Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2305 Someone wants to see you! (1 update)

After the war, not only did the Du Yue Tiangong suffer heavy losses, but the demon clan also suffered heavy casualties.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range seemed to have briefly fallen into silence again. Both the human race and the demon race were temporarily stationary, and no further fighting broke out.

But everyone knows that this is just the calm before the storm.

The Demon Clan will never give up after returning home this time.

Next time, their offensive will probably be even more fierce.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Ling Feng woke up from his meditation. Although he was not seriously injured in the battle between the two clans, he was wasted a lot. After three days of breath adjustment, the energy in his body finally returned to its peak state.

Even because of that hard battle, he surpassed his own limits. Whether it was the power of swallowing flames or his Yuanli cultivation, he had made certain progress.

At this moment, he is already in the semi-saint realm, and only needs the final step to step into the saint level.

However, this final step is often the most difficult.

What's more, Ling Feng's foundation is too strong, and it is ten times and a hundred times more difficult to break through the realm barriers than ordinary people.

However, Ling Feng was not in a hurry. He broke through to the semi-saint realm mostly by relying on the spiritual power of the fairy realm in the spiritual spring on the floating fairy island. His realm improved a bit too quickly.

He is not in a hurry to break through to the Saint level now. What is more important is to lay down the foundation and avoid empty realm.

"Brother Ling!"

A clear voice came from outside the cave, and Ling Feng could tell that it was Jun Jiuyou's voice.

"Why is he here?"

Ling Feng stood up and stood up to greet him.

After a while, Jun Jiuyou was seen walking quickly in front of Ling Feng, with an expression on his face that was hesitant to speak. Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Brother Jun, if you have something to do, you might as well speak up."

"Okay, then I'll just tell you."

Jun Jiuyou frowned and began to complain, "Those demon tribes have stopped attacking for a long time. Who knows when this war will end, but on my father's side..."

Ling Feng understood in his heart that it was Jun Jiuyou who was anxious to take him back to Jiuyou City to treat his father.

Ling Feng understands this feeling.

At this time, waiting is often a kind of suffering, especially waiting indefinitely.

"I see."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "But the demon clan will definitely not give up. At this time, it is difficult for me to leave."

"I know too." Jun Jiuyou said in a deep voice: "Actually, I have a suggestion. Now that you are a commander, why don't you take the initiative and destroy the demon clan? Otherwise, all problems will be solved."


Ling Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, destroying the demon clan?

He wanted to, but he was afraid that he was powerless!

If the Jiuyou Divine Clan came forward, it could be done, but relying solely on the power of the three major sword houses, it would at best be able to compete with the demon clan.

"Brother Jun, don't be too impatient. With our current strength, it is unrealistic to take the initiative."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "But I have received news that the demon clan has sent more than 80,000 demon troops to station on the northern front. I am afraid that the war is coming soon. As long as the demon clan is severely damaged again, I believe they will not be able to launch another big war. A large-scale attack, and then we can leave the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains."

"Okay, then let's eat these 80,000 demon army in one bite. I want to see how many armies the demon clan can send out to die!"

Jun Jiuyou snorted softly, already impatient to end this war between the two clans completely.

At this moment, another urgent voice came from outside the cave, "Marshal Ling, Marshal Ling, there is... someone asking to see you!"

The next moment, a guard was seen and rushed in quickly.

After all, Ling Feng is also the elder of the inner sect of Du Yue Tian Palace, and is also the commander-in-chief of the garrison. He still has a few guards under his command, otherwise he would be too weak.

"Find me?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. Who would come back to find him at this time?

Since he was asking for a meeting, it was obviously not Xuanyuan Longteng or Zhuge Qingtian. But in this camp, besides them, who else would come to see him?

"Brother Jun, I'll take my leave first!"

Ling Feng glanced at Jun Jiuyou, who nodded, "Go and do your work, I'm going back to practice."

"Let's go and take a look!"

Ling Feng stepped forward and walked out of the cave at the lead.

After a while, Ling Feng, led by the guard, arrived at a tent. Before he even entered the tent, Ling Feng already knew who was inside.

There was a curve on the corner of his mouth, this guy was actually found here by him.

Opening the door curtain, there was a young man in rich clothes. He was wandering back and forth in the tent with his hands behind his back. Suddenly he saw the door curtain was opened and a young man walked in. He immediately rushed forward, "Ling...ahem... ...Master Ling, I finally found you!"

"Lan Yan, I didn't expect you to find yourself here!"

But it turns out that this handsome young man is none other than Lan Yan, the dandy young master of the Azure Fire Tribe.

A sneer hung from the corner of Ling Feng's mouth, which made Lan Yan feel a creepy feeling.


Ling Feng coughed lightly, looked back at the guard, and said calmly: "Xiao Liu, please go out first."

"Yes, Marshal Ling!"

The guard surnamed Liu glanced at Lan Yan strangely, and immediately left the tent without saying anything.

As soon as the guard left, Lan Yan made a "pop" sound, knelt on the ground, and came up to him with saliva, "Ling Yingxiong, Boss Ling, it's not easy to find you!"

Ling Feng curled his lips. The Blue Fire Tribe is also a God Tribe after all. It is naturally easy to inquire about such a trivial matter.

"Have you brought everything?"

Ling Feng glanced at Lan Yan nonchalantly. This kind of dandy idiot couldn't do any tricks under his hands.

"Of course, of course!"

Lan Yan quickly took out a few books from the Naling Ring, knelt down in front of Ling Feng, and handed them over respectfully, "These are the pictures of the gods and wilderness that I copied from the clan. Mr. Ling, please take a look at the information."

"Not bad, quite efficient."

Ling Feng glanced at Lan Yan and looked at the thick books. It seemed that this guy had put in a lot of effort.

"I should do my best to serve you, Mr. Ling."

Lan Yan was crying, his original divine pattern was held in Ling Feng's hand, how dare he not improve his efficiency.

Otherwise, the longer the original divine pattern is separated from itself, the more power it contains will disappear.

If he delayed for too long, he might not even be able to maintain his Saint-level cultivation.

Ling Feng reached out to take the book and asked calmly: "How is it? Did you find any valuable information during the copying process?"

Lan Yan swallowed hard. Fortunately, he didn't dare to ask others for help. Although this guy was a idiot, he was still a saint-level powerhouse. He still had the ability to remember things with a photograph.

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