Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2321 Clean up the door! (3 updates)

"Xuan Tian Po Yun Sword!"

Ling Feng slashed out with his sword and swept through dozens of Dragon Sword Tianfu disciples, but his own back was also pierced by a disciple's sword.

The next moment, swallowing flames erupted, and the disciple who stabbed him was directly burned into a section of coke.

Although Ling Feng suffered internal injuries, he was still full of ferocity. After a while, more and more Longjian Tianfu disciples died under his hands.

Not far away, Yu Junyao also used Jiuli's Fire, killing everyone in all directions, and kept getting closer to Ling Feng.

The head of the Long family frowned and looked at Xuanyuan Longteng opposite when he saw so many people besieging Ling Feng, but they couldn't attack it for a long time.

"Headmaster Xuanyuan, why do you, the One Moon Palace, still want to stay out of the matter? Ling Feng is your disciple of the One Moon Palace. Now that he has killed my Headmaster, the Dragon Sword Heavenly Palace, you, the One Moon Palace, cannot escape the blame. !”

"Working together to capture Ling Feng is the only way to calm the anger of my Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion!"

The head of the Long family was heartbroken with every word, and Xuanyuan Longteng's expression changed again.

The head of the Long family has made it clear that he wants to drag the Du Yue Tiangong into trouble as well.

"I, the One Moon Heavenly Palace, will naturally not stay out of this matter!"

Sun Guangyi immediately echoed: "This son Ling Feng is so cunning and hateful. Master, it's time to make a decision!"

Xuanyuan Longteng's brows furrowed deeply. He couldn't fulfill his promise that day and was already ashamed. Now he actually wanted to take action against Ling Feng?

Seeing that Xuanyuan Longteng did not express his position for a long time, Sun Guangyi stepped over and shouted loudly: "Disciples of the Sun family, take action! Help the disciples of Longjian Tianfu and capture the traitor Lingfeng!"

For a time, many disciples of the Sun family in the Duyue Celestial Palace also drew their weapons and prepared to join the battle circle.

Then, some wavering family elders finally chose to take action against Ling Feng.

Since Ling Feng has been offended, he can only be completely eliminated.

Otherwise, Ling Feng's talent is really terrible.

If he were allowed to escape and come back seeking revenge in the future, the consequences would be disastrous!

Originally, it was very difficult for Ling Feng to deal with the large number of disciples of Longjian Tianfu. Now that the disciples and elders of Duyue Tianfu are also joining the battle one after another, Ling Feng is even more difficult to resist.

The injuries on his body are becoming more and more serious, and the blood is almost drained!

With the power of one person, against tens of thousands of people...

Among them, there are countless experts in the Emperor Realm and Holy Realm. No matter how evil Ling Feng is, he will eventually be exhausted.

"Stop it all!"

Seeing that Ling Feng was about to die under the sword, Xuanyuan Longteng shouted violently, and in a flash, he also joined the battle circle.

With a burst of violent momentum, countless disciples and elders who besieged Ling Feng were pushed back by Xuanyuan Longteng.

"Headmaster Xuanyuan, what are you..."

The elders were puzzled. Could it be that Xuanyuan Longteng still wanted to protect Ling Feng at this time?

Does he really want to see a complete break between Longjian Tianfu and Duyue Tiangong?

"Ling Feng is a disciple of my Du Yue Tiangong. Even if we want to clean up the sect, we should do it ourselves!"

Xuanyuan Longteng took a deep breath and let out a deafening roar.


The head of the Long family put a sneer on his lips and said loudly: "Disciples and elders, please step back and let's see how Headmaster Xuanyuan cleans up the family!"

Sun Guangyi also narrowed his eyes. Xuanyuan Longteng has always tried to protect Ling Feng. Will he finally take action against Ling Feng today?

This scene is really exciting!

Immediately, the disciples who surrounded Ling Feng dispersed one after another, leaving a huge space for the two of them.

With Xuanyuan Long free to take action, why bother besieging Ling Feng with the advantage of numbers?

Xuanyuan Longteng, one person is enough!

A bleak cold wind blew by, and the extremely rich smell of blood floated in the air.

Ling Feng's feet were full of corpses, some of which were cut into pieces by his sword, and some of which were burned to charcoal by his swallowing flames.

