Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2285 Unruly Heart! (2 updates)

For a time, all kinds of curses continued. These people all stood on the moral high ground, and every word was justified, and they almost scolded Ling Feng completely.

However, Ling Feng remained expressionless and calm from beginning to end, without any emotion.

After more than half an hour, the scolding finally stopped. Ling Feng took a deep breath, stared at the yelling guys in front of him, and said word by word: "Are you done with the scolding?"

"Fart, you thief, I can't even curse you a thousand times, you should be cut into pieces!"

A lean man said bitterly: "People like you..."

"What kind of person am I?"

With a flash of figure, Ling Feng appeared directly in front of the lean man. He was startled and fell to the ground.

The shouting disciples around him quickly took a few steps back, fearing that Ling Feng would suddenly kill someone.

After all, before this, even Dongfang Chun, the number one genius of the One Moon Palace, had been defeated by Ling Feng.

In terms of strength, no one present was a match for Ling Feng.

The reason why they dared to gather together and surround Ling Feng was because they thought Ling Feng knew he was in the wrong and didn't dare to take action.

But if we really have to confront Ling Feng...

Humph, not to mention taking action, just one look from Ling Feng was enough to scare them to shit.

" do you want to do?"

The lean man was shaking violently, pointed at Ling Feng, and said in a trembling voice: "Do you still want to kill me? Come... come on, kill me, let everyone see how you slaughter your fellow sect members. !”


Ling Feng showed an expression of sudden realization, "So, now you remember that I am your fellow sect?"

"Didn't you just want to arrest him and hand him over to the demon clan for punishment? Is this how you treat your fellow disciples? Huh?"

Ling Feng's gaze swept across the entire audience. Everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Ling Feng.

" can that be the same?"

The lean man gritted his teeth and said, "We didn't kill Young Master Jin Jiao, and we didn't trigger a war between the human race and the demon race!"


The disciples immediately seemed to have found a breakthrough, and they gathered together again.

"You have caused a huge disaster, shouldn't you make amends?"

"That's right, why do you let so many of us be buried with you in vain!"

"The demon clan has already invaded the territory with a large army. At this juncture, so many of our brothers and sisters from the One Moon Palace are bleeding and dying on the front line, but you are hiding and living happily! No matter what we do, we will never go too far with your behavior!"

"Today, you must give us all a reasonable explanation, otherwise, you can't get away with it!"


One by one, the disciples were filled with righteous indignation, and some of them were seriously injured during the battle with the monsters in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range and became disabled.

There was too much anger accumulated in their hearts.

Especially, at this juncture, Ling Feng had indeed disappeared for too long.

This kind of anger could not be channeled, and some disciples already harbored hatred for Ling Feng. Such guidance almost made Ling Feng the target of hatred for the entire sect.

Even some of the disciples of the Lingyun Alliance have more or less complaints about this alliance leader.

Ling Feng sneered, stared at everyone, stood with his hands behind his hands, and said loudly: "I, Ling Feng, have done what I have done all my life, why do I need to explain to others?"

As soon as he said this sentence, an arrogant and unruly spirit swept through Jiutian!

Even Jun Jiuyou had a strange look in his eyes.

Such a domineering and unruly spirit makes people unable to help themselves, giving rise to a kind of awe that comes from the soul.

It seems that he was born to be the only ruler between heaven and earth and the great avenue!

"I, Ling Feng, caused the problem, so I will solve it myself!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said word by word: "Today, since I am back, no matter who the Great Sage is, whether it is the Great Sage Gold Dragon or the Great Sage Silver, I, Ling Feng, left my words behind today. If he dares to come, I will Just kill him!"

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill him!

The sonorous sound exploded like thunder on the ground, making everyone present feel numb!

That was a great saint-level powerhouse, the dominating Golden Dragon Great Sage!

Ling Feng actually dared to say such words as killing him!

For a moment, the whole place was silent, only the sound of swallowing was left.

Is this guy really crazy?

"Okay, if nothing happens, please come back!"

Ling Feng raised a finger, "Give me another month. Within one month, I, Ling Feng, will decide on the head of the Great Sage Golden Dragon!"

Under the shocking gazes, Ling Feng strode into Lingyun Manor. Only a few disciples were left, looking at each other in astonishment.

"Are you afraid that boy is crazy?"

"Madman, what a madman!"

"I think it's probably a delaying tactic. One month? One month later, another month, right?"

"I'll introduce him to you for a month. I want to see how he fools him after one month!"

Everyone left one after another, and almost no one was optimistic that Ling Feng could capture the head of the Great Sage.

However, from Ling Feng's aura just now, they vaguely believed that Ling Feng didn't seem to be lying.

Perhaps, they are still in Ling Feng's domineering attitude, unable to extricate themselves.

Although that is obviously an impossible thing, if it is Ling Feng, maybe he can create this miracle!

After all, hasn’t he been performing miracles all along?

"You guy, are you crazy?"

As soon as he entered Lingyun Manor, Yu Junyao immediately yelled at Ling Feng, "How confident are you that the great sage is powerful, and he is also a demon sage?"

"Not even a percent."

Ling Feng shrugged. The Golden Dragon Great Sage's ability to dominate the demon realm has proven his strength.

Moreover, being able to attract all the clan leaders of the nine major families to set off for the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains also explains the problem to a large extent.

At least, the strength of the Great Sage Golden Dragon is probably comparable to that of one of the top ten villains!

Otherwise, the three major sword palaces would not be facing formidable enemies at the same time, and even Taihua Immortal Palace would not have the opportunity to go there without manpower.

Such a strong man only needs to be strong on his own. There must be countless strong men under his command.

Even though he had refined the Asura Demonic Eye and could summon the Blood Shadow Guards, among thousands of troops, these Blood Shadow Guards were really not enough.

Unless, he can sacrifice the demon blood refining map and summon the demons in it.

However, even if I summon a demon of that level, if I want to overwhelm the demon clan's 100,000 army and kill the Golden Dragon Great Sage, I'm afraid...

My Yuan Jing cannot withstand the heat!

Unless he has the opportunity to fight the Golden Dragon Monarch alone, and suddenly sacrifices the demon blood refining diagram under unexpected circumstances, he can kill the Golden Dragon Monarch at the minimum cost.

However, this situation is too taken for granted and difficult to achieve.

Moreover, this is also an excellent opportunity for Ling Feng.

Greater pressure will bring greater motivation.

Ling Feng also wanted to break through his own limits under such heavy pressure!

He also wants to know how big the gap is between himself and the great saint-level experts!

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