Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2307 The true form of Ghost Mist! (3 updates)

Monster camp.

Since the previous war, the border between the human race and the demon race has been temporarily peaceful.

Especially after Ghost Mist Demon Saint took over the position of the Sky Clan leader and took command of the Demon Clan army, he never took any action again.

It seemed that both groups were waiting for the other party to break the silence.

"Boss Guiwu!"

The giant demon looked anxious, staring at the Ghost Mist Demon Saint on the main seat, frowning, "I said, boss of ghosts, it's been three or four days, why haven't you sent troops yet, even if you just send a few hundred It's better for a small team of people to harass you than to sit here and do nothing!"

Although the Great Sage Jin Jiao spared the lives of him and the Sky Clan Chief, he also asked them to make meritorious deeds.

But now it's good, the Ghost Mist Demon Saint has not taken any action at all, so how can he talk about making meritorious deeds.

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Ghost Mist Demon Saint had a relaxed and calm look on his face, "I said that if humans are to let dogs eat dogs, why should you be impatient? Just watch the show quietly."

"Why does dog bite dog?"

The Sky Clan leader frowned, "It's not like I haven't tried before, hoping that the guys from Longjian Tianfu would withdraw from the battlefield, but those guys, although they never confronted us head-on, had no intention of quitting. And at the last moment, they actually They also sent reinforcements to support Duyue Tiangong. They are all humans, so they can’t completely believe us Monster Race!”

"Yes, the human race is basically a bunch of cunning guys!"

The giant monster nodded repeatedly. Although his simple mind could not understand any too complicated issues, he could still see this clearly.

"That's because you have found the wrong target!"

Ghost Mist Demon Saint sneered, "Of the three masters of the Sword House, who can climb to this position, who is a fool? Naturally, it is impossible for them to betray the human race and choose to join forces with us, but they will not, no This means that among the three major sword houses, the top and bottom are of the same mind. Sometimes, anger and hatred can make people lose their minds."



The Sky Clan leader and the giant monster looked at each other, "Boss Guiwu, stop pretending, what is your plan?"

"The Long family of Longjian Tianfu and the Sun family of Single Moon Palace are both excellent targets."

Ghost Mist Demon Saint slowly stood up from his seat, "Sometimes, success does not lie in how much effort you put in, but in choosing the right goal."

"Boss Guiwu, if you haven't been investigating clues from the Shenhuang Catalog for the Holy Lord, how could you know so many things about the human race?"

The Sky Clan leader glanced at the Ghost Mist Demon Saint and wondered what kind of existence the figure covered in black robes was.

"There will always be someone who can see it for me."

Ghost Mist Demon Saint smiled faintly and said, "Okay, if you are bored, just go down and practice, and just sit here and wait for the fruits of victory."

The giant demon and the Sky Clan Chief looked at the Ghost Mist Demon Saint, then looked at each other, and without saying another word, they exited the tent together.

A ray of light flashed in the eyes of the Demon Saint of Ghost Mist. The next moment, black mist surged around him. Then, the demonic aura all over his body actually dissipated, and he turned into a middle-aged man who looked tall and strong, dressed in white. He actually seems to be quite celestial and upright.

Judging from the appearance, there is no trace of the demon clan at all?

"It's time to meet that boy. I hope he has brought me enough harvest."

The Ghost Mist Demon Saint flashed his figure, and in the blink of an eye, he had disappeared into the Demon Clan camp.

There is a very quiet valley on the edge of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. Within the valley, there are several bamboo buildings that look very simple, but they have a somewhat elegant taste.

Outside the bamboo building, there was a young man sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a silvery shadow floating vaguely behind him. It was none other than the Silver Fighting Spirit!

If outsiders see it, they will be extremely horrified. Ordinary people only start to condense the fighting spirit after breaking through the holy level. After practicing hard for three to five hundred years, they may be able to reach the level of the black iron fighting spirit.

And this man is about fifty years old at best. Among the saint-level experts with thousands of years of life, he is considered too young.

But such a "young" guy actually condensed a silver fighting spirit!

In the entire West Sword Territory, such a soul talent is second to none.

However, although this man had excellent soul talent, his complexion was abnormally pale, and his body was very thin, showing a sickly appearance.

A saint-level powerhouse should have extremely abundant energy and blood. Even if he majors in the soul path, it is really not normal for him to be as thin as he is.

And if Ling Feng were here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that this soul genius with a silver fighting spirit is none other than Xiao Hen, the fourth son of the Xiao family!


At this moment, a white shadow flew from outside the valley. The white shadow gradually fell, landing in front of the bamboo building.

A hint of joy appeared on Xiao Hen's face, and he immediately stood up and bowed to the white figure, "I have seen Senior God!"

That white shadow was none other than the Ghost Mist Demon Sanctuary.

However, both his demeanor and appearance are completely different from the previous Ghost Mist Demon Saint!

And Xiao Hen called him "Senior God", and another layer of identity of this Ghost Mist Demon Saint was about to be revealed.

God is infinite!

The so-called "divine master" who is unparalleled in the world is boundless!

"Hen'er, you're back."

Ghost Mist Demon Saint, or should be called Shen Buliang, looked at Xiao Hen with a smile, "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"It's not a long wait. I just happen to be practicing in this valley to stabilize my state."

The expression on Xiao Hen's face lost all of his usual indifference. He respected this senior Shen Buliang from the bottom of his heart.

After all, all his skills were taught by Shen Buliang. Although Shen Buliang did not accept him as his disciple, in his heart, he already regarded Shen Buliang as his master.

"My cultivation level has been upgraded to the second level of the Nine Transformation Realm, which is good!"

Shen Buliang smiled faintly, "I said, you must have a chance in Taihua Immortal Palace. In addition to the second level cultivation of the Nine Transformations Realm, you will have other gains, right?"


Xiao Hen nodded, "I have also obtained some secrets of soul skills from the Immortal Realm. Although they are only secrets from the outer gate of Taihua Immortal Palace, they come from the Immortal Realm after all. Compared with ordinary golden soul skills, I am afraid that they have never been seen before." Nothing less."

"Okay, great stuff!"

Shen Buliang laughed loudly and said, "Hen'er, can you let me have a look at this secret technique?"

"I regard Senior God as my master, so of course I can. It's just..."

Xiao Hen looked at Shen Buliang and said in a deep voice: "But before that, Senior Shen, can you answer me a question?"

"Whatever you want to ask, just ask."

Shen Buliang showed a hint of urgency, but he concealed it well.

"Senior, did he have ulterior motives when he taught me the secret method of the soul path from the very beginning?"

Xiao Hen clenched his fists tightly and looked at Shen Buliang with more complex emotions, but more importantly, it was still respect.


Shen Buliang glanced at Xiao Hen, sighed, and then shook his head, "Have you noticed it after all? Oh, it's a pity. I wanted to keep you alive for a while longer. After all, you can be considered half of my disciples. Woolen cloth!"

(PS: In fact, Ghost Mist Demon Saint has a third identity, but no one can guess it~)

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