Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2320 Get it yourself! (2 updates)

"Blood debt must be paid with blood! Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

The furious Longjian Tianfu disciples pressed forward step by step, while the One Moon Tiangong disciples retreated again and again, with no way to retreat!

For a moment, people were panicked and confused!

Even the disciples of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, more or less, began to look at their master, how to make a decision?

Do you really want to go to war with Longjian Tianfu for a despicable villain and murderer who secretly poisoned you?

Under the influence of the general trend, they also began to feel that Ling Feng was the one who poisoned them.

And today, the culprit that caused the confrontation between the two sects was none other than Ling Feng.

Fighting against the demon clan was nothing more than that. The two clans were enemies. Even without Ling Feng, the two sides would have started a war sooner or later.

However, Ling Feng once again caused a conflict between them and Longjian Tianfu, triggering a war that should not have broken out.

This made these disciples who did not know the truth feel dissatisfied.

Why do they keep wiping Ling Feng's butt?

Why did the entire Duyue Palace have to clean up the mess caused by Ling Feng!

Is Ling Feng so valuable?

Is he worthy?

Gradually, more and more disciples of Du Yue Tiangong put down their weapons.

They can fight to the end with the demon clan, but they are unwilling to kill each other for Ling Feng.

Human nature is often like this.

When Ling Feng came like a god and saved them from the battlefield of death, what they saw was the radiant Ling Feng.

But when Ling Feng plunged them into crisis, they had forgotten all that Ling Feng had done.

Although people are obviously ungrateful, they can often find many very reasonable reasons.

The elders of all clans also frowned. The head of the Dongfang Family said solemnly: "Headmaster, it is not a wise move to protect Lingfeng at this time!"

Sun Guangyi even sneered, adding insult to injury, "Some people are still slandering me for poisoning. It turns out that I am the one who poisons people! Now, you actually have the nerve to hide in the One Moon Palace?"

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath. He understood the will of the disciples and the thoughts of the elders.

At this time, there are only a handful of people who are really willing to stand by Ling Feng's side!

Even he had to consider the overall situation. He couldn't ruin the One Moon Palace for a Ling Feng!

"Ling Feng..."

Xuanyuan Longteng clenched his fists tightly and looked at Ling Feng.

After all, he couldn't fulfill his promise. This time, he couldn't save Ling Feng.

"Headmaster, no need to say more, I understand."

Ling Feng took a deep breath, but there was not much panic or uneasiness on his face. Indeed, in this situation, whether it is the disciples of Longjian Tianfu or the disciples of Duyue Tiangong, they have all been bewitched by the head of the Long family.

They have determined that they are the poisoner and the traitor to the entire human race!

"Hmph, are you still alive?"

The head of the Long family had a trace of resentment flashing in his eyes.

When things have developed to this point, Ling Feng no longer has any backer.

"eye for eye!"

The furious crowd, roaring and roaring, finally broke through the defense line set up by the disciples of the One Moon Palace, or it may be that the disciples of the One Moon Palace had given up the blockade.

Soon, a large number of disciples from Longjian Tianfu surrounded Ling Feng, circle after circle, all staring at Ling Feng with fierce anger.

"Ling Feng, obediently hand over the antidote! You can save yourself some physical pain!"

Yu Wenyong was also poisoned, so what he was most concerned about was naturally the antidote.


Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his hands, surrounded by thousands of people, but his expression remained unchanged.

"I didn't poison, how can I get the antidote?"

Ling Feng glanced across the audience and said coldly: "You won't believe anything I say. In this case..."

After saying this, Ling Feng's whole body suddenly felt aura.

The invisible sword domain unfolded, and the terrifying Shura intention suddenly broke out.

For a time, countless disciples' expressions changed drastically, and they were trembling under Ling Feng's terrifying murderous intent.

"My life, Ling Feng, is here. Whoever has the ability can take it for himself!"

With a roar, a divine power that shook the heaven and earth erupted.

In an instant, hundreds of disciples surrounding Ling Feng were blown away, killing and injuring countless people!

Since the explanation doesn't make sense, then fight a bloody way out!

"You still dare to resist? The disciples listened to the order and captured Ling Feng. Those who cut off his arms will be promoted to one level! Those who stabbed his vitals will be promoted to one level! Those who cut off his head will be promoted to three levels!"

The head of the Long family sneered in his heart, Ling Feng's actions played into his own hands.

Now, it doesn't matter whether Ling Feng is the poisoner or not.

Everyone will no longer pay attention to whether there are any flaws in the poisoning for a while, but will only see Ling Feng's ferocious and violent side, and will completely kill this "devil"!

And Ling Feng had already been seriously injured before, he definitely wouldn't be able to hold on for long!


Countless disciples of Longjian Tianfu were furious, and they attacked Ling Feng fearlessly.

"You brat, let me help you!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and rushed into the battle circle. She knew that Ling Feng was already seriously injured, and if this continued, he would only get more injured.


Among the crowd, Xiao Juanyun and some elders of the alliance with Lingyun couldn't help but want to take action, but were firmly held down by the disciples next to them.

"Don't stop me. Have you all forgotten that if it weren't for the alliance leader, we would have died on the battlefield long ago! Now that he is in trouble, you are actually doing nothing here?"

Xiao Juanyun's eyes were red with anger. He broke away from the disciple beside him and was about to take action when he was stopped by a majestic figure.

"where are you going?"

The voice is cold and stern, not angry but intimidating.


Xiao Juanyun looked up and saw that the person who stopped him was none other than the head of the Xiao family, his father!

"Don't be ridiculous. No one can save Ling Feng now. With your ability, even if you take action, you will only cause trouble for him!"

The head of the Xiao family sighed lightly. He knew that his son had always been close to Ling Feng, and even founded the Ling Yun Alliance, and his strength had steadily increased.

He saw Xiao Juanyun's changes, and as a father, he was naturally pleased.

And all of this, more or less, is thanks to Ling Feng. If possible, he also hopes to keep Ling Feng.

However, even the headmaster chose to remain silent. At this time, whoever dares to help Ling Feng will be the sinner of the sect!

The Xiao family cannot afford this crime!

"Brother Ling!"

Xiao Juanyun clenched his fists tightly as he looked at Ling Feng who was fighting a bloody battle.

Seeing Yu Junyao joining the battle group, the head of the Long family glared, and immediately said loudly: "Look, that woman was also poisoned originally, but now she is safe and sound. Ling Feng indeed has the antidote! He is The poisoner!"

As soon as this statement came out, Ling Feng was at a loss to defend himself.

But the matter is now over, and he doesn’t need to argue anymore!

"If you want to kill me, then go ahead!"

Ling Feng was furious. He was just a little bit close to exposing Sun Guangyi's conspiracy. As long as he captured Sun Guangyi, the entire conspiracy would also be exposed.

But just this little difference caused him to completely lose the opportunity to prove himself.

The people from Longjian Tianfu came too fast!

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