Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2275 Ashura’s Will! (1 update)

According to rumors, the Asura clan has nine heads and a thousand eyes, a thousand hands and a hundred feet, spits out the Asura demonic flames, and is a hundred feet tall. They are the invincible gods of war in the demon world.

Of course, these are just exaggerations. The real Asura clan only has three eyes and six arms, and the red gem Ling Feng is holding at this moment is the third eyeball of the Asura clan with vertical pupils.

It can be said that the ferocity and violence of the Asura clan are all condensed in this eyeball!

Asura's Demonic Eye was naturally unwilling to be easily suppressed by Ling Feng's divine thoughts and kept trying to resist.

The Asura clan is a high-level race in the demon world, and its bloodline is as noble as the demon queen Keweili whom Ling Feng met before!

"Are you hungry for power?"

"Do you want to be strong?"

Countless bewitching voices sounded in his mind. Ling Feng remained unmoved. He only felt that the place between his eyebrows, where the Shura Eyes were open, became a little hot.

Drawn by the aura of Asura's Demonic Eye, the Eye of Asura is actually a little uncontrollable!

Ling Feng was shocked. Could it be that the Eye of Asura wanted to devour this Asura Demonic Eye?

This is undoubtedly an opportunity. In the Eye of Heaven, although the power of the Human Eye and the Heavenly Eye are both very powerful, they are undoubtedly much weaker than the Eye of Shura.

It's a pity that while the Eye of Shura provides him with powerful power, it also uncontrollably affects his mind.

Even though Ling Feng could barely stay awake when he evolved into the Golden Emperor's Eye Roar and opened the Shura Eye, there were still various side effects.

He could not foresee what kind of changes would happen to Asura's Eye after devouring Asura's Demonic Eye.

Or even whether he can control such power!

But one thing was very clear to him.

He needs strength!

The warriors around him were all staring in Ling Feng's direction.

They had just witnessed the full-out battle between Ling Feng and the rotten monster. It was a power that exceeded the limits of humanity and had already entered the immortal level.

Therefore, they dare not act rashly!

What's more, among those who obtained Asura's Demonic Eyes before, which one got a good ending?

They would rather see Ling Feng drained of his energy and blood by the Asura Demonic Eye. In this way, they would lose another competitor.

Human nature is like this sometimes, wishing others bad luck, but when it's your turn, you always think a miracle will happen.

"Boy Ling Feng, you are in great luck!"

The bitch stared at Ling Feng with excitement, looking at the Asura Demonic Eye in Ling Feng's hand, his eyes flashing with excitement.

A long chin grew out of the corner of his mouth, and his eyes almost glowed green.

Yu Junyao looked slightly apprehensive. The aura emitted by this Asura Demonic Eye made her feel uncomfortable all over.

After all, Asura's Demonic Eye is the most evil power of the demon clan, and the bloodline of the Jiuli God Clan that she possesses is mutually exclusive with it.

"Boy Ling Feng, show me this beast quickly!"

The bitch stretched out his hoof and tried to grab the Asura Demonic Eye.

"No, this thing is very evil!"

Ling Feng ducked sideways and glared at Bitch, "This is not something you can control!"

Not to mention being a bitch, even I can only rely on constantly stimulating the mental method of "Nine Heavens Star Art" to let myself sink into a void and ethereal state of mind as much as possible, so as to ensure that I will not be bewitched by Asura's demonic eye.

However, a red light flashed in the bitch's eyes, and his expression suddenly became ferocious, and he let out a hoarse roar, "Give it to me! Give it to me! Mine, this is mine, my baby! (It's my precious! Hehehe , Raise your hand if you know this joke~)”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. No matter how greedy he was, he would never become like this!

Something is wrong with his situation!

Sure enough, Ling Feng actually sensed a trace of Asura's power in Bitch's body!

That guy was so absorbed in staring at Asura's Demon Eye just now that he was actually controlled!

Apparently, Asura Demonic Eye knew that he could not control Ling Feng, so he wanted to control the donkey and change hands again in order to absorb more energy and blood power.

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Feng grabbed Asura's Demon Eye and kicked the donkey away, "You stupid donkey, why don't you wake up!"


The bitch hit the wall hard, and the severe pain made him wake up. He began to curse, "Damn it, brat, who do you think is a stupid ass!"

"Who else could it be?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. This guy was not determined enough and could be controlled even by looking at Asura's Demon Eye.

The bitch rubbed his butt that was sore from being kicked by Ling Feng, glared at Ling Feng angrily, and said hatefully: "Damn it, that thing is too evil! I advise you to throw it away as soon as possible, otherwise you will be doomed sooner or later!"

"Then you don't have to worry about it!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, sweating slightly on his forehead. It was indeed a very difficult thing to resist the evil thoughts in Asura's demonic eyes.

The more Ling Feng tried to suppress the violence in Asura's Demonic Eyes, the more fiercely Asura's Demonic Eyes resisted.

At this moment, an indescribable gloomy and murderous aura struck from Asura's demonic eyes and blasted towards his consciousness!

Compared with the previous resistance, this time is obviously more terrifying!


In Ling Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, that gloomy and murderous sword intent rushed towards him. Although it was just an artistic conception, it had the substance to solidify Ling Feng's blood!

Ling Feng's expression changed drastically. This Asura clan was really unruly. It looked like it would never surrender!

"If you don't want to surrender, I will devour you!"

Ling Feng squeezed Asura's Demonic Eye tightly, and the power of Asura began to circulate!

For a moment, the aura around Ling Feng became even more terrifying. Those saint-level experts took a breath of cold air one by one and retreated more than a hundred feet crazily.

In their opinion, the power in Ling Feng definitely comes from the Asura Demonic Eye!

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with light, and the source of his soul was sitting in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The golden light enveloped the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and it was his golden fighting spirit!

With the blessing of the golden fighting spirit, Ling Feng's sea of ​​divine consciousness is as solid as gold. Even the remaining Asura's will in the Asura's Demonic Eyes cannot even think of disintegrating his divine will!


In Ling Feng's spiritual sea, his spiritual thoughts turned into a golden figure, which destroyed all directions in his hand. He fought against the phantom of the demon transformed by Asura's will.

Compete with each other without compromise!

The Asura clan is indeed powerful, but what does the Tiandao clan have to fear?

Even, to a certain extent, the Tiandao clan is the nemesis of the Asura clan!

As early as millions of years ago, the two races were already natural enemies. It was unimaginable that they would be fighting again today.

Bang bang bang!

The two powerful wills kept clashing, and for a while, there was no winner or loser!

Asura's will cannot destroy Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts, and Ling Feng's Year of the Snake cannot do anything to Asura's will.

With Ling Feng's spiritual sea as the battlefield, this is destined to be a difficult and hard battle!

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