Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2295 Don’t mess with me! (3 updates)

"Headmaster, what do you mean?"

Yu Wenyong stared at Master Longjian. As long as he took action just now, he could immediately suppress the kid who broke in there!

As a result, at this juncture, Master Bi was blocked.

But unfortunately, the other party is the head coach, so he can't easily get angry!

At such a young age, I don’t want to lose face?

Yu Wenyong felt angry inside, as if you don't give a reasonable explanation, even if you are the leader, I won't give you face.

Master Longjian gave a wry smile and used his spiritual consciousness to transmit his voice. After saying a word to Yu Wenyong, Yu Wenyong's face immediately turned pale with fright.

Then, a strong sense of joy surged in my heart.

Fortunately, the move he just made was interrupted by the headmaster, otherwise, if he had injured the disciple of Lord Mu Shen...

The consequences are simply unimaginable!

It's common practice in the Valley of the Wicked to protect one's shortcomings, and that's no joke!


Master Longjian coughed dryly, glanced at Ling Feng with a smile, and said slowly: "Little friend Ling Feng, I have heard about his reputation for a long time. When I see him today, he is indeed a dragon among men!"


The disciples around him were all dumbfounded.


Is there something wrong with this plot development?

This boy was so aggressive that he came to the door and injured countless disciples of Longjian Tianfu. As soon as the headmaster showed up, he actually started talking to him politely?

Whose master are you?


The head of the Long family on the side also walked up with a smile, "Little friend Lingfeng, we, ahem, meet again! Are you okay, Master Ling?"

"Should I wipe it?"

This time, the disciples' eyes almost fell out.

The Long Family!

Normally, everyone is arrogant and domineering, but why is it that even the head of the Long family is polite to this kid? Are you even chatting about family matters?

Now, no matter how stupid they are, they all understand that this kid is not simple!

Even Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou were stunned. After all, the other party was also a high-level figure in Longjian Tianfu. He had a head, a face and strength. How come they all became "grandsons" in front of Ling Feng?

Yu Junyao didn't know that on the day when Master Mu Shen accepted his disciple, he gave his disciple a very bad breath.

As for Jun Jiuyou, he even doubted whether Ling Feng was also a descendant of a certain divine race.

However, the most powerful protoss in the West Sword Region is their Jiuyou Protoss!

It seems that my "Brother Ling" has a very high profile!

The expression on Yu Wenyong's face was also blue and white for a while. After a while, he gave Ling Feng a thumbs up and said with a smile: "I just wanted to test you just now. You are indeed that person's disciple. He is neither humble nor arrogant." ! Uh-huh, great! ”

Although his expression was extremely embarrassed, Ling Feng even admired him a little.

This old guy is really capable of bending and stretching!

"So it's a test?"

Ling Feng sneered. Sure enough, Mu Shenjun's reputation is easy to use.

Although this time I was more or less trying to show off the power of the tiger, but the current situation was critical and if the fox tried to show off the power of the tiger, then I would just have to use the power of the tiger to show off.

Anyway, he is indeed the direct disciple of Lord Mu Shen.

"Of course, of course, it's just a test. How could I be serious about a junior, haha..."

Yu Wenyong said with a smile on his face.

Although Ling Feng was disdainful, he did not say anything. He just looked at the master of Longjian Tianfu and said slowly: "You are the master of Longjian Tianfu, right?"

"it's me!"

Master Longjian smiled lightly and said, "It was just a small misunderstanding. I won't take it to heart, right?"

"Since it's a misunderstanding, in other words, the master means that reinforcements will be sent out immediately to assist the One Moon Palace?"

Ling Feng glanced at Master Longjian and said calmly.

Master Longjian nodded immediately, "Of course, my three major sword houses are all in the same spirit. What this sect meant was to immediately gather the disciples and go to the front line to provide assistance. Why, could it be that the disciple who sent the message expressed the wrong meaning? Give it to you? This is really unreasonable! I must punish that waste!"

"So this is ah!!"

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, this Dragon Sword Master is also an old fox. With just a few words, he threw the blame cleanly on the disciple who was summoning him!

However, Ling Feng has no intention of pursuing the truth. As long as Longjian Tianfu is willing to send reinforcements, this is the most important thing!

"What are you still waiting for? Master Long, go summon the elites of my Dragon Sword Tianfu and rush to the front line immediately to support the alliance!"

The head of the Long family nodded and immediately went to summon the disciples without any hesitation.

In fact, the Dragon Sword Tianfu side also knows very well the truth behind the death of lips and teeth. The scheming city government taught by Longjian naturally understood that the demon clan could not be trusted.

They would not believe the rumors spread by the demon clan, thinking that after the demon clan broke through the defense line, they would really commit no crime against Longjian Tianfu and Qiu.

The reason why Longjian Tianfu chose to remain immobile was because they hoped to use this opportunity to seriously injure the strength of Duyue Tiangong.

In this way, they will have a chance, perhaps to take their place.

But now, they have delayed for quite some time, so there is no harm in selling Ling Feng a favor.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and when he saw the army gathering, a big stone fell in his heart.

"I hope you all can get to the battlefield as soon as possible. I'll take the first step!"

At this moment, Ling Feng's heart was on fire. Without any further delay, he immediately deployed his body skills and galloped towards the northern battlefield.

Yu Junyao also immediately flew to follow, but Jun Jiuyou pouted, thinking that he would have to reveal his identity in the end, but who knew that Ling Feng would settle it so easily. ’

After shaking his head, Jun Jiuyou unfolded his body skills and flew out. Since he promised to help Ling Feng, he naturally kept his word.


Yu Wenyong looked at the backs of Ling Feng and his group as they left, and then said in a deep voice: "Do we really want to send troops now?"

"It's almost time. Besides, it would be unwise to provoke the descendant of Lord Shepherd."

A dignified look flashed in the eyes of Master Longjian, "Moreover, not only this Ling Feng, but the two people around him seem to be gods, especially the older man, whose strength is unfathomable!"

After a pause, Master Longjian said with difficulty: "His strength may not be inferior to that of our sect!"


For a moment, all the elders took a breath. This Ling Feng's fate was too shocking. Lord Mu Shen was his master, a genius of the God Clan, and his friend...

You must not mess with such people!

"Quick! Faster!"

Ling Feng pushed his speed to the extreme, almost like a lightning bolt, and even Jun Jiuyou could hardly catch up with his speed.

Those people in Longjian Tianfu have wasted so long in vain, and they don’t know what the current situation is on the battlefield?

In particular, the members of the Lingyun Alliance were still fighting on the front line, so the casualties must be the most severe.

And Xiao Juanyun and the others, the elders of the Lingyun League, are also in this ranks.

The road to martial arts may be destined to be lonely, but Ling Feng values ​​every one of his companions!

"Brother Xiao, please don't let anything happen to you! I'm coming, I'm coming right away!"

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