Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2318 Everyone has his own opinion! (3 updates)

For a moment, the other elders discovered something strange about Ling Feng. His aura was indeed a little weak, and he seemed to have suffered severe internal injuries.

Although it was suppressed forcefully with Yuan Power, it was still very obvious.

How could he be hurt when he went to discuss the alliance?

"Injured? Humph, we almost lost our lives!"

Yu Junyao on the side said bitterly, although she was not injured, the poison of the Ming Fei Wing still made her suffer a lot.

"what is going on?"

Zhuge Qingtian asked in a deep voice.

"We'll talk about this later. It's important to find Sun Guangyi first!"

Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "I suspect that Sun Guangyi has colluded with the demon clan!"

"What, you can't say this nonsense!"

Zhuge Qingtian frowned and said: "Although Elder Sun is a bit stubborn and old-fashioned, he will not collude with the demon clan!"

The elders of other clans obviously didn't believe it either.

"No matter what, find him first, otherwise it will be too late!"

Ling Feng didn't have time to quarrel with Zhuge Qingtian and the others. He gritted his teeth and forcibly activated the Eye of the Emperor, opening it to its limit for an unlimited time. A moment later, Sun Guangyi was found near the water source.

"Water source?"

Ling Feng frowned and put poison into the water source. This Sun Guangyi is really vicious!

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng immediately rushed in the direction of the water source. The other elders looked at each other, and even though they were full of doubts, they immediately followed.

On the other side, after Sun Guangyi left the water source, he left the water source very calmly and prepared to return to the camp.

At this moment, he was stopped by a figure.

"Elder Sun, where are you going?"

The person who stopped Sun Guangyi was surprisingly Ling Feng!

When Sun Guangyi saw Ling Feng, his expression changed, but he pretended to be calm and snorted coldly: "Ling Feng, do you care where this elder is going?"

"Of course I can't control where you are going, but if some people collude with the demon clan and do something that harms the sect, I will have to control it!"

Ling Feng's cold eyes were fixed on Sun Guangyi, his eyes were like lightning, and he seemed to have understood everything.

Sun Guangyi's heart thumped, but he still sneered: "It's a joke, Ling Feng, don't spit on me!"

"Whether it's a slander or not, I have my own way to verify it!"

Ling Feng stared at Sun Guangyi and asked in a cold voice: "Sun Guangyi, you are such a good person, why did you suddenly come to Shuiyuan?"

Sun Guangyi's eyelids twitched, "As an elder, it's reasonable for me to patrol around, right?"

"Okay, then let's use my method to verify it! Xuantian Poyun Sword!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold. Sun Guangyi refused to admit it. If he wanted to know the truth, he could only read his memory directly!

The blade of the sword swung, and the power of the Xuantian sword unfolded. Ling Feng struck directly at Sun Guangyi with his sword. He had to be subdued as quickly as possible.

"Boy, I was just careless last time. I was really afraid of you!"

Sun Guangyi snorted coldly and used the power of the saint to fight Ling Feng to the same place.

Although Ling Feng used all kinds of methods, he had been seriously injured before. Although the external injuries had recovered to some extent, the internal injuries were not so easy to heal.

But Sun Guangyi had a guilty conscience and his moves were not as sharp as before. For a while, the two of them were evenly matched.

"Zhuge Qingtian, are you still watching the show?"

Sun Guangyi shouted loudly: "This kid clearly framed me deliberately, why don't you help me quickly and capture him!"

"Hmph, you colluded with the demon clan to poison the water source! Senior Zhuge, that poison is very terrifying. You must have someone block the water source to prevent the poison from spreading!"

Ling Feng secretly resented that if he hadn't been severely injured by the Dragon Sword Master before, it would be so difficult to deal with Sun Guangyi now.

After all, Sun Guangyi's foundation in the One Moon Heavenly Palace is too deep. It is difficult to win the trust of others based on his one-sided words.

But even Ling Feng couldn't detect that kind of toxin. The head of the Long family poisoned the tea. Although Ling Feng didn't deliberately verify it, he also looked at the tea and found nothing unusual.

Therefore, if Sun Guangyi mixed toxins into the water source, he would not be able to verify it at all.

The only way is to use the memory reading method to make Sun Guangyi's memory public!

"Old Zhuge, now they all have different opinions. Who should we believe?"

Tie Kunlun frowned when he saw the two men fighting hard.


Zhuge Qingtian frowned. From a personal point of view, he naturally believed in Ling Feng more, but it was hard to believe that Sun Guangyi had colluded with the demon clan.

"You don't believe Ling Feng? He insisted on coming back to stop Sun Guangyi from poisoning, but you didn't even help him?"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she stamped her feet, cursing in her heart that these guys were old fools and wasting Lingfeng's good intentions in vain!

"First order someone to block the water source. In addition, ask the master to come over and make a decision!"

Zhuge Qingtian took a deep breath, he couldn't make this decision either.

"This sect is already here!"

A black shadow flashed, and the next moment, Xuanyuan Longteng was seen speeding towards him from the direction of the commander's tent.

The fight here is in full swing, and with Xuanyuan Longteng's cultivation level, he will naturally not miss it.

"Give me assistants!"

Xuanyuan Longteng's momentum surged, and invisible pressure spread out, covering Ling Feng and Sun Guangyi at the same time.

The expressions of Ling Feng and Sun Guangyi changed at the same time, and they both stopped their killing moves.

"what happened?"

Xuanyuan Longteng stared at the two of them and asked in a deep voice.

"Sun Guangyi colluded with the demon clan to poison the water source!" Ling Feng blurted out.

"It's nonsense!"

Sun Guangyi cursed loudly: "If you have the ability, test the toxins in the water source. If you can detect it, I will kill you immediately!"

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned, the two of them insisted on their own words, and neither of them looked like they were lying.

But who should you trust?

Xuanyuan Longteng naturally believed in Ling Feng and would not lie, but Sun Guangyi said it all...

Just when Xuanyuan Longteng was tangled in every possible way, he suddenly noticed a burst of smoke and dust billowing in the distance, as if there was an army, rushing towards him!

As I got closer, I realized that the army was holding the banner of "Dragon Sword Tianfu" high!

"Come so fast!"

Ling Feng frowned, feeling bad in his heart.

Logically speaking, he had already made an agreement with Master Longjian for three days, but now, within one day, people from Longjian Tianfu actually came to his door.

Well, there's only one explanation.

Master Longjian is dead!

The head of the Long family actually dared to kill the leader of the Dragon Sword. It seemed that he was really going to push himself into a desperate situation this time!

"I really underestimated that old bastard. I didn't expect that he could tolerate it until now, but once it breaks out, he will attack with fatal attacks!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. If Lord Mu Shen had taken action that night and killed all the saint-level warriors in Longjian Tianfu, perhaps there wouldn't be such trouble today.

However, Ling Feng did not regret it.

Moreover, he will personally fulfill the oath he made that day.

Since the people of the Long family still don’t understand each other, even if they are the King of Heaven, he will still kill them!

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