Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2283 Return to Yueling! (3 updates)

"Then, I'll take you to see her..."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and took Ling Feng back to his room first, then opened the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and waited for her to enter together.

"Yan'er is in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace?"

Yu Junyao was stunned, looked at Ling Feng, and said with disbelief: "How is it possible? This is not the first time I have entered the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. If Yan'er is here, how could I not find it?"

Ling Feng didn't say anything, he just walked out of the palace in Mu Zhiyuan Realm and walked to a flower garden.

The flowers of hell are blooming in this flowerbed!

When I picked it back at Pegasus Ranch, this underworld flower was already more than 3,000 years old, and it even bore a thumb-sized underworld fruit.

Now, nourished by the abundant spiritual energy of the Yuanjie of Wood, and Ling Feng's use of Huangquan crystals from time to time to promote birth, this Huangquan flower is almost as old as four thousand years old, and the Huangquan fruit , also growing rapidly, almost as big as a pebble.

It seems that it is not far away from complete maturity!

As long as this underworld fruit matures, Ling Feng can use it to reshape Tuoba Yan's spiritual body and help her regain a new life!

"Isn't this the underworld flower you got at Pegasus Ranch?"

Tuoba Yan glanced at Ling Feng, she still didn't know what it meant.

The next moment, Ling Feng summoned the Tiance Treasure Mirror with a thought.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng slowly said: "Yan'er's soul is sleeping inside. Only after this fruit of hell matures can I reawaken her."


Yu Junyao was stunned, raised her hand to cover her delicate lips, and said in surprise: "How could this happen? Who hurt Yan'er like this? I have to kill him!"

"it's me……"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, recalling the scene that day. In extreme anger, he punched Tuoba Yan and completely destroyed Tuoba Yan's life.

" could it be you?"

Yu Junyao was so shocked that she couldn't be more shocked. No wonder Ling Feng didn't want to mention what happened that day. It's also no wonder that Ling Feng was decadent for several months after that, silent and feeling extremely depressed.

"I don't want to say more about what happened that day. All I can do now is make up for the mistakes I made that day."

Ling Feng's heart felt heavy.

Maybe he was under Ling Hanyang's calculation every step of the way, but he was indeed the one who took action.

He even killed his grandfather, Ling Kun, who raised him!

When he thought of this, Ling Feng still felt a sense of pain in his heart.

"Now you should know why I must get the Fountain of Youth. This is what I owe Yan'er. I hope she won't blame me after she wakes up..."

Ling Feng sighed softly, his expression extremely sad.

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng's back, so sad and desolate, and felt a pain in her heart for no reason: He must be feeling very uncomfortable...

They looked at each other without words, only silence.

Early the next morning, the group embarked on their journey again, but there was another Jun Jiuyou in the group.

Before this moment, Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Yu had always taken turns carrying him on their backs in order to rush on the road, but now that he can walk on his own, his speed has naturally improved a lot.

About half a day later, a majestic city appeared in the distance.

"Yuelingcheng, I'm finally back!"

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, and when he left, his cultivation was at the semi-saint level.

And now, he is already at the second level of the Nine Transformations Realm!

It only took less than a year before and after. Of course, this was also thanks to the opportunity in Taihua Immortal Palace, otherwise he would not have been able to make such rapid progress.

After all, it would take at least ten years for an ordinary person to practice from the first level to the second level of the Nine Transformation Realm.

Ling Feng also felt a trace of nostalgia in his heart, and inadvertently, he also developed some feelings for Yueling City.

After all, he is still the leader of Lingyun Alliance, and this is his other home!

"Is this Yueling City? I have heard of it before, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to come and see it! It is indeed a very magnificent city, but it is just a little bit inferior to our Jiuyou City!"

After a night's rest, Jun Jiuyou's injuries improved a lot. Even if he continued to rush, he didn't show much fatigue.

"Let's go back and take a look first!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The demon clan led an army of 100,000 to suppress the situation. Although the three major sword houses formed a temporary alliance to resist together, the One Moon Palace was the first to bear the brunt.

After all, he is a disciple of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, and most of the hatred of the demon clan is concentrated on the One Moon Heavenly Palace.

Therefore, the situation in the One Moon Palace is the most critical.

When I entered Dede City, I found that there were very few pedestrians coming and going in the city. The entire Yueling City looked a little depressed.

At this time, most of the disciples of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace were transferred to fight against the demon clan. As for the warriors from the outside world, they naturally fled as far as they could, lest the city gate catch fire and harm Chiyu.

"I'll go back to Xuanyuan's house first to check on the situation!"

Xuanyuan Yu frowned. Seeing the situation in the city, he knew that the war might be more serious than imagined.

As the main disciple of the Xuanyuan family, at this time, he naturally has to shoulder his own responsibilities.

"Well, go ahead!"

Ling Feng nodded, Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath, flashed his figure, and galloped away towards Xuanyuan's house.

"You brat, where are we going?"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng and asked casually.

"Go back to Lingyun Village first and take a look!"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment. The top priority was to figure out the situation first. I don't know who was still guarding the Lingyun Villa. When he left last time, the Lingyun Alliance was already growing day by day, and it should be on the right track now.

After a while, Ling Feng returned to Zhuangzi, only to find that the newly renovated Lingyun Village had become dilapidated. Even the door plaque was broken from the middle, and several broken swords were inserted!

On the wall outside the villa, various insults were written with various paints, such as——

"Hand over the little beast Ling Feng. If you have the courage to provoke the demon clan, you must also have the courage to come out and take it!"

"Ling Feng, the shrinking turtle, get out of here!"

"Ling Feng, the bastard alliance leader, ran away with his sister-in-law!"

Ling Feng could barely understand some of the previous remarks, but the last sentence, what the hell is running away with his sister-in-law?

A black line suddenly appeared on Ling Feng's forehead. Sure enough, something happened to the Ling Yun Alliance?

Human nature is like this. Once you are in trouble, you will want someone to come out and take the blame.

He provoked the demon clan and implicated countless disciples of the Single Moon Palace. It was normal for them to be angry.

In fact, if Xuanyuan Longteng had not come forward to protect Lingfeng, Lingyun Village would have been destroyed long ago, instead of just these graffiti remaining on the wall, which is disgusting.

At this moment, guarding the gate of the village was a burly man with a particularly big head.

This guy is none other than the veteran of Lingyun Village, "Big Head" Dong Liang.

When Dong Liang saw a figure approaching from a distance, he immediately showed an impatient look and cursed in a low voice: "These bastards, there's no end to them, right?"

Just as he was about to draw his sword, he suddenly noticed a person opposite him who looked a bit familiar. He rubbed his eyes suddenly and immediately showed excitement.

"The leader! The leader is back!"

Dong Liang was excited and immediately let go and rushed towards Ling Feng and the others, shouting at the same time, "Great, Alliance Leader, you are finally back!"

(PS: The bastard alliance leader Ling Feng ran away with his sister-in-law! Why don’t you hurry up and vote for a monthly reward to catch him!)

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