heard, but Ling Feng's shoulder was scratched by the bloody ray.

For a moment, blood spattered out, and Ling Feng groaned. With his physique, just being lightly rubbed by the beam could actually cause such a flesh-and-blood wound.

Ling Feng's face darkened. On his body, he was wearing a heart guard forged by a big hammer. This thing was made of Nine Domains Star Steel, and it also laid a layer of absolute defensive magic circle, which could be opened once a day. A barrier that can withstand the full blow of the mighty Great Sage.

However, such a barrier has no resistance at all under the bloody ray.

It is conceivable that if this ray directly penetrates the body, unless it has the same tenacious vitality as the rot monster, anyone else will probably die.

"Ling Feng!"

Yu Junyao had just recovered from the shock. She thought she was about to die. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, she was saved by Ling Feng. However, when she saw the wound on Ling Feng's left shoulder, she couldn't help but grit her teeth, "I...yours hurt……"

"It's just a small injury!"

Ling Feng put down Yu Junyao and looked at the silver fox who kept stimulating the blood-colored gems.

At this moment, the silver fox's body had become quite shriveled and even started to rot!

This kind of rot is exactly the same as that rot monster!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Could it be that although this blood-colored gem can give the holder powerful power, it can also drain the opponent's energy and blood!

This is not a fairy. It is clearly an extremely evil thing!


Silver Fox seemed to have been completely succumbed to that powerful force, completely unaware that he had almost turned into a skeleton!

Finally, the terrifying ray stopped. No matter how much the silver fox urged it, the blood-colored gem seemed to have fallen into a "cooling" time.

At this time, the saint-level strong men who were hiding rushed out one by one, shouting loudly: "Hurry and leave the treasure!"

Even if the treasure is extremely evil and will backfire on one's own energy and blood, it is only caused by excessive stimulation.

The power of this treasure is obvious to everyone.

Therefore, even if there are such side effects, everyone still wants to take this treasure as their own.

After all, the power of Qi and blood is not something that cannot be replenished!

Because the power of Qi and blood was drained, and the power of the blood gem could not be stimulated for the time being, the silver fox was quickly killed by everyone, and the blood gem changed hands again.

After changing hands again, the power of the blood-colored gem can be stimulated again, and this person learned the lesson of the previous silver fox and did not dare to overuse the gem.

But then, the opportunity was snatched by others.

In the melee, the gems changed hands again and again, but most of the people who got the gems did not end well, and in the end they all suffered under the siege of everyone.

But even so, everyone still flocked to it and went crazy for it.

The humble donkey originally wanted to fight for it, but was held down by Ling Feng and thrown directly into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Although this guy was greedy, he was also aware of the evil nature of this thing, so he gritted his teeth and restrained his inner greed.

At this moment, the blood-colored gem, which changed hands several times, was blown away by a force, and shot towards Ling Feng's direction without any deviation.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, since the treasure was delivered to his door, there was no reason not to take it.

Maybe this baby is indeed evil, but Ling Feng knows very well that any power can be good if used righteously, and evil if used evilly.

Isn't his Eye of Shura an extremely evil and terrifying power?

And this blood-colored gem seems to be able to burst out with powerful power by absorbing the power of qi and blood.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the power of this gem is stronger when it is in the hands of the demon clan, but the power is relatively weak when it is in the hands of the human warriors.

Ling Feng reached out and grabbed the bloody gem in his palm.

The next moment, a fanatical and bloodthirsty impulse, accompanied by a stream of messy information, flooded into his mind at the same time.

However, Ling Feng has long been used to this kind of fanaticism.

When the Eye of Shura is opened, the kind of killing that breaks out is child's play in comparison.

With the "Nine Heavens Star Art" in operation, Ling Feng suppressed the bloodthirsty desire to kill, held the gem, and extracted valuable things from all kinds of mixed information.

It turns out that this bloody gem is really an eyeball, and it is the eyeball of the Asura clan, one of the most powerful races among the demon clan——

Asura's Demonic Eye!

(PS: When the Eye of Shura meets the Demonic Eye of Asura, hehe~)

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