Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2276 Blood Shadow Guard! (2 updates)

"Asura kills the world!"

Finally, after being struck again and again, Ling Feng could no longer contain the power of Shura in his body!

The next moment, a bloody curtain came down.

A trace of blood suddenly formed between Ling Feng's eyebrows. This was a sign that the Eye of Shura was about to open.

In the eyes of other saint-level experts, Ling Feng has turned into a terrifying demon!

"Oh my God! What happened?"

"He doesn't know how to refine that treasure, right?"

The faces of the saint-level experts changed drastically. Could such a treasure be refined so easily?

But after Ling Feng got this treasure, he was obviously different from the others. He neither went crazy nor attacked randomly, but stood still, motionless!

However, his aura became more and more terrifying!

At this moment, the vertical pupils between Ling Feng's eyebrows opened!

The Eye of Shura finally reappears!


A deafening roar came from Ling Feng's mouth, and Jianlu and Yu Junyao, who were closest to Ling Feng, were directly shaken away by the terrifying momentum!

"I'll wipe it, you brat, look for the right person!"

The bitch cursed loudly. He had just walked back and was knocked away by Ling Feng again. Was he destined to be tortured today?

But at this moment, the unruly will in Asura's demonic eyes began to collapse!

Under the terrifying and murderous aura of the Eye of Asura, the Demonic Eye of Asura actually surrendered!

However, what Ling Feng didn't expect even more was that the Eye of Asura released a faint light and actually captured the Asura Demonic Eye directly.

Then, Asura's Demonic Eye decomposed directly into droplets of blood, and then was completely absorbed by the Asura's Eye!

Hot, fiery!

Ling Feng felt that his Asura Demonic Flame was almost burning. The blood beads formed by Asura's Demonic Eyes were integrating into his bloodline bit by bit and becoming part of his own strength!


Ling Feng covered his eyes in pain. The burning feeling almost melted his whole body!

He clenched his fists tightly. This kind of pain was even more unbearable than when he first planted the Qi Forging Hunyuan Lock!

Big beads of sweat rolled down his face, and his three eyes actually shed tears of blood at the same time!

"This...what exactly is going on?"

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded. Everything happened so fast and suddenly that no one expected it.

"The treasure must have been forcibly refined, and it suffered backlash!"

Some people speculated, while some people directly chose to take action.

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him, take advantage of his weakness to dig out that eyeball!"

Many warriors' eyes flashed with fanaticism. Ling Feng's aura had risen too fast and terrifyingly just now, making them mistakenly believe that they could get the same power.

Therefore, no matter what, we must take back this Asura Demonic Eye.


Yu Junyao drew out her sword and tried to stop the crazy crowd, but was pulled away by the stupid donkey.

"Stupid woman, you are trying to fool a chariot, and you are underestimating your own capabilities. How many of these veteran saint-level experts can you block?"

The bitch was holding Yu Junyao tightly. If she rushed out, she would be killed instantly by the fanatical crowd.


Yu Junyao stared at Ling Feng. At this moment, he was obviously suffering from huge pain, with veins all over his body protruding and sweating like rain!

"Worried about him?"

The bitch chuckled and said: "That boy is not going to die so easily! Haven't you noticed that his spiritual thoughts have not become weaker, but are getting stronger! Don't worry, he is not an ordinary person!"

Before he finished speaking, a series of screams were heard from the direction of Ling Feng.

A blazing fire shot into the sky!

Astonishingly, it is exactly that, Yan Yan!

Ling Feng, surrounded by flames, slowly stood up and opened his three eyes again!

His aura has stabilized!

"Everyone, do you all want to see the power of Asura's Demonic Eye? Well, I'll let you take a closer look! Blood Shadow Guard!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his eyebrows raised, and a burst of blood suddenly burst out!

Immediately afterwards, a ball of red light condensed, forming an illusory shadow, roaring towards those veteran saint-level powerhouses!

Then, the second way, the third way, the fourth way...

After a while, seven or forty-nine phantoms condensed from the void and charged into the crowd with swords.

Each of these shadows is modeled after Yi Lingfeng, and has exactly the same power as him. Although they cannot use any martial arts, they are already very terrifying.

You know, Ling Feng has become a saint in the flesh, and his brute strength is amazing. How terrifying will those Blood Shadow Guards who are equal to him in strength be?

It doesn't matter if you don't know martial arts, the pure power alone is enough to make ordinary saint-level experts drink a pot!

And this ghost is equally fearless, just like the walking dead.

Moreover, they are completely formed by the power of Qi and blood, and have no vital points at all. If you want to destroy them, you must use the powerful power of the saint to completely disperse them.

Just one head can hold back a Saint-level powerhouse, and here, there are a total of 7,749 Blood Shadow Guards. Together, they are enough to contend with several Great Saint-level powerhouses at the same time!

And this is just one of the abilities that the Eye of Shura brought to him after swallowing the Demonic Eye of Asura.

Of those blood beads integrated into his body, he has only fused less than one thousandth of them. As the fusion continues, I believe that the number of summoned blood shadow guards will increase and their strength will continue to grow.

If he could master some of his own martial arts skills and have hundreds of thousands of Ling Feng take action at the same time...

That kind of power is enough to compete with any sword house!

As expected of the Asura clan, this treasure is really exciting!

Moreover, what surprises Ling Feng the most is that so far, Ling Feng has not found any side effects.

At best, it only consumes more energy and blood.

However, Ling Feng was an excellent alchemist, and there was no shortage of elixirs to restore energy and blood.

For a moment, the whole place was in chaos.

Soon, what was originally a melee turned into an alliance unknowingly. All the veteran saint-level powerhouses gathered together to join forces to defeat the Blood Shadow Guards.

Those veteran saint-level powerhouses were entangled by Ling Feng's Blood Shadow Guards and couldn't get away at all. However, Ling Feng, with one person's power, actually dealt with dozens of saint-level powerhouses at the same time, including three great saints. (PS: Of course, this is just an ordinary great sage. Compared with the powerful Naxi ancestors of the three major sword houses, there is still a gap.)

Such combat power is simply unparalleled!

You know, Ling Feng is still only at the semi-saint level!

In the realm of semi-saints, he can compete with dozens of great saints at the same time, which is enough to be famous throughout the ages!

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