Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2279 The tiger falls in Pingyang! (2 updates)

"What a weird guy!"

Yujun Yao muttered, "This Xiao Hen is so mysterious and mysterious that he always makes people feel confused. No one knows what he is thinking."

"Although Senior Brother Xiao is a bit withdrawn, he is not a bad person."

But it was Xuanyuan Yu who said, "Otherwise, he wouldn't have saved me just now!"

The name "Shen Buliang" flashed across Ling Feng's mind inexplicably. Perhaps Xiao Hen's sudden departure must have an inseparable connection with this Shen Buliang.

After all, Xiao Hen said that he regarded Shen Buliang as his master. Thinking about it, his weird soul skills should have come from Shen Buliang.

However, this soul skill obviously had huge side effects. Not only did it change Xiao Hen's temperament, but his physique also became very weird. Ling Feng felt a faint sense of worry.

"Let's go and return to Yueling City as soon as possible!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slowly spoke.

Everyone has their own path to take, and he cannot change everyone's life trajectory. For Xiao Hen, whether his choice is a blessing or a curse, he needs to make his own decision.

What is more important now is to resolve the conflict between the demon race and the human race as soon as possible.

The trigger for the conflict between the two clans was that he killed Young Master Jin Jiao. So, it was time for him, the "initiator", to stand up.


At this moment, a figure flashed across the sky. It was extremely fast, but it was a little staggering. It looked like it was drunk at first, swaying around.

And after that figure, they were still chasing several other figures very closely. No matter how the person in front ran away, they would not let go.

This kind of thing is really common in the world of martial arts.

In particular, these people all came down from the floating fairy island, and they were obviously competing for a treasure.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Let's go, we'd better leave as soon as possible."

Speaking of which, he has offended a large number of veteran saint-level powerhouses. When they come down, he will be in trouble.

After all, although the Blood Shadow Guard is powerful, it consumes a lot of himself. Coupled with the previous battles, Ling Feng is already very weak at the moment.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to leave, the chasing parties, by chance, bumped into their direction.


Ling Feng's head darkened, and he secretly exclaimed that he was too unlucky!

But soon, he discovered that the guy being hunted was none other than Jun Jiuyou!

"It's that guy!"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. How strong Jun Jiuyou was. There was no doubt that his strength was comparable to those of the veteran saint-level experts!

However, even for such a powerful guy, someone would dare to chase him?

Those guys, don't they want their lives?

But soon, Ling Feng discovered that Jun Jiuyou's aura was extremely weak, and he was covered in blood. Both his spirit and his blood were almost exhausted.

Those who were chasing him were all Saint-level experts at the second and third levels of the Nine Transformation Realm. Normally, Jun Jiuyou would not be so embarrassed, but under such serious injuries, he was able to persist like this The situation is already extremely difficult.

Regarding Jun Jiuyou, Ling Feng's impression of him was pretty good.

Lan Yan, the young master of the Azure Fire Clan who is also from the God Clan, is a complete idiot, but Jun Jiuyou is different.

He is strong and confident. Although he is a little arrogant, he is aboveboard.

Ling Feng quite appreciated this.

"Blood Shadow Guard!"

Ling Feng roared, and a line of blood split between his eyebrows. Suddenly, ten blood shadows condensed into a human shape, and then, holding a long sword, he flew towards Jun Jiuyou.

Jun Jiuyou's eyelids twitched, thinking that he was being attacked from both sides. He was about to take action, but he saw the figures of the Blood Shadow Guards flashing out of the way, blocking him and the pursuers.

Then, a fierce battle broke out.

"Hey, what's going on!"

"Damn it, who dares to interfere in the affairs of our Black Mountain Five Chiefs!"

The warriors who were chasing Jun Jiuyou looked like they were about to catch up with Jun Jiuyou, but in the end, another group of Blood Shadow Guards appeared on the way!

Is the duck that has reached its mouth about to fly away?

"Jun Jiuyou!"

Ling Feng shouted to Jun Jiuyou, and Jun Jiuyou's eyes focused on Ling Feng. He was happy at first, and then immediately flew over here.


Jun Jiuyou fell heavily. When he landed, he was almost unsteady. It was Ling Feng who caught him in time to avoid falling to the ground.

From this, it can be seen that Jun Jiuyou's injury is indeed very serious. The powerful saint-level man can't even stand firmly.

"Tick tock! Tick tock!"

There were several wounds on Jun Jiuyou's body, and blood flowed down his arms and dripped to the ground. After a while, the ground under his feet was stained with blood red.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he was even more shocked when he saw the wound on his left arm.

The entire arm is almost hanging on the shoulder, leaving only the last bit of skin and flesh connected. If the wound is deeper, the arm will be cut off directly.

"Many...thank you!"

Jun Jiuyou was sweating like rain, and it took him a long time to say this.

"Why did you become so embarrassed?"

Ling Feng was full of doubts. With Jun Jiuyou's strength, how could the Five Chiefs of Black Mountain be able to deal with him?

"It's a long's a long story!"

Jun Jiuyou was trembling all over. Ling Feng supported his body and could feel that his body was leaning back uncontrollably. It seemed that it was very difficult to even stay standing.

"Take this elixir first!"

Ling Feng shook his head, took out some healing elixirs to restore Qi and blood and gave them to Jun Jiuyou.

"I... owe you... a... favor..."

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng, and before he finished speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Ling Feng shook his head and helped Jun Jiuyou aside, letting Yu Junyao and Xuanyuan Yu take care of him. He looked at the top five leaders of Black Mountain who were fighting against the Blood Shadow Guards above the sky.

"It was Longyou who was tricked by shrimps in the shallows, and a tiger who fell flat and was bullied by dogs!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Compared with Jun Jiuyou, these five leaders of Black Mountain were just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps, but they had forced Jun Jiuyou to this point.

"Quick victory!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, summoned Ten Directions to be destroyed, jumped in, and joined the battle group.

"court death!"

It was discovered that the person who came was actually an Emperor Realm warrior from the Destiny Realm, and the five leaders of the Black Mountains all showed murderous intent.

Today, no matter what, we cannot let Jun Jiuyou leave alive!

Otherwise, if they dare to attack the direct descendants of the God Clan, they may be hunted down by the entire Jiuyou God Clan!

When the time comes, the world will be so big that they will have no place to stay.

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