Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2319 Aggressive! (1 update)

"Dragon Sword Tianfu?"

Xuanyuan Longteng and a group of senior elders of the One Moon Palace looked at each other in confusion. Why did the army of the Longjian Heavenly Palace suddenly arrive at their camp in the One Moon Palace?

Even if you agree to form an alliance, you don't have to be so anxious, right?

Xuanyuan Longteng looked at Ling Feng, his eyes full of questioning.

Ling Feng sighed softly, "Headmaster, this is what I want to tell everyone. When I went to Longjian Tianfu to discuss the alliance, the headmaster and senior elders of Longjian Tianfu were all seriously injured. poison!"


Xuanyuan Longteng's expression changed, and the other elders also looked shocked.

The poison that can poison a saint-level strong man is already very rare, let alone poisoning all the senior elders of Longjian Tianfu at the same time...

Ordinary people would rarely have such an opportunity.

But when Ling Feng visited, all the senior officials of Longjian Tianfu were poisoned, so there was no doubt that Ling Feng was regarded as the primary suspect target.

"No wonder..."

Zhuge Qingtian glanced at Ling Feng. No wonder Ling Feng looked seriously injured. No wonder Yu Junyao said that Ling Feng almost lost his life. Thinking about it, he must have experienced a tragic fight in Longjian Tianfu.

"Boy Ling Feng, what on earth is going on?"

Zhuge Qingtian stared at Ling Feng, eager for an answer.

"I haven't fully found out the specific things, but if I guess correctly, Master Longjian should be dead!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the elders of Duyue Heavenly Palace darkened.

The death of Master Longjian undoubtedly angered the entire Longjian Tianfu.

When they come on this trip, they are afraid that they are coming with bad intentions!

Sun Guangyi's expression also changed slightly. He didn't expect that the head of the Long family would act so quickly. While he was still hesitating, the head of the Long family had already been killed.

In terms of being ruthless and decisive, I am still far inferior to the head of the Long family!

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath, knowing the seriousness of the matter. He glanced at Ling Feng and Sun Guangyi and said in a deep voice: "Whether Elder Sun poisoned me or not, we don't care about this matter for now. Now, let's go with our sect to deal with the people of Longjian Tianfu. Bar!"

The other elders also sighed softly.

I originally thought that with the news of the birth of the "Pictures of the Divine Desolation", I could lead to an alliance between the three major sword houses and completely defeat the demon clan, but I didn't expect that the road to alliance would be so dense with thorns.

Not long after, tens of thousands of angry Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion disciples gathered outside the camp of One Moon Heavenly Palace.

"Hand over Ling Feng!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood, Ling Feng must be killed!"

"Ling Feng must die today!"


Tens of thousands of people roared with anger at the same time, and the crowd was excited. The disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace stepped forward to intercept, but were besieged by the angry crowd.

For a while, small conflicts continued, and it seemed that a big battle was about to break out at any time between the disciples on both sides.

"All disciples of Longjian Tianfu, can you give me Xuanyuan Longteng a thin noodles and be patient?"

Finally, Xuanyuan Long Tengfei arrived, and a group of elders from the Du Yue Tiangong also arrived one after another. Seeing this chaotic scene, their expressions darkened again.

In the previous battle between Du Yue Tiangong and the demon clan, they suffered heavy losses, but the disciples of Longjian Tianfu retained most of their strength.

Now that one of them is not handled well and the two sides are fighting, the human camp will inevitably suffer losses again.

At that time, the demon clan attacked in large numbers, and before they could resist, they were already killing each other, and all of them were dead or injured.

In the Dragon Sword Tianfu camp, there were more than a dozen deck chairs that were lifted up by four disciples. The elders who were poisoned were sitting on the deck chairs and were also carried over.

The head of the Long family couldn't help but frown when he saw that all the senior elders of the Duyue Palace were present and no one was poisoned.

His eyes intentionally or unintentionally looked in the direction of Sun Guangyi, showing a trace of disdain: If you don't succeed enough, you will fail more than you can!

In his opinion, there is no doubt that Sun Guangyi is the legendary pig teammate.


Everything is still under his control.

The head of the Long family raised his hand and said with a weak look: "Since Headmaster Xuanyuan has spoken, I still have to give him this face!"

As soon as the head of the Long family spoke, the angry disciples of Longjian Tianfu calmed down a little, but they were still tense and vowed to avenge their master.

Especially after seeing Ling Feng come out, everyone stared at him with great anger. If looks could kill, Ling Feng would have been pierced by thousands of arrows.

As soon as Ling Feng saw this posture, he knew that all the disciples of Longjian Tianfu had been completely bewitched by the head of the Long family.

Today's situation is difficult to deal with!

"Master Long, Ling Feng has already told this sect about the poisoning of all the elders of your sect. However, this sect believes that he will never do such a thing."

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath and said slowly: "I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this!"


The head of the Long family covered his chest, forced out a mouthful of poisonous blood, and coldly snorted: "You have a good disciple from the Single Moon Heavenly Palace. In front of everyone, you killed thousands of my disciples from the Longjian Heavenly Palace. What else can you say? ? Even the headmaster died because of this little beast, what else is there to say? "

This move of the head of the Long family is not bad, and the poisoning may be something to be reckoned with, but Ling Feng killed thousands of Longjian Tianfu disciples in public, and even experienced a big battle with the headmaster of Longjian Tianfu.

Master Longjian died due to excessive use of energy and poisonous energy attacking his mind.

In any case, Ling Feng was convicted of the crime of killing Master Longjian.


Sure enough, Xuanyuan Longteng's expression froze. Ling Feng had killed so many disciples of Longjian Tianfu and indirectly killed the leader of Longjian. Regardless of whether he had poisoned him or not, I am afraid that if he did not die today, it would be difficult to quell the public's anger.

"Hand over Ling Feng!"

"Whoever favors Ling Feng today is the enemy of my Dragon Sword Tianfu!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The head of the Long family followed the angry crowd and shouted loudly: "Master Xuanyuan, is it possible that he is determined to protect that little beast Ling Feng? If so, our Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion, although not as good as your Du Yue Heavenly Palace's famous avatar, palm We must avenge our teachers! Today, unless Headmaster Xuanyuan lets all of us die here, we, Longjian Tianfu, will definitely recover the blood debt of Headmaster!”

"Blood debt must be paid with blood! Blood debt must be paid with blood!!!"

The angry Longjian Tianfu disciples shouted loudly one by one, which invisibly doubled the pressure on Xuanyuan Longteng.

In normal times, with his temperament, he would not hesitate to start a war between the two sides.

But now at this very delicate opportunity, if the two major camps of the human race really kill each other, only the monster race will really benefit.

What's more, the Shenhuang Picture Book is about to be released. If the human race kills each other, the Shenhuang Picture Book will definitely fall into the hands of the demon clan.

Once the demon clan gets the opportunity to record the divine wilderness, it will be a real disaster for the human race!

For a moment, big beads of sweat rolled down Xuanyuan Long's head.

He has been in this position as head coach for decades, but he has never encountered such a difficult situation.

Could it be that we really had no choice but to hand over Ling Feng?

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