Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2306 Three clues! (2 updates)

"Young Master Ling, please don't tell me, I actually discovered some valuable information!"

Lan Yan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "It turns out that there are five pieces of this Shenhuang Picture Book. There is probably one piece for each major region of Xuanling Continent."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. This news was basically similar to what he knew.

Moreover, the piece of Dongling Domain has been dug out from under Dongxian River and is still being stored in Donglingxian Pond.

And I have already drawn a copy of the pattern on the Shenhuang Catalog. This pattern seems to be related to cracking the Shenhuang Treasure Box that I obtained before.

However, although he asked Zifeng to piece together the pattern on the Shenhuang Treasure Box, it still had no effect after such a long time.

Ling Feng began to guess that the real secret of the Shenhuang Picture Record might not be just in the pattern, but also had something to do with the entire stone slab.

However, he is not in a hurry. Anyway, this first piece of the Divine Desolate Picture Book is in the Donglingxian Pond. With his position in the Donglingxian Pond, it is not difficult to borrow it from the sect for a while.

Anyway, after he breaks through to the Saint level, he still has to return to the Misty Ghost Forest and plant a new Qi-forging Hunyuan Lock.

According to Emperor Tianbai's Faxiang, there are a total of eighteen Hunyuan Locks for Forging Qi, and currently thirteen Hunyuan Locks have been implanted in his body.

There are five more Hunyuan Locks, which is the limit, and he has also practiced this magical power to the pinnacle.

He was quite looking forward to it. After he was completely implanted into the eighteen Hunyuan Locks, what would be the third inheritance left to him by Emperor Tianbai? (PS: The three major inheritances of Emperor Tianbai’s Dharma are one of which is the forged Qi Hunyuan Lock, and the second is the immortal weapon Yi Divine Bow.)

"Let's not talk about the other major regions for now, but I have some insights into our West Sword Region."

Lan Yan continued.

"Oh? Tell me!"

Ling Feng glanced at Lan Yan, and Lan Yan shrank his neck. He didn't dare to show off anymore, and said quickly: "According to ancient records, the Shenhuang Illustration is related to the inheritance left by the Shenhuang Emperor in ancient times, and he is buried in the west. The Sword Realm’s Divine Desolate Catalog seems to have three positions!”

"The first one is said to be buried under Ji Lei Pond in Jiuyou City."

"Jiuyou City?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. Isn't this Jun Jiuyou's hometown?

"Yes, it is the territory of the Jiuyou Divine Clan. The Ji Lei Pond is not a kind place. Even the old guys of the Jiu Nether God Clan cannot resist the Wugou Divine Thunder three thousand feet below the Ji Lei Pond. So so far, there are still No one can go deep into Ji Lei Pond, and there may be a catalog of divine wilderness buried under this pond.”

Ling Feng nodded and continued to ask: "What about the second possible place?"

"The second place is said to be the trapped dragon abyss, which is also a desperate place in the West Sword Region. Although the entire area of ​​the trapped dragon abyss is not large, it is said to be one hundred thousand feet deep. It is the place where the trapped dragon clan was trapped in ancient times, and it is also very deep. There may be a catalog of divine wilderness buried there.”

"As for the third place..." Lan Yan chuckled, "What a coincidence, it's in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range!"


Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly, "The Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts?"


Lan Yan nodded, "According to the information we received, the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains may also be the place where the Divine Wilderness Catalog is buried. However, the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains is so vast that trying to find a piece of the Divine Wilderness Catalog is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Moreover, Among these three places, the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range has the lowest probability. We, the Azure Fire Clan, have also sent experts to search for it, but unfortunately they all failed."

"Ji Lei Pond, Trapped Dragon Abyss, Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range..."

Ling Feng secretly recorded the names of these three places in his mind and nodded immediately, "Very good, you did a good job this time!"

Ling Feng patted Lan Yan on the shoulder, but only praised the guy verbally.

"This..." Lan Yan's expression changed, "Ling... Young Master Ling, since I have accomplished what I promised you, then what you promised me..."

"What did I promise you?"

Ling Feng smiled knowingly.

"Master Ling, please stop joking. My original divine pattern, please do it. Please return the original divine pattern to me quickly. I will never dare to go against you again!"

Lan Yan almost burst into tears. During this period of time, he did not have the body protection of the original divine pattern. Although his cultivation seemed to be still at the Saint level, he could not even beat the more powerful Emperor level.

In addition, the sword elder was killed by Ling Feng, so how could he still have the capital to be arrogant and domineering?

For more than a month, he has been on tenterhooks every day, fearing that he would be discovered by someone he had provoked before. Otherwise, he would inevitably be beaten.

"The original divine pattern can be returned to you."

Ling Feng glanced at Lan Yan, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "But you have to do one more thing for me."

Lan Yan's heart was filled with hatred, but he didn't dare to show any of it on his face. He said with a bitter face: "Young Master Ling, just give me your orders."

"It's nothing. In the next month or two, just stay with me anytime and anywhere whenever I need you."

Ling Feng gently patted Lan Yan's shoulder. In an instant, a stream of heat flowed from the shoulder into the body and began to circulate.

Lan Yan felt refreshed and immediately showed a hint of ecstasy.

"Don't be too happy too early. This is just a normal source of divine marks. If you want to get your other half back, just stay with me."

Ling Feng poured cold water on Lan Yan in time, and Lan Yan's excitement calmed down.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Yan raised his eyes and glanced at Ling Feng weakly, feeling a little weak in his heart, "Just following you, Mr. Ling? You won't trick me, right?"

"No, I'm here as a good person, how could I trick you?"

Ling Feng grinned, but in Lan Yan's eyes, he looked like a devil.

Will this guy cheat himself?

No need to think about it, this devil must have planned to trap himself to death!

However, I don’t dare to fight, and I can’t escape, so I just have to accept my fate.


Lan Yan smiled sheepishly, hoping that he could save a small life. He would keep his tail between his legs and never dare to cause trouble again.

Living well is more important than anything else!

"Hey, brat, when did you get a little follower by your side?"

For a few days, Lan Yan followed Ling Feng in and out, acting like a bitch. Although this guy was born to be a dandy, there was no way he could be treated like a bitch.

Walking around, nodding and bowing, and flattering others, that's called "professional"!

Yu Junyao naturally recognized Lan Yan, but she didn't expect that this guy, a majestic young master of the God Clan, would go to Gao Xing's side and act as a lackey when he neglected such a good young master.

What a pursuit!

However, what Ling Feng wanted was this kind of effect. The young master of the God clan acted as a follower, which was quite convincing.

Even on the side of the demon clan, they have to weigh and weigh whether they are qualified enough to provoke themselves!

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