Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2286 This moment, that moment! (3 updates)

"The Great Sage Golden Dragon occupies the Demon Realm and dominates one area. He is a ruthless character."

Jun Jiuyou took a deep breath and said slowly: "Even my father once told me not to provoke the Great Sage Golden Dragon unless absolutely necessary."

The expression on Ling Feng's face became more and more solemn. Even the Nine Nether God Clan was afraid of the Great Sage Jin Jiao. It seemed that he had indeed provoked a very troublesome guy.

However, since I entered martial arts, has any road I have taken been smooth?

Which of my opponents has the strength to crush me, but is surpassed by me step by step!

The strong may not always be strong. As long as your steps are faster than theirs, you will definitely be able to surpass them.

"Brother Ling, although your strength and talent are not bad, it is still difficult to get an advantage compared to that kind of old monster who has been practicing for tens of thousands of years."

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "How about this? You follow me back to Jiuyou City first. If you can cure your father's hidden injury, then I, the Jiuyou Divine Clan, will naturally come to your rescue. Otherwise, if something goes wrong when you fight against the demon clan..."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Brother Jun, for your kindness, but I want to solve the trouble I caused in my own way!"

"Forget it, in that case, then do what you want!"

Jun Jiuyou thought for a while, and with his own support, if the situation looked wrong, he would kidnap Ling Feng back to Jiuyou City first, even if he was kidnapped.

For him, treating his father's hidden injuries is the top priority!

"Humph, you are playing with fire!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, obviously caring about Ling Feng, but when her words came to her lips, they turned into sarcasm.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After staying with Yu Junyao for a long time, he naturally knew her temperament and knew that she was caring about him. He smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I will be fine!"

"Huh, don't worry, I...I wish you, a brat like you, would die soon!"

Yu Junyao snorted softly, turned around, and stopped talking to Ling Feng.

Mountains of Ten Thousand Beasts.

In a relatively empty and flat open space, thousands of tents were set up.

On the mountain peaks on both sides, caves have also been opened up as resting places.

This is where the three major sword houses of the human race have set up camp. They have been struggling with the demon clan for more than a month in recent days, and both sides have suffered heavy losses.

Among them, the Duyue Tiangong side faced the greatest pressure from the demon clan and made the greatest sacrifices.

Although Tianchuan Jianfu was considered one of the involved parties, since it involved a war between the two clans, it was still trying its best.

On the other hand, Longjian Tianfu used various excuses and excuses to station all its disciples in the rear areas. Whenever there was a war, they would immediately lead them to the positions of the other two sword houses, so their losses could almost be ignored. Excluding.

Although the other two major sword palaces were very dissatisfied with Longjian Tianfu's behavior, the pressure from the demon clan was too great at the moment, and Longjian Tianfu still hired disciples to come to support them, so they couldn't say anything.

At this moment, in a large tent, the elders of the nine major families of the Single Moon Palace gathered here, each of them showing extremely solemn expressions.

"Early this morning, the demon clan launched another attack on us. For the past few days, they have been keeping an eye on our disciples of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace, and even released news that as long as the other two major sword houses withdraw from the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, they will ensure that there will be no foul play with them. !”

Tie Kunlun, the elder of the Tie family, clenched his fists, punched the table in front of him, and cursed: "These guys are clearly trying to sow discord!"

"The demon tribe is ambitious. Once they break through the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range and march straight into it, the dozens of cities behind them and tens of millions of people will suffer!"

Zhuge Qingtian frowned deeply, "Most of these are under the jurisdiction of our Single Moon Palace, and a small part are within the jurisdiction of Tianchuan Jianfu, and Longjian Tianfu is basically unaffected!"

"Those bastards in Longjian Tianfu have always been just superficial. After hearing this news, didn't they run away immediately?"

Tie Kunlun cursed bitterly.

"The lips are cold and the teeth are dead!"

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath and said slowly: "The sect leader of Longjian Tianfu is not a fool and cannot understand this problem. Although they are only doing superficial things, they will not betray the alliance of the human race! Even if we fight openly and secretly on weekdays, we After all, they are all human race, but the demon race is different.”

After a pause, Xuanyuan Longteng continued: "If you are not from my race, your heart must be different! The demon race cannot be trusted!"

"Rather than caring about whether Longjian Tianfu can escape or not, we should be more concerned about our own situation!"

The elders of the Sun family, who had always disliked Ling Feng, gritted their teeth and said, "The trouble this time was entirely caused by that boy Ling Feng. The result was good. This boy disappeared long ago. Let's clean him up." Butt? Huh, according to my opinion, we should send more people to catch the kid first and then hand him over to the demon clan. Maybe there is still room for negotiation!"

"Elder Sun!"

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned, "This sect leader has said that I will protect Ling Feng. Don't mention this matter again in the future!"

"This time, that time!"

The head of the Dongfang family said solemnly: "I agree with the idea of ​​the Sun family! If Ling Feng really regarded us as one of his own, how could he secretly leave us? Xuanyuan family head, you may have misjudged the wrong person!"

Because of Dongfang Chun's incident, Ling Feng undoubtedly provoked the Dongfang family. Neither the Sun family nor the Dongfang family had any good impressions of Ling Feng.

For a time, within the camp, the elders of all clans fell into silence.

Except for Xuanyuan Longteng and Zhuge Qingtian, the other families' attitudes towards Ling Feng were somewhat wavering.

In addition, Ling Feng suddenly disappeared at this juncture, which really made them feel a little chilled.

Is this kind of "unfamiliar" guy really worthy of Du Yue Tiangong fighting for him?

Seeing everyone's hesitation, the elder of the Sun family immediately struck while the iron was hot: "That kid is unkind, so you can't blame us for being unjust! Sect Master, we at Du Yue Tiangong have already exhausted our benevolence and righteousness this time, so arrest that kid. , and then handing it over to the demon clan can calm down the war. Isn't this the best way? Does the sect master really want to risk the lives of the entire sect disciples for a white-eyed wolf? "

Xuanyuan Longteng's expression became increasingly gloomy. When Ling Feng left Yueling City, he had actually received the news.

However, more than four months have passed and Ling Feng has not come back yet.

Could it be that he really left without saying goodbye?

At this moment, a disciple suddenly walked in outside the tent and shouted breathlessly: "Ling Feng... Ling Feng... There is news about Ling Feng!"


The head of the Sun family immediately stood up and slapped the case, his eyes full of evil intent, "Where is that little beast now? I will personally take someone to tie him up!"

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