Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2296 The situation is not good! (1 update)

In the frontline battlefield, the shouts of killing shook the sky, and blood flowed like rivers!

Even with the first batch of reinforcements led by Xuanyuan Longteng, the disparity was still too great in front of the two hundred thousand demon army.

Everywhere you looked in the battlefield, it turned into Shura Purgatory.

Once the masters of the human race fall, they will all become the blood of the demon race and be brutally devoured!

In fact, there were no bones left, only the pools of blood remaining on the ground, leaving the mark of their battle!

The human side has been completely suppressed.

It was only a matter of time before he was completely strangled.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, three figures flew over quickly, the leader of which was Ling Feng, with a solemn and extremely deep expression!

Looking at the tragic battlefield ahead, Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly.

"Oh my god..."

Yu Junyao covered her lips, looking at the purgatory-like scene in front of her, she felt her stomach churn.

The road to martial arts was indeed a bloody road of killing, but she had never seen a scene where so many corpses piled up into mountains and blood gathered into rivers.

"The situation is not good! Brother Ling, have you figured out where we should start?"

Infected by this desolate and tragic scene, the expression on Jun Jiuyou's face became serious.

At the moment, there are battlefields everywhere, and even if the three of them are thrown into the battlefield, their effect will be minimal.

As for reinforcements...

Even if they came as fast as possible, it would be impossible to catch up with the speed of Ling Feng and the three of them. At the very least, they would still need to persist for half an hour or even an hour!

But with the situation on the One Moon Palace side, it may be difficult to persist until that time!

Ling Feng glanced around, and although he saw the death of an elite disciple named Du Yue Tiangong, he tried his best to restrain himself.

The strength of the three of them is a drop in the bucket for a battlefield of this scale.

Use useful power in key places to reduce pressure on the human race, which is the top priority.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes fell on the place where Xuanyuan Longteng was fighting a giant monster that was ten feet tall.

Every time these two powerful men made a move, the earth would shatter and the surrounding monsters and humans would all turn into flesh.

Therefore, where they were fighting, there was a huge open space within a hundred or even a thousand feet, and no one, no matter the demons or humans, dared to approach them.

If you observe carefully, you will find that Xuanyuan Longteng seems to be struggling, but he is struggling to fight with the giant monster!

Although they seemed to be evenly matched, their defeat was revealed during the attack!

I'm afraid, he won't be able to hold on much longer!

The demon tribe had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. The elders of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace were all entangled by other demon saints, and even faced a situation where there were one enemy and many, and it was impossible to get out and help Xuanyuan Longteng.

If this continues, Xuanyuan Longteng will definitely be defeated or even die within half an hour at most.

Xuanyuan Longteng is the spiritual pillar of the disciples of the One Moon Palace.

Xuanyuan Longteng is still alive and his morale is still there, but once Xuanyuan Longteng falls, the One Moon Heavenly Palace will undoubtedly be destroyed and defeated.

The crisis of the situation is far beyond imagination!

Ling Feng frowned, and when he was considering whether he should go to support Xuanyuan Longteng, a roar suddenly came from the front left.

"Protect Elder Linghu!! He is injured!!"

Ling Feng looked intently and saw astonishingly that there were more than a hundred strong monsters from the demon race, surrounding a dozen human warriors dressed as servants of the One Moon Celestial Palace.

The strength of this group of monsters is terrifying. They are all saints, and there are three more. Their strength has reached the fourth level of the Nine Transformation Realm or above!

Gathering such overwhelming strength just to surround and kill a dozen people?

Ling Feng frowned slightly. The demon clan had separated so many strong men to surround these dozen people. Is there something special about these people?

Looking carefully, I saw these dozen people protecting a gray-haired old man in the middle.

The white-haired old man's robes were stained red with blood. He seemed to have been seriously injured. There was a wound on his left shoulder, which was so deep that the bones were visible. The black demonic energy was entangled and constantly eroding his internal organs.

But he still held something like a round magic ball in his hand, muttering something in his mouth. Around the magic ball, brilliance flickered, and there were vague inscriptions floating around the magic ball.

This elder Linghu is the commander-in-chief of the human army stationed on the front line. Ever since the monster invasion, he has been stationed at the front line, guarding the last line of defense leading to the human domain.

In the melee, the army of the One Moon Palace was directly dispersed, and all the camps formed by the disciples were disintegrated. The demon clan relied on their numerical advantage to divide and surround the disciples of the One Moon Palace.

And the magic ball in the hands of Elder Linghu is a great weapon in the Single Moon Heavenly Palace. It contains extremely terrifying power. As long as this magic ball is fully opened, the power that explodes in an instant is enough to destroy countless people. Ten thousand demon army!

The demon clan was unprepared before and was caught off guard by the power of this magic ball, but the same opportunity would never happen again.

The demon army divided into hundreds of demon saints and besieged the elder Linghu at the same time, in order to kill him completely and take away the magic ball with huge energy.

By then, as long as Xuanyuan Longteng is defeated, the human race will have no chance.

And there were more than a dozen elite strong men around Elder Linghu, but how could they resist them all when faced with a number of strong Demon Saints that were ten times their own size?

After half a day of fighting, almost every minute and every second, humans and demons fell.

Both sides were red-blooded and desperate, and the battlefield with Elder Linghu as the center turned into a meat grinder, with a killing rate far beyond that of any other battlefield.

Even compared to the battlefield where the giant demon and Xuanyuan Longteng were, the number of casualties was even more terrifying!

Elder Linghu was also seriously injured when he was accidentally attacked by two demon saints in a previous confrontation. The wound on his left shoulder was torn open, and even his chest was cut open. If it were not covered by clothes, he would have been injured. You can vaguely see the beating heart inside.

At this moment, Elder Linghu was already dying, but he still continued to activate the magic ball, trying to unleash that devastating blow.

Even if they pay the price of their lives, annihilating another 10,000 monsters can ease the burden on the human race.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, looked back at Jun Jiuyou, and said solemnly: "I'm going to support Elder Linghu. Brother Jun, I'll help you with the Xuanyuan Sect Master!"

"That's what I meant!"

A ray of light flashed in Jun Jiuyou's eyes, and in a flash, his figure turned into a bolt of lightning, flying towards the direction where Xuanyuan Longteng and the giant monster were fighting.

With his strength, although he is not as good as Xuanyuan Longteng in terms of realm, his strength is not inferior. With him and Xuanyuan Longteng joining forces, there should be no problem in dealing with the giant monster.

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