The wounds on his body were equally shocking.

There were wounds on his chest, bleeding profusely, and his white robe was completely dyed into a bloody red robe!

His body swayed slightly, and he barely managed to annihilate himself in all directions. Only by supporting himself on the ground could he stabilize his body.

After two tough battles on the same day, he had almost reached his limit.

"Ling Feng!"

Yu Junyao stepped forward to support Ling Feng, biting her silver teeth tightly, tears glistening in her beautiful eyes.

Ling Feng's injuries were too serious. If he continued to fight like this, even he would definitely die.

"Don't worry, I, Ling Feng, will not die that easily!"

Ling Feng forced a smile, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Yujunyao's eyes, and then pushed her away, "Okay, you go down first, this is my battle!"

Yu Junyao clenched her silver teeth tightly, took a deep breath, and finally withdrew from the battle circle.

In the huge open space, only Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Longteng were left.

The two stood looking at each other and didn't speak for a long time.

Finally, it was Xuanyuan Longteng who spoke first. He took a deep breath and sighed softly: "Boy Lingfeng, I never thought that we would fight on such an occasion."

"I never thought that I would fight against you, the headmaster."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly, "I have been taking care of the master all this time. Originally, the master wanted my life, so I shouldn't have resisted, but I can't die! I absolutely can't die!"


Xuanyuan Longteng let out a long sigh, "I am useless and cannot protect you! No matter how hard you attack, there is no need to show mercy. With your ability, even this sect may not be able to defeat you."


Ling Feng clenched his fists and took a deep look at Xuanyuan Longteng opposite him. There was too much unbearability and reluctance in his eyes, but as the head coach, he had to stand up.

Perhaps, this is what is called, people cannot help themselves in the world.

"This matter has nothing to do with Miss Jade. Regardless of the outcome, I hope the headmaster will not embarrass her."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and raised the sword in his hand.

"This sect promises that anyone who dares to take action against Yu Yatou will be my enemy and the entire Xuanyuan family!"

Xuanyuan Longteng roared loudly, spreading out in all directions with domineering pressure.

"Then, I'll feel relieved!"

Ling Feng nodded and silently circulated the energy in his body. All thirteen levels of forging Qi Hunyuan Locks were unlocked. The dragon-elephant divine power was also concentrated on the edge of the sword.

To deal with a strong man like Xuanyuan Longteng, one must use all his strength, otherwise, there will be no chance.

Xuanyuan Longteng also silently mobilized the power of the saint. With a sweep of the sword, he shot out, and the sky was filled with ten thousand feet.

This is the secret technique of the Xuanyuan family. As soon as Xuanyuan Longteng makes a move, it is a unique move. Everyone secretly nodded. It seems that Xuanyuan Longteng did not let go.

Ling Feng's complexion changed slightly. His natural way, Ten Thousand Ten Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Beings of Thousand Thousand Rises of Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Beings of Thousand Thousand Thousand Ris of Void in his nature?

Now, facing Xuanyuan Long's towering sky, Ling Feng felt a huge pressure. The sky-wide sword rain erupted from the void without any warning. Ling Feng was enveloped by the sword energy after just one encounter.

"Clang clang clang!"

The sword energy kept colliding with each other. How could Ling Feng, who was already at the end of his strength, be able to withstand such a strong and majestic sword energy? After resisting for several times, he was shocked to the point where he vomited blood and turned pale.

Everyone immediately cheered, the master is the master, and he will take down Ling Feng as soon as he takes action!

Ling Feng was heartbroken. If he were in full strength, he might still be able to fight Xuanyuan Longteng, but now...

Could it be that he really had no choice but to resort to "Chaos Reincarnation"? However, once Chaos Reincarnation was used, even if he could escape, the price would be too high.

The entire fall from a great realm was unbearable for him!

At this moment, a familiar voice came to my ears, "Ling Feng, when the Void Ten Thousand Ren is opened, the Void Channel is also opened. The next time I use the Void Ten Thousand Ren, I can escape into the void! This It's you, the only chance!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly and he looked at Xuanyuan Longteng. No wonder he used his killing move as soon as he saw him face to face. That's it!

That’s so! !

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