Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2280 I want them all! (3 updates)

"Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword!"

Ling Feng had an expressionless face and danced wildly with his sword. Although the power belonging to the ancestors of the Tiandao clan in his body had all dissipated, he had benefited a lot from that power.

Even with the blessing of the ancestors, Ling Feng has improved this set of "Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword" to a certain extent, not only making up for the missing parts, but also turning it into a sword that best suits him. .


The familiar sword energy exploded, and the terrifying Xuantian sword power swept over the five leaders of Heishan. Their expressions all changed drastically.

Under Ling Feng's terrifying sword power, their own sword domain actually collapsed and fell apart!

With the addition of Ling Feng, the Blood Shadow Guards began to cooperate with each other with Ling Feng as the core. For a time, the five leaders of Black Mountain were even more difficult to resist, and they were already showing signs of decline.

"Boy, we don't offend the river. Hand over that boy from the God Clan, and we won't offend!"

The boss of the Five Chiefs of Black Mountain, Baoshan, saw that Ling Feng was difficult to deal with, and immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Even more, we can share the treasures on him, add two to one to make five, and we will divide it in half!"

"Split equally?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "This deal is not a good deal!"


There was a trace of anger in Baoshan's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, kid, June 4th! This is my biggest concession!"

"June 4th? Are you too sure of yourself?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "I want everything you have on you!"

"What? You want to swallow all our wealth, dream!"

"Your appetite is too big!"

The five leaders of Heishan suddenly started yelling. These people were all desperadoes, cruel and violent. When they heard that Ling Feng actually had an idea on their heads, they all trembled with anger and became even more ruthless. .

Baoshan was so angry that he was shaking all over, "Boy, you are looking for death! You asked for this!"

The five people roared at the same time, formed a sword formation, and strangled Ling Feng.

They have already seen that Ling Feng is the core of the Blood Shadow Guards. As long as Ling Feng is subdued, the other Blood Shadow Guards will not be a concern.

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity..."

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "You bitch, come out and lick your pussy!"

As soon as he saw something cheap to pick up, needless to say, Ling Feng already lost his temper.


Amidst a burst of laughter, the bitch made a coquettish appearance.


"Corvus Wyvern!"

"The giant ax chops down the tree!"

A series of seventy-two movements of the divine donkey beat the five leaders of the Black Mountains until they screamed wildly.

After a while, in cooperation with the Blood Shadow Guards, the five leaders of Black Mountain were all tortured to the point of shouting for their fathers and mothers, and were finally harvested by Ling Feng's sword.

These people are not good people anyway, so just kill them!

After searching for all their Naling Rings, armors and swords, Ling Feng quickly left the place with Jun Jiuyou.

And not long after they left, the floating fairy island in the sky rose higher and higher, and was about to disappear into the sky.

Then, another figure flew down from the sky, most of them had gray heads and dirty faces, looking extremely miserable.

"You brat, don't let me meet you again!"

"I remember that boy's name is Ling Feng. Even if I chase him to the ends of the earth, I will kill him!"

A group of furious old saint-level experts were all gnashing their teeth with anger and hating Ling Feng.

These people seemed to be on the verge of forming a "victim" alliance to hunt down Ling Feng all over the world.

It's a pity that they are destined to be unable to take revenge. Whether it is the One Moon Heavenly Palace or the Valley of the Wicked, they are not entities that they can provoke.

Once Ling Feng's identity is revealed, these guys may all be wilted!

Three days later.

Ling Feng and his party went all the way north and entered a city called Qianling City.

Because they were carrying a seriously ill patient, they couldn't go any faster.

However, we are almost arriving at Yueling City, and there is only one day left to go.

Jun Jiuyou was in coma for three days, and Ling Feng couldn't ask him about his plans. He had no choice but to take him to Yueling City with him.

At this moment, Ling Feng was taking Jun Jiuyou's pulse in front of the hospital bed. His arm had been bandaged by Ling Feng. The physique of the gods was naturally different from that of ordinary people. After a few days, most of the external injuries had been recovered.

However, he seemed to have suffered several serious internal injuries. Although Ling Feng used "Tai Xuan Acupuncture" for treatment, it could not achieve immediate results.

As for elixirs...

In a short period of time, Ling Feng really couldn't refine any top-grade elixir for him to treat his injuries.

However, after three days, his injuries finally stabilized.

"Hmph, he's a genius from the God Clan, but he was beaten into a coma for three days and three nights by a few rotten fish and shrimps!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but murmured, if Jun Jiuyou hadn't slowed them down, they would have returned to Yueling City by now!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, knowing that Yu Junyao had an unforgiving temper.

Although he was anxious to return to Yueling City, he couldn't leave Jun Jiuyou alone.

"Although he had many sword wounds on his body, the wound on his shoulder was the one that really caused serious damage. It seemed to be cut on both sides, and it also had barbs that caused the skin to roll. This kind of weapon is very strange. It is not that The sword used by the Five Chiefs of Montenegro."

Ling Feng said lightly: "Thinking about it, he should have encountered some strong enemy in Taihua Immortal Palace. Then he was targeted by the Black Mountain Five Leaders, so he became so embarrassed."

"whispering sound!"

Yu Junyao folded her hands in front of her chest, still looking down on Jun Jiuyou.

After all, she was from the Jiuli Divine Clan from the Zhongyuan Domain, and she actually found out that a descendant of the Divine Clan from the West Sword Region was even more powerful than herself, which made her pride a little unbearable.

It’s just Ling Feng, but now there’s Jun Jiuyou!

In fact, Jun Jiuyou is much older than her, at least twenty or thirty years old. In twenty or thirty years, Yu Junyao will probably be even more powerful than Jun Jiuyou now.

Of course, this is based on the fact that she cannot be as lazy as before.

Her talent is not bad, but unfortunately, she is too lazy!

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, Jun Jiuyou, who was lying on the bed, coughed a few times and finally woke up leisurely.

"here it is……"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes gradually focused and fell on Ling Feng. He quickly sat up and said gratefully: "Thank you very much! Ling...hiss, what did you call Ling? The words were already on his lips, and suddenly he was forget!"


A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead, and he laughed twice and said: "Ling Feng!"

"Yes, yes, Ling Feng, that's Ling Feng!"

Jun Jiuyou grinned a few times, raised his hand to pat Ling Feng's shoulder, but immediately grinned in pain, "Oh, rub it, I even forgot that I'm still injured!"


Several more black lines shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. Can he forget this?

"Hehe... I'll give you a token from the Jiuyou God Clan. You can come to me if you need anything in the future!"

Jun Jiuyou grinned and rummaged around in his pocket for a long time, then suddenly frowned and said, "Huh? Where are my cards? Did I drop them again?"


The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched violently, "Brother Jun, you gave me that token when we last met, right?"


Jun Jiuyou slapped his forehead, "Haha, it seems I gave it to you! I wiped it, but I forgot it again! Thank you for reminding me! Brother Ling!"


Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. It seemed that Jun Jiuyou really had a bad memory.

Unexpectedly, this genius of the gods, the proud son of heaven, at first glance seemed to be a peerless figure who looked down upon the world, but it turned out that he was a complete and utter joker...

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