Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2325 I am faster than you! (1 update)

With a flash of light, Ling Feng took out a glazed fire essence from the Naling Ring.

The glazed fire tree given to him by the ghost doctor produced a total of thirteen glazed fire spirits, each of which was a heavenly and earthly treasure comparable to the Heart-Burning Emperor Lotus.

As soon as the glazed fire essence was taken out, the bitch immediately swallowed his saliva, his eyes glowed green, and his mouth watered.

Not to mention a cheap donkey, even the giant wasteland scorpion visibly trembled, sensing the majestic energy and blood power emanating from the glazed fire essence.

It's a pity that it has long been frightened by the demonic aura of the donkey, and it still dares to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

"leave me alone!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at the bitch in annoyance, "It's almost dripping on me!"

The bitch sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth, raised his hoof and wiped the corners of his mouth fiercely, and said with a sneer on his face: "Say, Ling Feng boy, there are more than a dozen glazed fire essences on the glazed fire tree, divided into five and eight of the mythical beasts. It’s not too much, right?”

"Haha... no need to talk!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and ignored the bitch, which was why he didn't dare to put the Glazed Fire Tree into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

If this bitch had taken this into consideration, the Glazed Fire Tree would probably have been chewed up by this bitch until only the roots were left.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng swallowed the red glazed fire spirit into his belly. He felt the majestic fire spiritual power and the power of Qi and blood flowing through his body, and quickly activated the "Eight Desolate Forgings" "Physical Technique" and began to transfer the power of Qi and blood to recover from the injury.

"Humph, you brat!"

Seeing that Ling Feng ignored him, the bitch gave Ling Feng a fierce look, but he did not dare to disturb Ling Feng's healing. He could only mutter: "Sooner or later, this beast will eat all your glazed fire essence." Clean!”

On the other side, when Ling Feng was using the Glazed Fire Essence to heal his wounds, the situation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains was changing.

Because of Ling Feng's warning, although Xuanyuan Longteng did not find poison in the water source, he still changed the water source. Therefore, so far, no saint-level expert has been plotted in the Single Moon Palace.

As for Sun Guangyi, the elder of the Sun family, his purpose was just to kill Ling Feng. Now that Ling Feng was "dead", whether or not to poison him was the second priority.

Soon, Tianchuan Jianfu and Duyue Tiangong formed an alliance. As for Longjian Tianfu, the situation was more complicated.

Because all the senior elders were poisoned, the entire Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion agreed, which could almost be said to be a piece of loose sand.

However, the head of the Long family seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

Ling Feng died, and the Long family lost a big worry. Moreover, in the end, it was Xuanyuan Longteng, the headmaster of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, who killed Ling Feng. Even if the incident spread to the Valley of the Wicked, the Shepherd God would have to take revenge if he wanted to. It's trouble to find Du Yue Tian Palace.

In addition, he thought that after swallowing the antidote, the poison of the underworld wing was no longer a threat to him, so he was naturally in a good mood.

At this moment, Master Longjian is dead, and everyone in Longjian Tianfu is not listening to his orders alone.

This feeling of having great power made him feel unprecedentedly swollen.

However, he did not know that the countdown to his little life had already begun.

He thought he was smart, but in fact, he was plotted by the Ming Zhi.

At the same time, Ming Zhi, the man behind the scenes who has been lurking in the dark and watching all this, does not look very good.

The Ming Ling is of the Zerg family and can naturally control other insects.

In this mountain range of beasts, the most indispensable thing is naturally snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

It can be said that as long as Ming Zhi is interested in spying, all the disturbances will not be hidden from his eyes and ears.

"You're careless. These two old foxes really have their own selfish motives!"

Ming Zhi snorted coldly. It can be said that the actions of the head of the Long family were somewhat unexpected even by him.

It has to be said that the head of the Long family is indeed a cunning old fox who is very good at taking advantage of various opportunities to force Ling Feng into desperate situations.

This undoubtedly deviated from Ming Xie's original plan.

The biggest deviation is that I didn't expect Ling Feng to react so quickly. Just from the behavior of the head of the Long family, he guessed that he might use the same method to deal with Du Yue Tiangong.

Therefore, although the senior elders of Longjian Tianfu were poisoned, the losses in Single Moon Palace were not huge.

However, this does not affect the final result.

Within ten days, the top brass of One Moon Palace will be dead!

The demon clan is bound to take advantage of this opportunity to invade again on a large scale, and the war will escalate again.

At that time, once the ancestors of Longjian Tianfu take action, the war between the human race and the demon race will definitely intensify.

And when the time comes, how can Duyue Tiangong and Tianchuan Jianfu stay out of the matter?

No one can stop the two clans from fighting.

"It's a pity that Ling Feng actually died in the hands of Xuanyuan Longteng. If he could be captured alive, there would be many secrets in his body."

Ming Zhi shook his head and sighed softly. The task assigned to him by Shen Wuliang was to completely muddy the water in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range. Whether he could capture Ling Feng alive was the second priority.

Now, everything is ready, and only ten days later, the senior elder of Longjian Tianfu will die of poison. That will be an excellent opportunity to trigger a war.

The night is getting darker.

In the Longjian Tianfu camp, due to the siege and killing of Ling Feng, there were heavy casualties. In addition, the leader died, and all the senior elders were poisoned, so that people were distracted and everyone was in danger.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the twilight, two figures, one behind the other, cut through the bloody sky, fell into a huge ancient tree, and disappeared immediately.

The disciple who was on guard duty vaguely saw some movement, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. He frowned and had no doubt that he was there.

Maybe, it's just some birds and beasts.

In the canopy of the tree, a man and a woman landed steadily on the branches, staring at the camp in front of them, showing solemn expressions.

"Hey, how long do you have to hide before you can act?"

Yu Junyao frowned, obviously a little impatient.

"At least, we have to wait until it gets completely dark."

Jun Jiuyou's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly: "Only when most people have completely relaxed their vigilance before stealing corpses can we be foolproof."

"I'm afraid if I wait any longer, the body of the Dragon Sword Master will have been taken away!"

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth, thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Let's do this. Our troops will be divided into two groups. You will guard here while I chase in the direction of Longjian Tianfu. Maybe I can catch up."


Jun Jiuyou pondered for a moment and nodded, "Okay! But, you stay here and I'll chase you!"


Yu Junyao looked unconvinced and was about to retort when Jun Jiuyou's figure flew straight out, leaving behind a sentence -

"Only I can be faster than you!"

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