Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2282 It’s a deal! (2 updates)

"No, brother Jun, I think I have a way!" Ling Feng looked at Jun Jiuyou, but a smile appeared on his face. I thought it was a huge problem that required the Fountain of Youth. If it was a hidden injury, then my medical skills would come in handy again! "Do you have a way?" Jun Jiuyou was stunned, looked at Ling Feng, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Ling, I know you want the Fountain of Youth, but this is not a trivial matter. My father's condition is indeed very serious and can only be cured by the Fountain of Youth!" "No, I'm not talking nonsense!" Ling Feng said slowly: "I don't know if you have heard of the ghost doctor Chang Baicao, brother Jun?" "Ghost doctor?" Jun Jiuyou's eyelids jumped, and then stared at Ling Feng, "Do you know the ghost doctor?" The most famous Taoist doctor in Xijian Domain is naturally the ghost doctor. If there is anyone in Xijian Domain who can treat his father's injuries, I'm afraid it can only be the ghost doctor. Unfortunately, the title of the Ten Evils is not just for show. The Evil Valley is even more inaccessible. Even with the power of their Jiuli God Clan, they dare not easily provoke.

What's more, the Ten Evils are notorious. In the eyes of outsiders, they are all extremely vicious people. He never thought that the ghost doctor might help his father.

Ling Feng was amused. He not only knew the ghost doctor, but also cured the ghost doctor's hidden injury for a hundred years!

The reason why he mentioned the name of the ghost doctor was that no one in the West Sword Domain did not know the name of the ghost doctor, and only in this way could Jun Jiuyou believe what he said.

"Yes, I know the ghost doctor, and I have learned medical skills from him."

Ling Feng said slowly. This was not a lie. He and the ghost doctor did learn and communicate with each other, and he could be regarded as learning medical skills from him.

However, it was a little different from the kind of learning that Jun Jiuyou imagined.

"You actually..."

Jun Jiuyou suddenly showed an ecstatic look, "Great, if you can get the ghost doctor to come out and heal my father, the fountain of eternal youth will be all yours!"

"Although my medical skills are not as good as the ghost doctor's, they are also about 70% of his level. Why don't you let me try first? If I can't do it, it won't be too late to ask the ghost doctor."

Ling Feng looked at Jun Jiuyou and said lightly: "Brother Jun's injuries were treated by me. You should know that I didn't lie to you."


Jun Jiuyou took a deep look at Ling Feng and raised his left arm slightly. Indeed, when he fainted that day, his injuries were extremely serious, but he was only unconscious for a few days and most of his injuries had healed. If it was really Ling Feng who treated him, it meant that his medical skills were indeed quite good.

"Have you really learned medical skills from the ghost doctor?"

Jun Jiuyou still didn't believe it. Ling Feng looked too young. Whether it was martial arts or medicine, it would take a lot of time and effort.

At such a young age, does Ling Feng really have time to study medicine?

Even though he is a ghost doctor, his medical skills are indeed very advanced, but in terms of strength, he is only at the bottom among the ten evil men.

Ling Feng has already shown amazing talent and strength in martial arts. If he is also so good at medicine, I really don’t know how he cultivated it!

“It’s absolutely true! If you don’t believe it, you can ask Miss Yu!”

Ling Feng looked back at Yu Junyao and winked at her.

Yu Junyao curled her lips, crossed her arms over her chest, and said proudly: "This kid's medical skills are really amazing!" Seeing that Jun Jiuyou was still hesitating, Ling Feng struck while the iron was hot and said: "If I can cure your father, you don't have to bother the ghost doctor, don't you think? Anyway, there's nothing to lose by giving it a try, right?" Jun Jiuyou thought for a long time and finally nodded, "Okay, if you can cure my father, I can also give you the Time Fountain of Youth!" Ling Feng nodded, "Then it's a deal!" "It's a deal!" A glimmer of hope flashed in Jun Jiuyou's eyes. If Ling Feng could really cure his father, it would save a lot of trouble. After all, even if the Time Fountain of Youth was used, it would only treat the symptoms and not the root cause. If Ling Feng could completely cure the disease, he would not suffer any loss no matter how he calculated it. Ling Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, as if a big stone had fallen from his heart. Finally it was done! Although he had not yet obtained the Fountain of Youth, he had absolute confidence in his medical skills.

"In addition..."

Ling Feng glanced at Jun Jiuyou, "Brother Jun, there is one more thing. I cannot go with you to treat your father for the time being. I must rush back to Yueling City to solve the problem of the demon clan. After that, I can go to Jiuyou City with you!"

"Demon clan?"

Jun Jiuyou frowned and snorted, "I'll go with you! Solve the trouble as soon as possible and return to Jiuyou City as soon as possible!"

He was eager to take Ling Feng back to treat his father immediately. No matter who stood in front of him, they were his enemies!


Ling Feng nodded. With the addition of a master like Jun Jiuyou, plus his special identity, he was more confident in solving the problem of the demon clan.

"Then you should have a good rest first. We will set off again tomorrow morning! I won't disturb your rest!"

Ling Feng left a few more bottles of elixirs for Jun Jiuyou, and then left the room with Yu Junyao.

Since Jun Jiuyou has also decided to go to Yueling City with them, there is no need to worry about the day and a half of travel time.

Perhaps by then, once the young master of the Jiuyou God Clan appears, those monsters will naturally retreat without a fight.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation.

Even if the demon tribe doesn't withdraw its troops, it will at least be a little afraid and won't dare to go too far.

"Hey, brat!"

Yu Junyao followed Ling Feng, raised her eyes to look at his back, and suddenly called him.

Ling Feng looked back at Yu Junyao and blinked, "Is something wrong?"

"If you want the Fountain of Youth, do you want to give it to Yan'er?"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, stared at Ling Feng and said, "She belongs to the Tiance clan. No matter what level of cultivation she reaches, she can never live longer than fifty years old. Am I right?"

While speaking, Yu Junyao had already walked up to Ling Feng, stared into his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Where is Yan'er now? Since the last time he came out of Xihuang, Yan'er has disappeared, and you have nothing. Said, I thought she returned to Donglingxian Pond first!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Even though almost a year had passed, he still didn't want to mention what happened in the Western Wilderness, and he didn't dare to think about it.

That was a shadow that was suppressed in his heart!

"You really want to know?"

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice.

"Of course! She is my good friend!"

Yu Junyao nodded. Although she didn't spend a long time with Tuoba Yan, her companion who was once beside her disappeared inexplicably. Naturally, she had doubts in her heart.

No matter how she asked her at first, Ling Feng didn't mention anything. When she got tired of asking, he would even throw her into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace in order to clear her ears.

As time passed, Yu Junyao stopped asking, but there was always a question in her heart.

Now that Ling Feng indirectly mentioned Tuoba Yan, she knew that perhaps, a certain knot in Ling Feng's heart had been solved.

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