Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2317 Blood debt must be paid with blood! (2 updates)

Soon, more and more elders and elite disciples gathered over. Seeing the death of Master Longjian and how embarrassed they were, they all showed extremely angry expressions!

The headmaster is dead!

For Longjian Tianfu, this is undoubtedly the bad news that the sky is falling!

Those elders who were also poisoned were in danger, and even the head teacher died in such embarrassment. They...

They are afraid that sooner or later they will follow in the footsteps of their leader!

"Master Long, what on earth is going on!"

Yu Wenyong, the elder of the Yuwen family, keeps a close eye on the head of the Long family. He was the one who finally relieved the headmaster before his death. Only he knows everything that happened in the end!

"Isn't it obvious?"

The head of the Long family coughed up blood while gritting his teeth and said: "In order to deal with Ling Feng, the head master used his kung fu excessively, so that the poison invaded the internal organs. Just now I wanted to tell some clues that Ling Feng might be the poisoner, but Before he finished speaking, the headmaster was already poisonous! Cough cough cough..."

Although the elders had doubts, this statement was indeed very reasonable.

"Now, we are all poisoned, and the only antidote is in Ling Feng. We can no longer sit back and wait for death. We must capture Ling Feng and get the antidote in order to save our lives!"

The head of the Long family continued to incite everyone.

Those elders, the higher they cultivate to a higher level, the more they fear death.

Especially, with the strength of the Dragon Sword Master, such a powerful man actually died so miserably, which made them feel like they were dying.

If the antidote is no longer available, maybe they will be the next to die!

"Ling Feng!"

For a moment, the elders all burned their anger on Ling Feng's head.

The hatred for the poisoning and the great hatred for the headmaster's death were all pinned on Ling Feng's head.

"Now in our Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion, all the dragons are leaderless. All the senior elders are infected with poison. The other disciples are no match for Ling Feng. How else can we catch him?"

There is also an elder who is relatively calm. With the current situation in Longjian Tianfu, how easy is it to catch Ling Feng?

"If we can't catch him, we'll join forces with Duyue Tiangong and Tianchuan Jianfu to catch him!"

The head of the Long family said loudly: "Ling Feng poisoned the master and destroyed the alliance of the three major sword houses. If the Duyue Tiangong still wants to join us in fighting against the demon clan, it must hand over Ling Feng and use his head to pay homage to the master. Teach the spirit in heaven!”

"Yes, let Du Yue Tiangong hand over Ling Feng!"

For a time, everyone in Longjian Tianfu was filled with excitement, and everyone was filled with anger.

The death of the headmaster undoubtedly completely angered the entire Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion. This anger was enough to burn up nine days!

"Let's go to the One Moon Palace and ask for someone!"

The head of the Long family covered his chest, pretending to be weak while shouting loudly.

He raised his arms and called out, and countless disciples immediately responded.

Soon, the furious Longjian Tianfu disciples gathered together to form a mighty team and headed towards the main camp of the One Moon Palace.

Blood debt must be paid with blood!

"Hmph! Ling Feng, are you still alive this time?"

A trace of sinisterness flashed in the eyes of the head of the Long family. Thinking that at this time, the Sun family elders at the Duyue Palace should have succeeded, right?

By then, Ling Feng would be carrying the serious crime of poisoning the senior elders on both sides.

Even the One Moon Heavenly Palace would never be able to protect Ling Feng!

This time, he will definitely die!

One Moon Heavenly Palace Camp.

"Do you really want to poison me?"

Sun Guangyi, the elder of the Sun family, clenched his fists tightly, "I have completely lost my right to speak in the One Moon Palace. The Xiao family boy is right. If Ling Feng is allowed to continue to grow, sooner or later, within the One Moon Palace, There is no place for my Sun family to establish itself!”

After a fierce ideological struggle, Sun Guangyi finally decided to poison Xuanyuan Longteng and the others.

Taking out the wings of the underworld, Sun Guangyi forced himself to calm down, pretended to be very calm, and walked towards the place where the water was stored.

Although the disciples and elders stationed here are all masters of martial arts and basically do not need to eat, as long as they are human, they still cannot do without water.

Whether it is drinking or washing, it is indispensable.

Anyway, the toxins contained in the wings of the underworld will not affect disciples below the holy level. It will be directly put into the water source. Sooner or later, it will be used by the senior elders of the Single Moon Palace.

And before they know it, they will be poisoned.

Only if these high-level officials are poisoned will no one be able to support Ling Feng!

Under the pressure of the demon clan, the only way is to hand over Ling Feng.

Of course, he didn't know that the head of the Long family was more ruthless than him and directly put the blame for the poisoning on Ling Feng.

In comparison, Sun Guangyi is still a bit less ruthless than the head of the Long family.

Although he has a thief's heart, his courage is still far behind.

After Ling Feng recovered a little from his injuries, he took Yu Junyao and rushed to the main camp of Du Yue Tiangong as quickly as possible.

Although it was just a guess, Ling Feng's feeling was very strong.

Sun Guangyi's abnormal behavior reminded him of many things. If even the senior officials of Duyue Palace were poisoned, then things would continue to get worse.

Soon, Ling Feng arrived at the camp and flew towards Sun Guangyi's tent without saying a word.

I hope this old guy hasn’t had the chance to poison him yet!

After all, to get so many senior elders together, it would be necessary to hold an emergency meeting.

And it just so happened that today's meeting was over.

The head of the Sun family could not find an opportunity to poison, so he should not have succeeded.

However, when Ling Feng rushed to Sun Guangyi's tent, he found it empty and there was no trace of him at all.

"Damn it, this old guy is always haunting, and he always appears in front of me when I don't want to see him. Now when I want to find him, he disappears!"

Ling Feng grabbed the guard outside and asked loudly: "Where is that old guy Sun Guangyi!"

"Sun... Elder Sun went out... went out for inspection!"

The guard was frightened by Ling Feng and his legs were shaking. He had heard that the elders of the Sun family and Ling Feng were not on good terms. Looking at the posture of this "Marshal Ling", was he going to take action?

"Where did you go for inspection!"

Ling Feng almost shouted.

"That... over there..."

The guard was even more frightened and trembled, and was almost scared away by the terrible evil spirit on Ling Feng.

"Young friend Ling Feng, you are so angry!"

At this time, Zhuge Qingtian, Tie Kunlun and several other elders came over from a distance. Seeing Ling Feng's cannibalistic look, they were all surprised.

"Young friend Ling Feng, didn't you go to Tianchuan Sword Mansion and Longjian Tian Mansion to discuss the alliance? Why did you come back so angry? Did something go wrong with the alliance?"

Zhuge Qingtian frowned. Logically, once the news of the Shenhuang Atlas was released, the other two major sword mansions should not refuse the request for an alliance!

But Tie Kunlun saw that Ling Feng looked a little pale and said in surprise: "Young man Ling Feng, are you injured?"

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