Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2309 The monster tribe moves! (2 updates)

"How about it? Is there still no movement from the demon clan?"

In the commander's tent of the One Moon Palace, the elders of all ethnic groups gathered together. As the commander-in-chief of the garrison, Ling Feng naturally could not be absent.

It's just that ten days have passed since the war between the two races, but there is nothing unusual about the demon race.

Although everyone understands that this is just the prelude to the coming storm.

However, this prelude is too long!

Demon clan, when did they become so calm?

"Neither the giant demon nor the Sky Clan leader is such a patient person. I'm afraid the commander of the demon clan has been replaced!"

An elder who had led his disciples to fight against the demon clan many times said in a deep voice.

"It is said that there are ten great saints under the command of the Golden Dragon Great Sage, and each one is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, except for the giant spirit demon saint and the sky demon saint who have already taken action, we have not mastered the other eight great saints. Details."

Zhuge Qingtian frowned and said slowly.

Tie Kunlun slapped the table and snorted coldly: "I really don't know what those monster bastards are thinking. They haven't moved a muscle for so many days! If you want to fight, just fight. If you don't want to fight, just retreat. It's always so exhausting. "What do you mean?"

"Elder Tie, please be patient."

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head and said slowly: "The more times like this, the more calm you should be. The demon clan's losses this time are also not small. Maybe they are also weighing whether it is necessary to continue this war."

"Sect Master, what you think is too beautiful. If the demon clan could think like this, there would be no previous wars between the two clans!"

Tie Kunlun snorted softly, "Those bastards, they won't give up until they are beaten painfully and their vitality is severely damaged."


For a moment, the atmosphere in the tent became solemn again.

Indeed, although what Tie Kunlun said is a bit extreme, it is not unreasonable.

"Why don't we take the initiative and join forces with Tianchuan Jianfu and Longjian Tianfu. Last time we were able to defeat more with less, and we can definitely do it this time! As long as there is Ling Feng... ahem, Marshal Ling's command, there will definitely be no problem! "

Tie Kunlun looked at Ling Feng. Last time, the One Moon Palace was able to hold on until reinforcements were felt, thanks to Ling Feng's tactics.

"Senior Tie thinks highly of me!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Although taking the initiative to attack is still a way, Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu may not be willing to send troops."

"The reason why they took action last time was because they also knew that with Lone Moon Palace attracting the firepower of the demon clan, they could at least be temporarily safe. Once the One Moon Palace falls, the demon clan will deal with it next. They... But this time is different. This time they are taking the initiative. If they participate, they will have to worry about whether they will attract more hatred from the demon clan, which is what they don't want to see. "

All the elders nodded, showing a hint of appreciation.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Ling Feng could see the situation so clearly.

After a pause, Ling Feng continued: "If there are no reinforcements from Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu, given our current situation, it is definitely not wise to take the initiative to go to the monster clan to start a war. In my opinion, it is not appropriate. Take the initiative to start a war.”

Xuanyuan Longteng nodded and said slowly: "What Ling Feng said is also what this sect means."

"Then it's just such a waste?"

Tie Kunlun felt agitated in his heart. He had always been so impatient that he could not bear the torture of waiting.

"Actually, these days are not wasted."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "There are other movements among the demon clan."

"What's the noise?"

All the elders looked at Ling Feng.

"The Demon Clan only sent an army of 50,000 people this time to confront the three major sword houses of our sect. Compared with the previous army of 200,000, it was more than one level behind. And I received news that the members of the Demon Clan were among the 10,000 soldiers. The area to the west of the Beast Mountain Range seems to be quite active. There are at least tens of thousands of monsters, who seem to be surveying for something day and night! "

Ling Feng learned this news from an "old friend". This "old friend" was also a secret chess piece that Ling Feng planted in the Monster Clan, the Crazy Lion.

When he was in the Blood Road Secret Realm that day, Ling Feng once brought the mad lion out of the secret realm. He originally just thought that this guy might come in handy at some point. Unexpectedly, he actually brought him something valuable. information!

(PS: For details, see "Chapter 2113 I almost forgot to do the last hit!")

"At this time, the demon tribe sent tens of thousands of troops to an area where none of our three major sword houses are stationed. Isn't this a little thought-provoking?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. These old guys are all mature and sophisticated. As long as they are a little bit more mature, they will naturally understand the key.

"Could it be that the Great Sage Golden Dragon is searching for something?"

Zhuge Qingtian's pupils shrank, and he immediately thought of something.

A rumor circulating in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains!

Divine Desolate Picture Book!

Ordinary people may not know what the Shenhuang Picture Book means, but most of these old guys present are antiques who have lived hundreds or even thousands of years.

I still know some information about Shenhuang Picture Book.

Zhuge Qingtian, in particular, has done quite a bit of research on these ancient anecdotes.

There were rumors that the Shenhuang Atlas was probably buried under the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

After that, countless warriors emerged to search for the Divine Desolate Catalog in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains.

Unfortunately, nothing was found in the end. Even because the humans entered the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains on a large scale within a period of time, the demon clan thought that the humans had ulterior motives, and another war broke out between the two clans.

After that, the demon tribe also joined the ranks of searching for the catalog of divine wilderness.

It's a pity that after more than a hundred years, both tribes achieved nothing, and this craze finally stopped.

Relatively speaking, they are more inclined to believe that the Shenhuang Catalog is sealed under Ji Lei Pond or Trapped Dragon Abyss.

Although many people know about these two places, those who dare to risk searching are either dead or disabled.

The Illustrated Book of the Wilderness, this legendary treasure that concealed the so-called immortal fate, was finally gradually forgotten by the world.

At this moment, the monster clan's unusual behavior at this time made Zhuge Qingtian immediately think of this relationship.

"Could it be that they are searching for the catalog of divine wilderness?"

Zhuge Qingtian's expression changed, "Their target is locked to the west of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains. Could it be that they have got some clues?"

The elders of various tribes present also showed a hint of surprise. Apparently, they had all heard of the Shenhuang Picture Book to some extent.

Only a treasure like the Shenhuang Illustration can make a figure like the Golden Dragon Great Sage not even pay much attention to the war between the two clans, and send a large number of troops to search.

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