Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2292 Turn the situation around! (3 updates)


Zhuge Qingtian looked stern and stared at Ling Feng coldly: "The military order is like a mountain, how can I allow you to do whatever you want!"

"Senior, I can't bear it. I can't continue to watch so many people die because of me!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. He never thought that he was a good person or a great saint. He could even ignore the lives of these people, but he could not tolerate the sacrifice of others because of his own reasons.

"Then you should follow me to ask for help!"

Zhuge Qingtian stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Even if you rush to the battlefield, how many people can you kill and how many people can you save?"


Ling Feng was at a loss for words. He was indeed no longer the Ling Feng he once was. The seal was lifted, his body became a saint, his cultivation reached the semi-saint realm, and he even mastered the swordsmanship of the Immortal Realm, the Xuantian Breaking Cloud Sword.

His strength is not much worse than that of the senior elders of the Single Moon Palace, but with his own strength, how many people can he kill and how many people can he save?

Looking at the entire battlefield, his power is indeed too insignificant.

"Follow me to ask for help. As long as Tianchuan Jianfu and Longjian Tianfu send troops together, our three armies will join together to form an encirclement. This is the key to turning the overall situation around. Rather than relying on your ordinary strength or personal courage !do you understand?"


Ling Feng took a deep breath. He now knew why Xuanyuan Longteng wanted Zhuge Qingtian to stay and persuade him. Although his original intention was to protect himself and prevent him from going to the front line, after Zhuge Qingtian's explanation, He spoke clearly and logically immediately.

Yes, that is indeed the case.

But why he had to drag me along? It wasn’t because he didn’t want to be targeted by the demon clan!

"Okay, senior, that's it!"

Ling Feng bit it, "Then I'll go ask for help!"

"Well, that's right!"

Zhuge Qingtian nodded, "Let's do this. In order to speed up the process, you will go to Tianchuan Jianfu's camp to ask for help, and I will set off to lobby Longjian Tianfu. What do you think?"

The reason why Zhuge Qingtian arranged this was because there was an old grudge between Ling Feng and Longjian Tianfu, especially the Long family, which was a big family in Longjian Tianfu and had considerable influence.

And if the people of the Long Family saw Ling Feng, they would immediately become furious. How could they agree to send troops to help?

Therefore, in order to prevent things from getting to that point, it is best for Ling Feng not to appear in front of the people of Longjian Tianfu.

"No, this time, senior, let me convince the people of Longjian Tianfu!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up and he vowed.

"This..." Zhuge Qingtian frowned, "Isn't this bad? Your relationship with the Long Family..."

"It is precisely because I have dealt with the Long Family that we have a common topic!"

Ling Feng's face condensed, "Okay, without further ado, let's do it! In addition, if I persuade the Long Family to send troops and then go to the battlefield together, senior, you should have no reason to stop me from taking action, right?"


Zhuge Qingtian sighed softly, "Okay, if you can get the reinforcements, you can decide the rest by yourself!"

"Then it's a deal!"

Ling Feng said quickly: "Wherever Longjian Tianfu's camp is stationed, I will go there right away!"

Zhuge Qingtian shook his head and smiled bitterly, then took out a terrain map and said slowly: "The place marked with the dragon pattern on it is the headquarters of Longjian Tianfu. Little friend Lingfeng, I wish you good luck!"

After saying that, Zhuge Qingtian also flew out and immediately flew towards the direction where Tianchuan Jianfu was stationed.

In comparison, Tianchuan Jianfu was much more likely to send troops, but as for Longjian Tianfu, he did not have high hopes.

"You brat, why do I remember that your relationship with Longjian Tianfu is very tense? When you go to their camp this time, aren't you sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth? You won't be able to invite reinforcements at that time, so don't risk your life. !”

Yu Junyao, as always, made some sarcastic remarks to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng shrugged and simply said: "Let's take a look over there! Longjian Tianfu, I don't think they dare not send troops!"

If it were anyone else, he wouldn't be sure yet, but if the Long Family makes the decision, hum!


The earth shook, and a torrent of troops gathering the will of tens of thousands of people marched toward the north.

With everyone rushing at full speed, about half an hour later, they finally arrived at the frontline battlefield!

Those disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace stationed on the front line are engaged in an extremely fierce battle with the demon clan!

Blood, corpses...

In the hills, in the jungles, in the lakes, everything that comes into view is a scarlet color!

No one knows how many people have died here. Cold corpses can be seen everywhere. The entire battlefield is riddled with holes and devastation!

Huge potholes and collapsed trees quietly tell the story of the tragic battles that took place here.

Wisps of tragic and desolate sounds penetrated the space and slowly came from the void, just like the mournful horns in the battlefield at dusk.

The tragic feeling swept through everyone's chest.

Xuanyuan Yu, with anger surging in his eyes, tightly grasped the sword in his hand, and boundless killing intent burst out.

Xuanyuan Longteng looked back at his outstanding son. He knew this son very well. He had a gentle temperament and did not like killing.

But at this moment, the murderous aura that burst out from him almost solidified.

Perhaps, in the face of such a tragic situation, as long as a bloody man is unavoidable, he will be furious!

Taking a deep breath, Xuanyuan Longteng raised his hand and patted his son's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "We can be angry, but we cannot let anger affect our mood! Especially in such a cruel battlefield, every minute, Companions will fall, and anger will only become the poison leading to death!"

Xuanyuan Yu nodded heavily and held the hilt of the sword tightly. Although the anger in his eyes did not diminish at all, his mood had calmed down.

At this moment, we are less than a hundred miles away from the battlefield ahead!

The sound of fighting was already deafening!

Countless human races and demon races are entangled together and attack each other. Wherever they go, the ground cracks and landslides occur!

There were constant screams from human beings and ferocious laughter from demon clan, resounding throughout the void!

Xuanyuan Longteng's gaze was far away, directed towards the depths of the battlefield. It was a demon saint who tore apart two peak human emperors with his bare hands!

Unlike other demon saints, he is ten feet tall, far taller and majestic than ordinary demons.

He was covered in black bristles, like an infinite divine weapon. In a flash, countless strong human beings were pierced and strangled by the bristles!

Its figure is like an ancient monster, grinning and slaughtering human warriors at will!

His strength has suddenly reached the level of a great sage!

As if sensing Xuanyuan Longteng's gaze, the great sage-level demon clan leader stopped fighting. A pair of bloody eyes, looking from a distance, with a long scarlet tongue, licked his lips, and said with a ferocious smile: "Human race, petty wars are a thing of the past. Since you are unwilling to hand over the man who killed the young master, Boy, let all of you humans be buried with the young master!"

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