Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2310 The demon messenger! (3 updates)

"Seniors, what is Shenhuang Picture Book?"

While the elders were speculating about various things, Ling Feng pretended to be curious. Sometimes, it is very necessary to pretend to be stupid, although Ling Feng deliberately wanted to let them know the existence of Shenhuang Pictures. , but he just pretended that I didn’t know anything.

Although I didn't get the exact information from the mad lion, after all, although he was considered a young master of the clan, he still couldn't reach the center of the full force layer, and the information he got was very one-sided.

But Ling Feng could roughly guess that the Great Sage Golden Dragon must be looking for something very important.

Moreover, it happened to be in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, so there was a high probability that it might be the Divine Desolate Picture Record.

Ling Feng naturally wants to get this treasure, so he must muddy the water before he has a chance to fish in troubled waters.

He not only wanted to pass the news to the senior officials of Duyue Tiangong, but also to the ears of Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu.

Only in this way, for the "common benefit", the three major sword houses will inevitably choose to join forces to deal with the demon clan and rob the Shenhuang Picture Book.

This is Ling Feng's first purpose, to jointly fight against the demon clan, to a certain extent, it can also speed up the end of the war between the two clans.

Secondly, if you can deal with the entire demon clan with your own strength, it will be difficult to reach the sky by snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

If the three major sword houses intervened, it would undoubtedly be much easier.

I dare not say anything else, but he is well versed in the true meaning of fishing in troubled waters.

When Ling Feng asked, as expected, Zhuge Qingtian explained it to him very patiently and talked for a long time. In fact, Ling Feng knew everything he knew, but he might not know what Ling Feng knew.

At least, the Shenhuang Treasure Box is in Ling Feng's hands. If they find out, they may not be able to control themselves.

Just like when Ling Feng showed Yan Cangtian the Shenhuang Treasure Box that day, Yan Cangtian warned him that the fewer people who knew about this thing, the better.

Otherwise, even the closest people may not be able to restrain their greed.

Therefore, after that, Ling Feng never exposed this thing again. Even his friends like Tuoba Yan and Jiang Xiaofan, Ling Feng never told it.

It's not that I don't trust them, but because the more people who know, the more risks there are.

"It seems that the demon clan may have discovered some clues. No wonder they are holding back for the time being!"

The elder Dongfang frowned and looked at Xuanyuan Longteng, "Headmaster, do we have to watch the demon clan take it all for ourselves?"

"If it is really the Divine Desolate Picture Book, it must not fall into the hands of the demon clan!"

Xuanyuan Longteng's expression became solemn, he pondered for a moment, then looked at Ling Feng again, narrowed his eyes and said: "Boy Ling Feng, since you have received this news a long time ago, I'm afraid you have already prepared a countermeasure, right?"


Ling Feng smiled and said, "I dare not say the countermeasures, but I do have a suggestion. Since the Shenhuang Picture Book is such an important thing, I will also reveal this news to the other two major sword houses. I believe that with the attraction of the Shenhuang Picture Book Is it enough for them to unite with us to fight against the demon clan? Once the three major sword forces are formed, they can immediately launch a general attack and take advantage of the demon clan's unpreparedness, hum! "

"Good boy, you are indeed treacherous!"

Xuanyuan Longteng laughed, but some elders were hesitant.

"Master, although this method is good, it is too cheap for Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu, right?"

People are selfish, especially when facing treasures like the Shenhuang Picture Book.

"Instead of taking advantage of the demon clan, this sect would rather let this thing fall into the hands of the other two major sword houses!"

Xuanyuan Longteng's face turned solemn, "What's more, do you think we will lose to the other two major sword houses?"


The expressions of all the elders were stagnant and they said no more.

Yes, the Shenhuang Picture Book must not fall into the hands of the demon clan. Even if it falls into the hands of the other two sword houses, at least they are all human clan!

"Okay, this matter is settled!"

Xuanyuan Longteng glanced at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Since this proposal was made by Marshal Ling, it is up to you to inform the other two major sword houses to promote the alliance as soon as possible!"

"Yes, disciple will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Ling Feng nodded and accepted the order happily.

"It's weird!"

At this time, Tie Kunlun suddenly noticed that the elders of the Sun family were actually absent from the table!

"That old guy Sun Guangyi, why are you absent today?"

Only then did everyone realize that Sun Guangyi, the elder of the Sun family, was absent!

If that old guy were here, he would be chattering endlessly, but his absence today would make people's ears clear.

"I'm afraid it's a temporary private matter to deal with. Whether he will be there or not has already been decided."

Xuanyuan Longteng said lightly that he was quite disappointed with the elders of the Sun family. As an elder, he only cared about personal grudges and ignored the overall situation.

Such people are too small-minded and their path to martial arts may come to an end.

Let's talk about the commander's account. Under Ling Feng's "intentional" push, everyone finally reached a consensus. His goal has been achieved. Within a few days, the water in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range will be completely mixed.

The Golden Dragon Great Sage wants to swallow the Shenhuang Picture Book by himself, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

On the other side, about three hundred miles away from the One Moon Heavenly Palace camp, there were three people in a secret cave, having a secret meeting here.

One of them was surprisingly the Sun family elder, Sun Guangyi, who had sworn that if Ling Feng could cut off the head of the Golden Dragon, he would cut off his head and serve it as a chamber pot for Ling Feng.

As for the other one, he is also an old man with white beard and hair. He has a "very close relationship" with Ling Feng. He is the current patriarch of Longjian Tianfu Long Family.

The last one, compared to these two octogenarians, looked very young.

However, his face was very pale and his body was so thin that it seemed like he could be knocked down by a gust of wind.

This person is Xiao Hen.

Oh no, to be precise, it should be the underworld insect possessing Xiao Hen's body.

Inside the cave, it was very dark, with only the flickering light of the fire reflecting the faces of the three people.

"Boy Xiao Hen, why did you send a message to me to come! Moreover, you are still acting as the messenger of the demon clan!"

Elder Sun, with his old eyes but piercing eyes, stared at Xiao Hen and said in a cold voice: "Do you know that with this alone, I can kill you with one palm!"

The head of the Long family looked like he was watching a show and did not speak.


Ming Zhi grinned, "The elder had a secret meeting with the demon clan attendant in private. If word spreads about it, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a glorious thing, right?"

"What did you say?"

The Sun family elders stared, "Little boy, even if you are in front of me, I have to be respectful and courteous. How dare you talk to me like this!"

For a moment, an extremely domineering aura swept over him, and when he was about to take action, he was stopped by the head of the Long family.

"Mr. Sun, don't be angry. Since we are all here, we might as well listen and find out what the purpose of this kid is!"

The elder of the Sun family took a deep breath and stared at Xiao Hen. He didn't have much impression of this junior of the Xiao family. He only knew that he was originally the most outstanding genius of the Xiao family. Unfortunately, he gave up the way of swordsmanship and switched to the way of soul cultivation. .

Since then, this genius who emerged from nowhere has gradually faded out of the sight of the senior officials of the One Moon Palace. However, they did not expect that when they met again, this junior of the Xiao family would actually turn into the messenger of the demon clan!

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