Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2304 The Great Sage Golden Dragon! (3 updates)

Deep in the Demon Realm, in a gloomy bone hall.

"Holy...Holy Lord, something really happened this time, and my subordinates didn't expect it. Why did the human race suddenly kill a few very powerful boys? One of them has a strength comparable to that of my subordinates!"

The giant monster was lying on the ground, shivering. Where could he still have the world-swallowing aura that he had before on the battlefield?

Beside the giant demon, the leader of the Sky Demon Clan also knelt down and prostrated himself on the ground, not even daring to look directly at the tall being in front of him.

"Two losers!"

Right in front of the hall, a middle-aged man wearing a blood-colored robe and a dragon crown sat on a bone throne, with anger surging in his eyes.

This person is the master of this demonic realm, the overlord who controls hundreds of tribes, the Great Sage Golden Dragon!

From the appearance point of view, he is almost no different from a human being, except for the terrifying demonic energy exuding from his body, which is almost suffocating.

The momentum around him shook. The giant demon and the Sky Clan leader all lay on the ground, trembling and almost breathless.

They are both at the level of the Great Sage, but the strength of the Golden Dragon Great Sage is more than ten times stronger than them.

The Giant Demon and the Sky Clan Leader are both at the fifth level of the Nine Transformations Realm, but the Great Sage Golden Dragon is already at the sixth level of the Nine Transformations Realm.

The gap at this level is even greater than the gap between the first level of the Nine Transformation Realm and the fifth level of the Nine Transformation Realm. Only those who have reached the sixth level of the Nine Transformation Realm can be considered a great saint in the true sense.

Before the sixth level, he was a little saint at best.

The Great Sage Golden Dragon was so angry that the giant demon and the Sky Clan Chief were all frightened to death.

Given the ferocity and cruelty of the Great Sage Jin Jiao, as long as the Great Sage Jin Jiao gives the order, I am afraid that their entire clan will be buried with them.

"Holy...Holy Lord, I have something to report!"

The leader of the Sky Clan said in a trembling voice: "My subordinates have confirmed that Ling Feng is on the battlefield. It was that kid who used trickery to kill tens of thousands of our demon clan's elites, so that the occupation was reversed in an instant!"

"It's that boy!"

The Great Sage Jin Jiao slammed the armrest. Fortunately, his bone throne was made from the bones of the ancient divine beast, the Candle Dragon. Otherwise, he might not have been able to withstand his angry blow.

"It's that kid. He's so insidious and cunning! His subordinates must have his way, otherwise, they won't lose at all!"

The leader of the Sky Clan said anxiously.

"There is another kid. From him, I can feel the aura of the Gods. I am afraid he is a member of the Gods!"

The giant demon also gritted his teeth and said that he and Jun Jiuyou had been fighting for more than half an hour. Although his brain was not very good, he could still see some clues.

"Did the gods also intervene?"

The Great Sage Jinjiao frowned. He still had the confidence to fight against the three major sword houses, but if the Gods took action, it would be difficult.

"Holy Lord, please be patient. The Gods may not intervene in this matter!"

Above the main hall, sitting on the first seat on the right, a strong demon saint hidden in a black robe spoke in a hoarse voice.

This person's name is Ghost Mist Demon Saint. There are ten great saint-level powerhouses under the command of the Golden Dragon Great Sage. However, the Giant Demon and the Sky Clan Chief are only ranked fifth or sixth in terms of their strength.

But this Ghost Mist Demon Saint ranks at the top of the list!

Whether it is in terms of resourcefulness or strength, the Ghost Mist Demon Saint is far superior to the giant monsters and Sky Clan Chief.

The ghost mist demon saint is a ghost dance condensed with evil energy. It has no entity. Under the black robe, you can only see a pair of dark and deep blood-colored pupils. If you look at it for a second, it seems that you will be sucked into nothingness. The origin of the soul was directly swallowed up by his terrifying evil aura.

Although the Great Sage Jin Jiao was very angry, he still relied heavily on Demon Sage Guiwu. He glanced at him and said lightly: "Guiwu, what do you think?"

