Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2287 Private property! (1 update)

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Elder Sun, please be patient!"

Elder Sun gritted his teeth with hatred, stared at Xuanyuan Longteng, and said bitterly: "Sect Master, now that things have happened, do you still want to protect that kid?"

"Now that the cause and effect of the matter have not been found out, it is too early to say that Ling Feng betrayed the sect, right?"

Zhuge Qingtian laughed and said with a smile: "You might as well listen to what the news is, and it's not too late to make a decision, right?"

After saying that, Zhuge Qingtian looked at the disciple who sent the message and asked lightly: "Where is Ling Feng now?"

The messenger disciple took a few deep breaths and then said: "He...he is back. First he went back to Yueling City, and then I heard that he was coming to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range!"

"Well, this elder knows."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhuge Qingtian's lips, he turned back to look at the elders of the Sun family, and said calmly: "How about it? Now that Ling Feng has taken the initiative to come to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, it should be able to dispel the doubts in the mind of the elders, right?"


The Sun family elder snorted coldly, "That kid was originally responsible for this matter. What's more, who knows if that kid has any conspiracy?"

"Well, since Ling Feng has not betrayed the sect, this sect leader does not want to hear anyone talk about handing him over to the demon clan again! All my disciples of Du Yue Tiangong, no matter who they are, as the leader of the sect, I will There is no way he will be handed over to the demon clan!"

Xuanyuan Longteng looked at the elders in the big tent and said calmly: "The demon clan is so ambitious that they have long wanted to tear up the peace agreement between the two clans. This incident is just a trigger. Do you really think that we have a friendship?" If we can calm down the war by leaving Lingfeng, it would be too naive! If we really compromise, we will only be looked down upon by the demon clan. When the time comes, they will make more and more excessive demands step by step. What should you do if you continue to compromise step by step? Can’t do it?”

Inside the tent, there was dead silence.

Even the elders of the Sun family and the Dongfang family, who had hatred for Ling Feng, fell into silence.

Indeed, what the demon clan wants is more than just Ling Feng?

They are not stupid if they can climb to this position. They can naturally understand the principle of boiling a frog in warm water.

Compromise with the demon clan, after the first time, there will inevitably be a second time. Instead of being forced into a desperate situation and then fighting back, it is better to break the boat and fight with a last ditch effort!

"This kid is finally back!"

Xuanyuan Longteng felt as if a big stone had fallen, Ling Feng had returned as promised.

Then, Xuanyuan Longteng couldn't help but laugh at himself. At some point, he felt a little shaken in his heart.

He obviously once said that he must keep Ling Feng, but now, under a lot of pressure, he even considered whether to give up Ling Feng.

"And one more thing……"

The messenger disciple hesitated for a long time, and then said weakly: "Ling...Senior Brother Lingfeng, he...he..."

"What is he, hesitating? Do you want me to help you?"

A cold light flashed in Elder Sun's eyes, and he stared coldly at the messenger disciple. He had an evil fire in his chest that had nowhere to vent, so he didn't like anything.

He didn't dare to offend other elders easily, but such a young disciple couldn't just round them up and flatten them casually.

"No... no need!"

The messenger disciple quickly said: "Senior Brother Ling Feng also said that he...he will behead...the Great Sage Golden Dragon within a month!"


There was dead silence in the whole place. A clan leader and elder looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Is that kid really losing his mind and going crazy?

Who is the Great Sage Golden Dragon?

The dominating demon clan sage has so many powerful men under his command. Even Xuanyuan Longteng and the rest of them together can't say they can get in front of the golden dragon sage, let alone cut off his head.

Ling Feng, a young boy, how dare he say such a thing?


There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of Mr. Sun, "Who does he think the Great Sage Golden Dragon is? After defeating several elementary saints, he thinks he can sweep away the powerful saints?"

"Too arrogant!"

The elders of the other clans also shook their heads. Ling Feng was indeed a talent, and they all had to admit this.

However, not to mention that his cultivation was sealed, even if he was not sealed, trying to deal with the Golden Dragon Great Sage would be nothing more than a dream.

"That boy, you really dare to say that!"

Tie Kunlun couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. Although he still admired Ling Feng, it was just that this time, Ling Feng was too blindly confident.

Zhuge Qingtian frowned deeply. He believed that Ling Feng's words would soon spread, and by then, the demon clan would also get wind of it.

The Great Sage Jin Jiao would be furious after hearing the news!

At that time, the human race will probably face an even more fierce attack from the demon race. And if Ling Feng falls into the hands of the demon clan, one can imagine his fate.

"Hey, come back, but it's better not to come back."

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head, he didn't expect Ling Feng to say such mindless words.

With a sigh, Xuanyuan Longteng looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "Elders, what do you think?"

"Hmph, now that the kid has said what he said, let him try it. Maybe, he can really chop off the head of the Golden Dragon Great Sage! Hahaha..."

The elder Sun grinned, and everyone could hear the mockery in his voice.


Zhuge Qingtian frowned and said: "That kid doesn't know the heights of the world. He doesn't understand the power of the Great Sage. In my opinion, it's better to intercept him halfway and take him back to Yueling City. He shouldn't be in Wanwan." The Beast Mountain Range Appears!”

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath. He also meant the same thing. Even if Ling Feng came, it would only attract more hatred.

It's impossible for them to be by Ling Feng's side to protect him all day long. Rather than doing this, it would be better to leave him in the One Moon Heavenly Palace, which is the safest place.

"What's wrong? Since that kid wants to stand up, let him do it! If he can really chop off the head of the Great Sage Golden Dragon, from now on, my Sun family will never go against him or say anything about him Not at all. He just wanted my head to be a chamber pot, so I cut it off and gave it to him on the spot!"

The Sun family elders became more and more excited as they talked, and in the end they even said that they would chop off their heads and use them as chamber pots.

In his opinion, Ling Feng can kill the Golden Dragon Monkey King only if the solar energy comes out from the west!

It's all impossible anyway. No matter what you say, it won't become a fact.

Before he finished speaking, a cold voice came from outside the big tent.

"Elder Sun, you have to take good care of your head. Although the chamber pot is not a good thing, it is my personal property after all!"

The next moment, a figure strode in from outside the tent, and it was none other than Ling Feng!

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