Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2298 The hero of the human race! (3 updates)

"Damn it, damn it!"

Hundreds of powerful demon saints were actually plotted against by a young boy. Not only did he injure more than a dozen demon saints at once, he actually rescued Elder Linghu!

The wolf-headed demon saint suddenly became furious. Unfortunately, when he dealt with the blood shadow guards, Ling Feng's figure was nowhere to be found.

The entire battlefield is really huge!

In desperation, they had no choice but to join other battle circles, and their plan to surround and kill Elder Linghu could only be foiled.

the other side.

Ling Feng supported Elder Linghu and hid in a rock crevice. Watching the demon saints leave, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Three great saints and hundreds of demon saints, this kind of lineup is not something that I can beat head-on.

Fortunately, I am smart enough. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. Even the wolf-headed demon saint would not have thought of hiding it under his nose.


A low groan came, and Elder Linghu was seen, with beads of sweat on his forehead. His face was as pale as paper, and he seemed to be hanging on with only his last breath.

Ling Feng glanced at the wound on his chest and frowned.

The demonic energy had completely invaded his internal organs, and his entire heart was completely corroded by the demonic poison and turned black.

Elder Linghu, who could hold back his voice without shouting, could be said to have an iron will.

"Little...little friend, thank you very much!"

Elder Linghu could hardly open his eyes, and there was a dark air on his face. Every word he spoke seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

Ling Feng sighed, he couldn't save such a serious injury.

He is a miracle doctor, but not a god.

Elder Linghu is almost a dead man. The reason why he is still alive is because of his strong willpower.

He took out some of the Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence that was not involved much and applied it on Elder Linghu's chest. Although the Burning Sky Dragon Flame Essence had an excellent therapeutic effect, it still had no great effect on Elder Linghu.

At most, it can make him feel a little better.

"I'll take you away first!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and couldn't bear to see the old man who was tortured to the point of death by the demon poison continue to suffer such pain.

At least, let him die peacefully, so that his body will not be devoured by those monsters.

"No... no need!"

Elder Linghu handed the magic ball in his hand to Ling Feng, "I... I can't do it anymore. This... this destruction magic ball, now hand... to you! Use... use it to protect... Guard...this is the method to use..."

Elder Linghu's aura became weaker and weaker. While vomiting black blood, he passed on the formula to activate the destruction ball to Ling Feng.

His vitality has been completely exhausted, and his vitality map has completely withered.

However, he still tried his best to finish his final instructions.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

At least, he guarded the magic ball and did not let it fall into the hands of the demon clan.

"This is the handsome seal! For...for me, annihilate the demon clan!"

Elder Linghu, after saying the last words, finally closed his eyes and passed away suddenly!


Ling Feng only felt that his eyes were slightly moist.

Maybe it was just the first time he saw this old man, or maybe the old man didn't recognize who he was at all.

But at this moment, he is a hero.

The hero of the human race!

Perhaps, the human race is indeed scheming, but the courage shown before racial justice is shocking to the soul.

Perhaps, their sacrifice is just a small wave in the history of the human race.

After the catastrophe, after a few years, their heroic names will even be forgotten by people.

However, it does not hinder them at all. At this moment, they sacrifice their lives for righteousness and die generously!

Ling Feng took a deep breath and put Elder Linghu's body away. Such a hero, at least, needs to leave a tomb to be mourned by future generations!

Holding the handsome seal with one hand and the destructive ball with the other, Ling Feng's heart felt extremely heavy.

"Senior, I will definitely live up to your instructions! Guard the human territory and annihilate the monsters!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng flew out with the handsome seal in hand.

He must use this commander's seal to reunite the human army that was dispersed by the demon clan.

When he was in the Tianbai Empire, he also studied the art of marching and formation.

When facing an enemy force several times our own, this disintegrated and dispersed strategy is undoubtedly the stupidest.

The demon clan quickly dispersed the human camp with lightning speed, taking full advantage of their numerical advantage.

The various sword formations that humans are good at lose their usefulness once they are dispersed.

Only by gathering everyone together again, there is still a glimmer of hope to support the arrival of reinforcements!


Ling Feng soared into the sky, commanding the sky, opening his infinite horizons, paying attention to the surrounding situation thousands of miles away.

There was a melee, and everything you could see was monsters and humans.

Most of the humans were in twos, threes, or more than a dozen people forming small teams, scattered to fight, and were surrounded by monsters several times their size.

Looking around, there are countless scattered battle groups formed within thousands of miles. In each circle surrounded by monsters, the human side is at a disadvantage.

But in the face of the danger of life and death, the human disciples burst out with unprecedented fighting spirit, and for a while, they were not defeated.

Ling Feng opened his infinite vision to the extreme and controlled the situation on the entire battlefield!

He must find a way to unite the small-scale fighting groups that are fighting independently!

Only by uniting together can we compete with the demon clan!


"In the southeast, there is a large human battle group that is about to break through the siege of the demon clan! Demon clan support appears in the distance. We must rush to relieve them before the support comes!"

Ling Feng's mind was spinning, and he found his direction in the chaos.

Although under his observation, many small war groups were in danger, and even one small war group was completely destroyed.

But the current situation is definitely not the time to be emotional, everything needs to be rational.

Whether it's an emergency or not, what he wants to do is to regroup the human forces, instead of focusing on putting out fires and saving the dying battle group.

After all, his power alone is limited and it is difficult to affect the situation on the entire battlefield. The only way is to gather the scattered human race experts together to form a large formation.

Only in this way can the Destruction Sphere in your hand be able to exert its greatest effect!

This is his ultimate goal. Gathering more people also means gathering more monsters!

And when all the monsters gathered together, and when the reinforcements arrived, he suddenly activated the Destruction Sphere. At that time, the three armies were able to double-team and annihilate everyone present in an instant. Monster clan!


The figure flashed, and Ling Feng flew out.

This is a large battle group, with more than a hundred human warriors, surrounded by three times the number of monsters!


A figure wrapped in flames fell from the sky!

"Swallowing flames!"

"The universe is in chaos!"

Divine patterns flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the counter-chaos force field suddenly arrived. The monster army instantly lost their sense of direction. In the chaos, Ling Feng suddenly activated the swallowing flames, and in an instant, several of them were strangled. Ten-headed demon clan!


The screams came one after another, and the disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace suddenly became energetic and fought back crazily.

"Don't be wary!"

Ling Feng took out the handsome seal in his hand and said loudly: "Follow me to break out of the siege!"

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