Ghost Mist Demon Saint looked at the giant demon and asked calmly: "Besides the boy you fought with, are there any other divine guards?"

"I haven't seen that."

The giant monster said in a deep voice: "It seems that only that one god has taken action!"

"That's it. I'm afraid this person is simply participating in the battle in his personal capacity, but he does not bring the divine guards of other gods with him. The Holy Lord does not need to worry."

Ghost Mist Demon Saint said calmly: "As long as the Gods don't get involved, when we take action, we only need to be a little merciful to the boy from the Gods, but we won't offend the Gods."

"Hmph, that Ling Feng can actually invite help from the gods, it's not easy!"

The Great Sage Jin Jiao took a deep breath, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, "You two losers, this time I lost my troops and nearly two hundred thousand elites, what else can I say?"

"Holy Lord, have mercy on me, Holy Lord, have mercy on me!"

The giant demon and the Sky Clan leader quickly kowtowed and begged for mercy, while all the demon saints in the hall looked on with cold eyes.

The ten demon saints all have their own selfish motives. If there are two less, there will be less competition, so why not do it.

In the end, it was the Ghost Mist Demon Saint who flew out lightly, landed in front of the giant demon and the Sky Clan Chief, and said slowly: "Holy Lord, this is the time to employ people. The Giant Demon and Xuanyu (the Sky Clan Chief), although I made a mistake, but I can still make up for it as a saint.”


The Great Sage Jin Jiao glared at the giant demon and the Sky Clan leader angrily, and after a long while, he slowly said: "Since Gui Wu has interceded for you two, I will spare your lives. From now on, the attack on the human race will be entirely left to you. Gui Wu is responsible, you two just listen to Gui Wu’s orders and make the most of your merits!”

"Yes, thank you, Holy Lord, and thank you, Brother Guiwu!"

The giant demon and the Sky Clan Leader quickly thanked them profusely and kowtowed to Gui Wu and the Golden Dragon Great Sage.

The rest of the demon saints all have secret hatred in their hearts. This ghost mist can win people's hearts. In this way, the giant demon and the sky chief will naturally be grateful to ghost mist.

"Okay, shut your mouth!"

The Great Sage Golden Dragon was impatient with the noise from the two giant demons and glared at them. The two demons immediately shut up and did not dare to say another word.

"Guiwu, what are your countermeasures? It's not appropriate for me to take action for the time being, otherwise those old people from the human race will definitely take action too. Although I'm not afraid of them, there's no need for it yet!"

The Great Sage Golden Dragon looked at the Demon Sage Ghost Mist and asked in a deep voice.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Ghost Mist Demon Saint, and he said slowly: "The Holy Lord is here for the Shenhuang Picture Book, right? If you can get the creation in the Shenhuang Picture Book, the Holy Lord's strength will be further improved. When the time comes, those old things from the human race will , it’s really nothing to worry about!”

Upon hearing the words "Pictures of the Desolate God", the expressions of all the demon saints in the hall changed, and they all obviously understood what it meant.

"Yes, Shenhuang Illustration, I already have some clues. I have ordered people to investigate this matter. You don't need to pay attention to it. Your mission is to completely force the human race into a desperate situation on my behalf!"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the Golden Dragon Great Sage. The Ghost Mist Demon Sage was indeed smart, but sometimes, he was too smart!

"Holy Lord, don't worry. The three major sword houses are just a piece of loose sand. As long as they use some small tricks, they will bite each other. We just need to watch the show quietly."

Ghost Mist Demon Saint smiled coldly, and those dark eyes gave people a chilling feeling.

(PS: Regarding the issue of missing chapters, I noticed that when reading this book on some platforms, of the three chapters I update every day, one chapter will always be updated lagging behind, resulting in missing chapters in the middle. But this is not my problem, but It is a problem of platform update synchronization.

When I update every day, I mark the update number on the chapter, so you can check it by comparing it with the chapter number. If you watch it on a non-first release platform, this problem will occur. You can only watch it after the update is synchronized later. This delay time is about one day.

This book was first published on QQ, and there is basically no confusion when reading on this platform! People who always say there is a problem with the chapter, let me say it again, it has nothing to do with me! )

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