Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2278 Parting ways! (1 update)

"The Fountain of Youth, I finally succeeded!"

At the same time, on the other side of the floating fairy island, a young man jumped from a broken tower.

This person turned out to be the genius of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, Jun Jiuyou!

His injuries were extremely serious. On his left shoulder, there was a wound that was deep enough to show the bone. It almost cut off the entire arm. If the wound was just a little deeper, he might have turned into a one-armed man. .

But even so, there was a look of ecstasy on his face, and he seemed not to care about the serious injuries on his body.

But it turned out that the reason why he landed on the Floating Immortal Island was different from the others. Others were going to Taihua Immortal Palace to seek opportunities, but his goal was very clear, which was for the Fountain of Youth.

This is also the reason why Ling Feng and the others have never seen Jun Jiuyou again since they crossed the natural chasm.

Jun Jiuyou covered his chest and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. With his terrifying defense, he dared to resist even the terrifying sword energy remaining in the cracks in the ground. But in that high tower, However, he was seriously injured, which shows that he experienced an extremely fierce battle.

Fortunately, he survived and got what he wanted.

At this moment, the ground beneath his feet began to tremble violently, and Jun Jiuyou's expression condensed. He knew that this floating fairy island was about to return to the endless void, and he had to leave this place as soon as possible.

And all over the floating fairy island, the warriors who were looking for opportunities or fighting for treasures all stopped what they were doing and started running wildly, preparing to leave Taihua Immortal Palace.

About an hour later.

Outside the ruins of Songfeng City, in a bare open space, Ling Feng and the others slowly flew down.

This place was originally a huge forest, but when the floating fairy island came, the powerful shock wave not only destroyed the entire Songfeng City, but also the environment and landforms with a radius of tens of thousands of miles were all changed. It became a bare and barren land.

Perhaps as time goes by, the trees here will grow back, and even because of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth escaping from the floating fairy island, this place will become a treasure.

This is what is said, misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, misfortunes lie on the back of blessings, and blessings lie on the backs of misfortunes.

However, those people who were affected and died will never be resurrected.

"Boy Lingfeng, where are you going next?"

The bitch can be regarded as possessed by lemon essence at the moment, and every word he speaks has a sour tone that makes people dumbfounded.

"Just wait."

Ling Feng said calmly: "When Brother Xiao and Brother Xuanyuan come back, if they also return to Yueling City, go back with them."

At this moment, the situation in Yueling City is not optimistic. Xiao Hen and Xuanyuan Yu have greatly increased their strength on the floating fairy island. If they return to the One Moon Palace, it will also be a big help.

"Hmph, then just wait patiently!"

The bitch grabbed the demon blood refining picture in his hand, flicked his tail, and got into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, where he went to sleep.

This guy also got an advantage and behaved well. At least he absorbed the spiritual power in the pool of water and broke through the first level of cultivation. Several other demon pets have not had this opportunity yet!

Xiao Ming, the underworld dragon, belongs to the lineage of demon dragons, so he cannot absorb the pure spiritual energy from the fairyland. As for Xiao Qiongqi, he is too weak. If he absorbs this level of spiritual energy, he is afraid that he will explode and die.

Therefore, in the end, the only one who enjoys the spiritual spring is the stupid donkey.

Come to think of it, now that this guy has steadily surpassed Yalong Xiaoming, he will go back to dominate.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, not bothering to care. Although this bitch was acting recklessly, he still had some sense of control and would not act recklessly.

Not long after, I saw two figures in the sky, coming hand in hand, it was Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen.

Both of them had happy faces, thinking that they both got good babies.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Xuanyuan!"

"Brother Ling!"

Ling Feng flew forward to greet him, and the two of them nodded to Ling Feng. They landed back on a slightly higher rock and smiled at each other.

"Brother Ling, you finally recovered!"

Xuanyuan Yu glanced at Ling Feng. Without the cold and strong aura before, this was the Ling Feng they knew.


Ling Feng nodded. The feeling of being possessed by the power of the ancestors before was indeed very strange.

"Why did you suddenly become like that, and what happened to that terrifying power?"

Xuanyuan Yu asked a lot of questions like a barrage. Indeed, Ling Feng could shatter the immortal-level barrier of Etaihua Immortal Palace with just a single momentum. This kind of power would be enough to sweep across the entire Xuanling Continent. Already?

"That power is not mine, and it has completely dissipated now. Haha... don't mention it."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "By the way, you two, why did you come down so late?"

Xuanyuan Yu and Xiao Hen looked at each other, knowing that Ling Feng didn't want to mention it more or go into details. Xiao Hen cherished words like gold, so Xuanyuan Yu still replied: "I met some people up there who wanted to intercept me. , Fortunately, Senior Brother Xiao arrived in time!"

They both belong to the nine major families of Duyue Tiangong, and they are both direct descendants, so they treat each other as brothers and sisters.

Ling Feng nodded, this kind of thing is indeed not uncommon, especially in front of treasures, few people can stay calm.

"Are you two planning to return to Yueling City next?"

Ling Feng glanced at the two of them and said in a deep voice: "You should already know the situation in Yueling City, right?"

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath and said slowly: "Well, I'll rush back immediately!"

Xiao Hen shook his head, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but he finally said: "I...I'm afraid it will take some time before I can go back."

"Senior Brother Xiao, why did you..." Xuanyuan Yu wanted to question, but was interrupted by Ling Feng.

"I think Brother Xiao must have his own plans. If so, see you in Yueling City!"

Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted Xiao Hen, and said calmly.

Xiao Hen glanced at Ling Feng with gratitude and took a deep breath. He was not good at words and did not explain anything. After thinking about it, he handed a scroll made of unknown animal skin to Ling Feng's hand. .

"Brother Ling, I will put this in your hands for safekeeping first! When we meet again next time, you can return it to me..."

"This is……"

Ling Feng was about to ask, but Xiao Hen had already drifted away.

Ling Feng pinched the animal skin scroll in his hand and watched Xiao Hen's back gradually disappear before his eyes, then put the scroll into the Naling Ring.

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