Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2277 Just pretend to be cool and run away! (3 updates)

"You take your time and play!"

A look of weakness appeared on Ling Feng's face. The process of fusing the Asura Demon Eye just now had almost exhausted him to the extreme.

Now, he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible, and then have a good rest!

"Don't even think about running away!"

Those veteran saint-level experts shouted one by one, how could Ling Feng take away such a treasure? No way!

But it's a pity that Ling Feng launched Yufeng Xiaoyaoyou at an extremely fast speed. In addition, those Blood Shadow Guards were fearless and entangled, making it impossible for them to escape for a while.


These veteran saint-level powerhouses were all furious. Together, they were fooled around by a young boy!

"Old ghosts, I won't play with you anymore!"

Ling Feng laughed, and saw a flash of purple light. Yujunyao and Jianlu were directly taken into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Then, he saw his body leaping into the air, dancing angrily for nine days, and in the blink of an eye, he had rushed out of Taihua. Fairy dome.

"Don't run away!"

All the saint-level powerhouses screamed and walked towards the sky one after another, chasing Ling Feng. Unfortunately, they were entangled by the blood shadow guards and couldn't get away at all.

In the end, I could only watch helplessly as Ling Feng got the treasure and was able to leave with such swagger.

People are so angry that they can still run away after pretending to be cool!

"Damn boy, don't let me meet you again!"

"But ancestor, even if we meet him, we can't do anything to him!"

"Let you talk more, let you talk more, let you talk more!"


Then, in the melee, there were crisp slaps and screams like slaughtering pigs, one after another...

Less than half an hour later, Ling Feng left Taihua Immortal Dome far away and landed heavily among the ruins.


Ling Feng let out a long breath, his face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This battle almost made him completely exhausted.

However, the gains gained are also extremely huge.

Needless to say, Asura's Demonic Eye, the ancestors of the Tiandao clan also taught him the incomplete "Nine Techniques of Heavenly Punishment". In addition, there was also the cutting sword Tianchu, which caused annihilation in all directions. Some unknown mutation.

After taking some pills and recovering a little, Ling Feng opened the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and released Yu Junyao and Jian Lu.

"Boy, you feel so comfortable now that you can even refine that evil thing!"

The bitch stared at Ling Feng, with a somewhat sour feeling in his voice.

"So sour!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Do you need to be so bitter!"

"Hmph, I haven't caught a single hair from this beast, why don't you let me feel sore!"

The bitch held a pair of donkey hooves to his chest, looking unhappy.

This guy obviously forgot that he had taken a bath in the spiritual spring before, and his cultivation level had reached the second level of the Ninth Transformation Realm. Moreover, Ling Feng also carried a calamity thunder for him.

In this way, is it also called not catching a single hair?

But compared to Ling Feng, it's nothing.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, took out the Demon Blood Refining Chart and threw it over, "You bitch, don't say I won't give it to you because of the benefits, I'll give it to you!"

The bitch's eyes lit up. He was happy at first, and then itched his teeth with hatred, "You brat, you are trying to trick me on purpose. Who can afford to burn this thing! Brat, you are getting more and more cunning!"

Summoning one of the demons casually would cost tens of billions every minute. How many sect treasure houses would have to be plundered just to be able to use it once?

"Don't forget it, don't say I didn't give you the treasure!"

Ling Feng shrugged, as if he wanted to take it or not.

"Hmph, only fools don't want it, this beast is not stupid!"

The bitch grabbed the demon blood refining diagram and put it down angrily.

"That's right!"

Ling Feng chuckled. In fact, this thing is no different on the donkey than on himself. Anyway, it is not a disposable item. When needed, just use it.

This is equivalent to giving it in vain, and you will not lose at all!

We can't blame Ling Feng for being cunning and dealing with a cheap donkey. If he wasn't more cunning, he would be tricked to death by this donkey sooner or later!

Ling Feng is no longer the innocent young man who was cheated by a donkey back then!

"Miss Jade, after we leave this place, we will exchange ideas on the Xuantian Poyun Sword."

Ling Feng turned to look at Yu Junyao. There was no question of whether he would lose or not when trading with her. After all, we were all friends.


Yu Junyao nodded, obviously still a little frightened, looking a little lost.

After all, this was the first time she faced the shadow of death. If Ling Feng hadn't taken action, she might have been killed by the power of Asura's Demon Eye.

Ling Feng glanced at her and wanted to say a few words of comfort, but didn't know what to say.

At this moment, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook, and the entire floating fairy island seemed to be slowly rising.

"It looks like this floating fairy island is about to fly out of the West Sword Territory, let's leave quickly!"

Ling Feng's expression condensed. Taihua Immortal Palace would only stay in the West Sword Region for about ten days. Calculating the time, today is almost exactly the tenth day!

I don’t know if Xiao Hen and the others have found their own opportunity.

In a dilapidated house that seemed to be a study first, a thin young man held a fragment of a basic book in his hand, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

This young man's face was pale and he looked very weak, but he exuded a majestic aura. He had reached the second level of the Ninth Transformation Realm!

At such an age, but with such cultivation, he can be regarded as a genius among geniuses.

"found it!"

Xiao Hen clutched this ancient book. Most ordinary books would turn into fly ash and dissipate in the wind over the years.

But there is also a kind of ancient book made from the skin of mythical animals. This kind of skin will never decay after millions of years.

And the one he found was actually the secret book of the outer soul soul of Taihua Immortal Palace!

Even if it is only an outer sect, for mortals in the lower realm, it can be regarded as a god-level technique!

This trip, Xiao Hen's trip was already well worth it.

Similarly, in another corner of Taihua Immortal Palace, Xuanyuan Yu also walked out with a broken sword in his hand, contentedly.

This is a fairy sword!

Different from the fairy weapons in the lower realm, although the fairy swords in the fairy realm are also at the level of fairy weapons, the materials used are hundreds of times rarer than those in the lower realm.

Although this sword is broken, its power is no less than that of a top-notch fairy weapon!

What's even more valuable is that there is still a trace of immortal will left in the immortal sword. If he can understand it, it will be a blessing for him.

Both of them looked at the main hall in the center of Taihua Immortal Palace. Although most people gathered there, since they had made up their minds not to follow Ling Feng and look for their own opportunities, they naturally would not go there.

Therefore, they got a pretty good opportunity instead.

"I wonder what's going on with Brother Ling!"

Both of them murmured to themselves, feeling the changes in the entire floating fairy island, they also spread out their body skills and prepared to fly away from this place.

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