Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2297 Destruction of the magic ball! (2 updates)

"Miss Jade, go help somewhere else!"

Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao again and said in a deep voice: "Pay special attention to the people of Lingyun Alliance!"

"Okay, I will be the member of the Lingyun League! After all, I am also the guest elder of the Lingyun League!"

Yu Junyao nodded and immediately took action, looking for disciples in need of help on the battlefield.

Although Ling Feng also wanted to find Xiao Juanyun and the others immediately, he also knew that the situation with Elder Linghu was even more serious.

And the magic ball in his hand may be of great importance.

No matter what, we must not fall into the hands of the demon clan!


As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng immediately flew towards the direction of Elder Linghu.

His mission is to help those saint-level experts and protect the elder Linghu.

"Damn it! I'll fight you!"

The last ten powerful men from the Single Moon Heavenly Palace surrounded Elder Linghu, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

That magic ball contains an extremely ingenious formation. When activated by Yuan Power, it can be turned into holy light, covering the surrounding area. The holy light can wipe out all the evil spirits in the bodies of those monsters. .

In this way, those demon clans that have lost their demon essence will lose their strength in a short period of time, and you can take the opportunity to kill them.

On the other hand, if this thing is taken away by the demon clan and the magic ball is activated with the demon essence, the magic light will be released. The magic light will destroy the energy in the body of the human warrior. At that time, the situation of the human race will be even worse. .

Therefore, no matter what, we must protect Elder Linghu and the magic ball!

"Come together! Kill them!!"

The leader of the demon clan is a wolf-headed demon clan of the Great Sage level. Under the command of the Great Sage Golden Dragon, he is also a ranked master.

Seeing that the humans around Elder Linghu were at the end of their game, they would be completely wiped out with just one last attack.

Following the roar of the wolf-headed great sage, hundreds of powerful monster clans roared and rushed forward together!

Like a torrent, there is no stopping it!

"Form up a formation! Protect Elder Linghu!"

A group of powerful human beings roared and formed a circular formation to surround Elder Linghu!



The moment humans and demons collided, a large swath of the demon clan perished, and six of the last ten human saint-level warriors were torn apart on the spot!

The only four people left were covered in blood and could not stand firmly, but they still protected Elder Linghu and were not afraid of death.

Elder Linghu muttered words, and in the magic ball, the light of the holy steps flickered, and it seemed that a new round of offensive was about to be completed.

"Hurry up and don't let that old guy activate the magic ball again!"

The wolf-headed great sage roared wildly. Once the magic ball bursts out with holy light, even if there is one human saint left, it will be enough to destroy the demon clan who have lost the protection of the demon element in an instant.

The situation of the human race will be alleviated again.


Having seen the horror of that magic ball, all the demon clans were furious. Both sides were competing for the last time. Whoever lost would have to pay a heavy price.

"Hold on, you must hold on!"

"Come on, you bastards!"

The remaining four human saints let out deafening roars and burst out with astonishing willpower in front of hundreds of demon saints.

They can die, but even if they die, they must guard Elder Linghu and release the last holy light.


The wolf-headed demon saint roared loudly, led the two demon clan saints, took the lead, rushed out, and directly killed the remaining four human clan saints.

The remaining demon clan, with a tacit understanding, took advantage of the wolf-headed demon saint to suppress the guards and attacked and killed Elder Linghu together.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the few strong human beings who were waiting for Elder Linghu were instantly crushed and turned into minced meat.

A group of extremely ferocious demon saints rushed forward, their eyes flashing with bloodthirsty light, their sharp claws tearing down, intending to strangle Elder Linghu completely!

This scene is only between the sparks of calcium carbide!

It's all over!

In everyone's heart, only despair remains.

Elder Linghu is dead, and the Destruction Sphere in his hand will be the last straw for the human army.

"Swallowing flames!"

It was too late, but soon, a group of terrifying and domineering flames condensed into a flaming dragon thousands of feet long, and suddenly came!

The flaming dragon descended from the sky with its fangs and claws bared. In the blink of an eye, it devoured several demon saints who approached Elder Linghu.

They were so complacent that they had no defense at all. Under Ling Feng's swallowing flames, only a charred corpse remained.

A series of screams resounded loudly!

Many demon saints who rushed over stopped in their tracks and stared in horror at the sudden appearance of the flaming dragon.

The demon saint's powerful body was actually helpless under the terrifying flames!

Any demon saint entangled in the dark red flames cannot extinguish the flames on his body at all. At a speed visible to the naked eye, he will be burned into black coke, which will soon burst into a pile of black soot.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen demon saints were swallowed up by the sudden arrival of the flaming dragon.


Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he arrived in time at the last moment!

After Yan Yan evolved again and again, especially in Taihua Immortal Palace, Ling Feng was possessed by the power of his ancestors. His Yan Yan also seemed to have added a special energy, faintly revealing a strange black light. .

Although I don't know what the specific situation is, the power of the swallowing flame is enough to burn the strong demon saint to death instantly.

Of course, the main reason is that they were completely unprepared, otherwise it would not have gone so smoothly.


The next moment, Ling Feng's figure appeared in front of Elder Linghu, grabbed his shoulders, and led him out of the circle surrounded by the powerful demon clan.

The great sages of the monster race were shocked, and then stared at Ling Feng with angry eyes, roaring again and again, "Human race, you are looking for death!"

"Don't even think about saving people under the nose of this saint!"

A demon saint looked like a madman, offering his own demon elixir, each showing his magical power, and in an instant, he dispersed the flaming dragon condensed by Ling Feng.

The wolf-headed demon saint was even more furious. With a loud roar, he manifested his true form, and his speed suddenly surged, and he chased in the direction of Ling Feng.

"I don't want to accompany you anymore!"

Ling Feng snorted lightly. The current situation of Elder Linghu was not optimistic and he could not afford to fight.

"Blood Shadow Guard!"

A red light flashed above Ling Feng's forehead, and then more than forty Blood Shadow Alliance members appeared in an instant, stopping the wolf-headed demon saint from all directions.

Although these blood shadow guards could not do anything to the wolf-headed demon saint, they were enough to delay him. When the wolf-headed demon saint was blocked by the blood shadow guards, Ling Feng had already led the elder Linghu out of the battle circle.

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