Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2294 God blocks and kills God! (2 updates)

"you you!……"

The guarding disciple had a look of fear and horror on his face. He looked at his teeth on the ground and screamed, "How dare you hit me!"

For a moment, dozens of disciples from the Dragon Sword Tianfu around him immediately drew their swords and surrounded him.

Ling Feng was furious, these bastards, if you talk to them in such a nice voice, you have to bite your nose in the face!

Very good, since they are so shameless, Ling Feng will naturally not be polite!


The void trembled, and the sword field erupted instantly. Before the disciples who had gathered around could take action, they were all blown away. Each and every one of them vomited blood, and almost half of their lives were lost.

This is Ling Feng's mercy, otherwise, with his strength, these people would have died long ago!

"Since your headmaster refuses to see me, I will go see him in person!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly and stepped directly over the guarding disciples. Anyone who dared to stand in front of him was sent flying with one glance. He killed gods and Buddhas when he met them, all the way into the depths of Longjian Tianfu's camp. .

Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou looked at each other, shrugged, and both followed Ling Feng and walked in together.

Boom boom boom!


The screams came one after another, and Ling Feng was like a killing god. The disciples of Longjian Tianfu all looked at Ling Feng in horror. They just gathered around, but no one dared to step forward.

Not to mention fighting him, even a look from him is enough to kill everything in an instant!

"Who dares to come to my territory of Longjian Tianfu and run wild!"

Finally, deep in the camp, a powerful and terrifying aura erupted, and then, a gray figure rose into the sky.

The next moment, an old man with white beard and hair stood in front of Ling Feng.

This person is the senior elder of Longjian Tianfu, Yuwen lineage, Yu Wenyong!

In the Longjian Tianfu, apart from the Long Family, the Yuwen Family is also a top family as famous as the Long Family.

At the same time, several people walked out of the commanding tent at the rear. They were all senior elders of Longjian Tianfu. In the middle was a middle-aged man who looked calm and reserved, who was the headmaster of Longjian Tianfu.

The eyes of these people were all staring at Ling Feng from a distance, showing a hint of displeasure.

This disciple of Du Yue Tian Palace was too courageous. He actually dared to fight in the main camp of Long Jian Tian Mansion, and even got here all the way.

Besides being angry, he was also shocked.

The dignified Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion has countless elite disciples in this camp. It can be said to be a gathering of geniuses and masters.

However, there are so many talented disciples, but they still can't stop a young man?

This guy's strength is too incredible, right?

Among them, a saint-level powerhouse from the Dragon Family suddenly twitched his eyelids, revealing a hint of fear.

"Why is it him?"


The headmaster of Longjian Tianfu looked back at the old man of the Long Family and said in a deep voice: "Master Long, do you know that young man?"

The old man from the Long family nodded, and an extremely terrifying scene flashed through his mind.

That night, Mu Shenjun took this young man to kill the Long family.

It was also that night that the previous head of the Long family died "suddenly", so he became the successor head.

"He is Ling Feng!" The old man from the Long family took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Ling Feng?"

The headmaster of Longjian Tianfu thought for a moment and then reacted immediately, "Is this the boy who killed Young Master Jinjiao and caused the monster army to invade the territory?"

"Yes, it's him!"

The old man from the Long family nodded. If he remembered correctly, Ling Feng should already be a disciple of Lord Mu Shen. Now that he suddenly appeared here, could it be that Lord Mu Shen is here too?

When he thought of Lord Shepherd, the old man of the Long family, he couldn't help but tremble.

The fear of Lord Mu Shen was almost deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul.

After all, the head of the Long family before him couldn't even make a move under the hands of Lord Mu Shen!

And the ancestors of the Long family had to be submissive in front of Lord Mu Shen, just like a grandson. Even the treasures that the Long family had inherited for thousands of years had to be given away!

"Master Long, you look ugly, what's wrong?"

Headmaster Longjian Tianfu looked at the head of the Long family, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

The Long family's style has always been domineering and arrogant, but now when they saw Ling Feng, their "enemy", he didn't show any anger or speed at all, but seemed to be very scared.

"Don't mess with this kid!"

The old man of the Long family took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice, leaned into the ear of the headmaster of Longjian Tianfu, and whispered: "He is the disciple of Lord Mu Shen!"

"Mu...Mu Shenjun!"

When the headmaster of Longjian Tianfu heard this, his whole body stiffened suddenly, as if he had been struck by thunder.

Who is the Shepherd?

The leader of the Valley of the Wicked, more than three hundred years ago, single-handedly defeated the nine ancestors of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, losing only half a move to the monster!

And three hundred years later, how strong will he be?


Not to mention Mr. Mu Shen, there are also nine other evil men in the Valley of Evil, each of whom is a ruthless person in his own right. Any one of these evil men can turn the West Sword Region upside down.

Ling Feng is actually the disciple of Lord Mu Shen!

In the blink of an eye, the expression of Headmaster Longjian Tianfu changed drastically.

This young man cannot be offended!

At this time, Yu Wenyong, the elder of the Yuwen family, stared at Ling Feng coldly with a hint of anger on his face.

"Boy, you are too arrogant! Longjian Tianfu is not a place where you can run wild!"

That Yu Wenyong stared at Ling Feng and said in a cold voice: "Which clan are you a disciple of? Even if you are your clan leader, you must bow and salute in front of me. You, a junior, why don't you kneel down quickly!"

"You want me to kneel down and worship you? I'm afraid you, an old guy, can't stand it!"

Ling Feng sneered, even a veteran saint-level powerhouse like Mian Yu Wenyong was unafraid.


Yu Wenyong shouted angrily, and his whole body was shaken, "I will teach you a lesson on behalf of the elders of your family!"


In an instant, a terrifying saint's power exploded around Yu Wenyong. This Yu Wenyong's strength was definitely not inferior to that of the Sun family elder!

It can even be said that it is even better!

However, Ling Feng was not afraid at all.

Elder Sun's family was not defeated at his own hands. As long as he summoned the Blood Shadow Guards, his numbers would be enough to kill this old guy!

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Ling Feng's momentum gathered, and just when he was about to activate the power of Asura's Demonic Eye, a low roar sounded through the clouds and through the air!

"Elder Yuwen, wait a moment and do it!"

This roar was made by the headmaster of Longjian Tianfu!

The next moment, the Dragon Sword Master appeared beside Yu Wenyong and pressed Yu Wenyong down with one hand.

Although Yu Wenyong is old, his strength is still far behind this headmaster.

For a moment, his saintly power was directly defeated by Master Longjian, and a trace of anger appeared on his face, "Master, what do you mean?"

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