Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2293 Get out of here! (1 update)

Jie Jie Jie!

Countless monsters looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. The number of the monster army suddenly doubled. The disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace who were guarding the front line were almost in despair.

At this moment, Shura fields are everywhere!

Xuanyuan Longteng's eyes flashed with cold light, and he led several elders around him to angrily kill the Demon Saint. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Disciples, listen to the order, follow our sect, and fight to the end!"

For a moment, the sound of killing was loud!

Once the demon clan breaks through this last line of defense, the disaster of annihilation and annihilation is just around the corner!

The human race's territory will be reduced to the monster race's dinner plate, and humans will become fish and meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by others!

No matter what, the demon clan must not be allowed to cross the line of defense of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range!

The fighting in a desperate situation was unprecedentedly cruel!

Tens of thousands of elite disciples from the One Moon Heavenly Palace joined the battlefield, and the desolate and tragic atmosphere infected all the disciples.




This war between the two races spread over hundreds of miles, with battlefields everywhere, and brutal fighting happening all the time!

One after another, the human race fell and was devoured by the demon race on the spot!

The absolute numerical advantage of the demon clan puts the human race in an extremely disadvantageous situation.

Even though the disciples led by Xuanyuan Longteng were all elite, compared to the number of demon clan, they were still too few after all!

In the midst of the fighting, the number of humans was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The elite disciples brought by Xuanyuan Longteng were like mud cows drowning in the sea. They only slightly eased the situation, but did not reverse it!

Now, the only thing that can turn things around and change the situation of the war is the timely arrival of reinforcements from Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu.

Only by uniting the three armies can we have a chance to completely repel these demonic armies!


In the battlefield, a man in white clothes was stained red with blood. He had several terrifying wounds on his body, all of which were torn apart by sharp claws. The deepest wound among them could almost be seen inside. A beating heart!

"Hall Master Xiao, are you okay?"

It turns out that this man in white is none other than Xiao Juanyun!

Because of Ling Feng, the entire Lingyun Alliance was implicated. Whether they were willing or forced, they were all sent to the forefront of the battlefield to fight against the demon clan.

Since the beginning of the war, those who suffered the most casualties were undoubtedly members of the Lingyun Alliance!

As for Xiao Juanyun, as a direct disciple of the Xiao family, he only needs to use his own background, and naturally he will not be sent to the front line as cannon fodder.

However, he stood unswervingly with the disciples of Lingyun Alliance!

"It's okay! Don't worry about me!"

Xiao Juanyun slashed away a demon emperor in front of him with one sword, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth.

His injuries have been extremely serious. Even under Ling Feng's guidance, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, but on this battlefield, his personal strength is too small.

At least, if you are not at the Saint level, who dares to say that you can escape unscathed?

This time, Xiao Juanyun indeed took on the responsibility of being the first leader of the Lingyun League.

All the disciples were finally convinced by this hall master who succeeded in ascending to the throne thanks to Ling Feng!

Before that, the reason why they joined the Lingyun Alliance was because of Ling Feng's name!

And now, they finally understood why Xiao Juanyun was able to become the hall leader. Maybe his strength was far inferior to Ling Feng, but he did use his best strength to protect the Lingyun Alliance!

"Lord, will we die here?"

An elder of the Lingyun League wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a tragic look in his eyes!

"Maybe we will die, but the Lingyun Alliance will not be destroyed!"

Xiao Juanyun smiled miserably, "As long as the alliance leader is still there, the Lingyun Alliance will exist forever!"

"Alliance leader?"

A hint of bitterness appeared on the elder's face, "I'm afraid he has given up on us!"

"No, he said he would come back!"

Xiao Juanyun clenched his fists tightly, "Then, he will definitely come back! He will definitely!"

the other side.

"The main camp of Longjian Tianfu is ahead!"

Ling Feng looked grim. Even though he had not been to the battlefield in person, he knew very well how tragic the battle would be.

Even though Xuanyuan Longteng brought 10,000 elites from the Single Moon Heavenly Palace, compared to the 200,000 demon army, this number was still too disparate after all.

He must rush to the battlefield with Longjian Tianfu's reinforcements as soon as possible, otherwise, I am afraid that the disciples of the One Moon Palace who are guarding the front line will really be killed to pieces!

Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou, who were following Ling Feng, also saw Ling Feng's inner anxiety, so they didn't speak.

The three of them quickly walked outside the main camp where Longjian Tianfu was stationed. Before they even got close, there were already many guarding disciples with their swords drawn and pointed at Ling Feng and the others.

"Who is it? Tell me your name!"

"I am a disciple of the Duyue Heavenly Palace. A battle broke out on the front line, and the demon army suddenly doubled in size. I am here to ask for help!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tried to negotiate with them patiently.

"I understand. Just wait here. I'll pass the news first!"

One of the guards glanced at Ling Feng and the others, and then walked slowly towards the direction of the commander's tent.

"The fire is burning, and these guys still look so unhurried!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but curse in a low voice. After all, the three major sword houses are now allies. Their allies are facing a sneak attack from the demon clan. Their attitude is a bit too cold.

It's a time like this. If you don't take people directly to meet the senior officials of Longjian Tianfu, why do you want to communicate?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Just bear with it for now and don't cause trouble!"

"Humph, this doesn't seem like your temper!"

Yu Junyao glanced at Ling Feng, this guy has also changed his gender?

Ling Feng felt helpless for a while. After all, this was related to the lives of tens of thousands of disciples of the One Moon Tiangong on the front line, so he had to endure it.

I just hope that the people in Longjian Tianfu won’t go too far.

However, after a few people waited for less than half an hour, the guard who communicated came out slowly and said with an indifferent expression: "The headmaster said that he already knows the situation and will consider it! You can go!"


Ling Feng frowned, "What do you mean by considering? The war has broken out and the situation is urgent, but there is no time to think about it! We must send troops to rescue immediately!"

"Boy, it's not your turn to point out how we, the head coach, are going to make decisions, so get out of here!"

The guard disciple glared at Ling Feng, "If you keep chattering here, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, anger surging in his eyes.

As the saying goes, Buddha also has fire. If I tolerate him once, do I really think that I am a tiger with its teeth pulled out?

This Dragon Sword Tianfu clearly wanted to sit on the sidelines, so he came all the way here, but in the end he sent a minion out, just to get rid of him?

"Why don't you get out of here? You want me to drive you away..."


Before the guard could finish speaking, Ling Feng punched out, hitting him directly in the face. With the burst of power, all the teeth in his mouth were shattered, and he spat out blood mixed with blood on the floor!

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