Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2308 Blood Demon Secret Code! (1 update)

"As expected, did you do anything to me?"

Xiao Hen's expression changed. When he obtained the Immortal Soul Skill in Taihua Immortal Palace, he found a very strange bronze mirror by chance.

Standing in front of that bronze mirror, it can actually reflect the origin of one's own soul.

But he discovered that there was something extra in the origin of his soul!

It was like an insect, attached to the origin of his soul, constantly eating away at his vitality.

Although this process was very slow, as time went by, it became clear that he had strong martial arts skills, but his face was pale and bloodless all year round.

He always thought that it was because of the special nature of his soul skills that he had changed his physique, but it wasn't until that moment that he realized that there was actually a foreign object in his body!

It was at that time that he vaguely guessed that the only person who could possibly do this to him was the "Master of God" whom he respected very much, Shen Wuliang.

That's why he handed over the immortal soul skills he had worked so hard to obtain to Ling Feng for safekeeping.

But out of respect for Shen Buliang, he couldn't help but want to come in person to verify his suspicions.

How he hoped that he was wrong. After all, in his heart, he respected Shen Buliang very much and regarded him as his master.

However, he was still disappointed after all.

His guess was right. That worldly master Shen Wuliang with celestial demeanor was actually an insidious person with ulterior motives!


Xiao Hen stared closely at Shen Buliang. He seemed indifferent, but he was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. He valued friendship more than ordinary people.

"Why? There is no free lunch in this world!"

Shen Buliang's expression remained unchanged, and he just said lightly: "Your soul talent is indeed good, but do you really think that you can break through the Silver War Soul at such a young age without having to pay some price? I will implant it in your body. I got a hellfly insect to stimulate your soul potential. Speaking of which, you were able to achieve such a breakthrough thanks to this hellfly insect, but..."

Shen Buliang paused and said with a sinister smile: "Although the underworld worm can stimulate your soul talent, it will also plunder some of your life as a price. To be honest, I don't really want you to use this kind of thing." Method to improve your soul cultivation. Unfortunately, your talent is limited after all, so I can only use this method to help you!"

"help me?"

Xiao Hen smiled miserably, "You are helping yourself!"

"You can also say that I need a capable helper, not a waste!"

Shen Buliang shook his head, "It's a pity, it's a pity. Originally, I could play the image of a perfect worldly master in front of you, but now I can only disappoint you. But I am curious, since you have already guessed Why do you dare to come back because of my intentions? Do you think you can escape from my grasp by breaking through to the second level of the Nine Transformation Realm?"

"Without further ado!"

Xiao Hen's face was cold and stern, and the silver fighting spirit behind him suddenly floated up. For a moment, there was a big silver light, and Xiao Hen shouted loudly, "I'm going to die!"

The next moment, the fighting spirit behind Xiao Hen suddenly rose up against the storm and turned into a divine magic form more than ten feet tall. He raised his giant palm, packed with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, and slapped Shen Buliang hard with one palm.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the chick's wings are finally hardened, so you want to resist me? What a pity..."

A strange red light flashed in Shen Wuliang's eyes, and the next moment, Xiao Hen's expression suddenly became dull.

The phantom of the gods and demons behind him also disappeared in an instant.

"Hmph, the underworld worm has been implanted into the origin of your soul. Every move you make is under my control. How dare you still think that you can resist me?"

Shen Buliang sneered, "However, you are indeed a little clever, and you actually handed those immortal realm soul skills into the hands of that Ling Feng!"

Xiao Hen stood on the spot like a scarecrow, motionless. His consciousness was completely imprisoned by the worm in his body.

Now he is nothing more than a walking corpse.

"It's just that you are still too naive. What I need is not those fairyland soul skills!"

Shen Buliang's gaze focused on Xiao Hen and said calmly: "Ming Zhi, please hand over that thing."

"Yes, Master."

"Xiao Hen" made a low and hoarse voice, and immediately a blood-red bead flew out from his dantian and handed it to Shen Buliang's hand.

Shen Buliang stretched out his hand to take the blood bead, with a hint of fanaticism on his face. He took a deep breath of the breath on the blood bead, and Jie Jie laughed strangely, "With the power of the blood of the people in this city, my "Blood Demon Secret Code", I can finally practice to the last level, the realm of bloody void!"

But it turned out that Shen Buliang had previously spread the news that Taihua Immortal Palace was about to arrive, and the purpose was to gather more warriors and gather in Songfeng City.

And he had already calculated that when Taihua Immortal Palace came, it would cause a terrible catastrophe.

It was that catastrophe that destroyed the entire Songfeng City in an instant. Within a radius of thousands of miles, almost all living beings, except those warriors whose strength had reached the peak of the Emperor Realm or above, were killed or injured.

But his real purpose is to absorb the resentment and blood evil energy of these dead creatures to help him practice the "Blood Demon Secret Codex".

Xiao Hen is his tool to recover these bloody evil spirits!

"When I refine this evil blood bead, even the Golden Dragon Great Sage may not be my opponent!"

How could such an ambitious person like Shen Wuliang be willing to become the claws of the Golden Dragon Great Sage? Even if he was second to none and above ten thousand people, he was not willing to be under that person.

"Minglong, next, you will go to muddy the waters of the three major sword palaces as Xiao Hen!"

"Yes, Master!"

Minglong nodded. It had been dormant in Xiao Hen's body for decades. It knew everything about Xiao Hen. It would be easy to replace Xiao Hen.

Shen Wuliang smiled coldly, then turned around and walked into the bamboo building.

This is indeed a treasure land for cultivation.


"Xiao Hen" looked at Shen Wuliang's back and said weakly: "What should we do with Xiao Hen's soul? Should it continue to be imprisoned in the depths of the sea of ​​​​spirituality, or can it be directly handed over to my subordinates to devour?"

"It's up to you."

Shen Wuliang didn't even turn his head, and there was only indifference in his voice.

Xiao Hen regarded him as his master, the person he respected the most, but unfortunately, Yu Shen Wuliang was only hypocritical towards Xiao Hen.

He even didn't care about the past affection at all.

"Thank you, Master!"

Ming Long's face showed a trace of excitement. After completely devouring Xiao Hen's soul essence, he could replace him and completely control this body.

I, Ming Long, finally made it through and can turn the tables!

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