Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2326 Stealing the corpse! (2 updates)


Jun Jiuyou's strength is indeed much higher than that of Yu Junyao, and as the young master of the Jiuyou Divine Clan, he is even better at manipulating the power of wind rules.

According to legend, the Nine Nether One is an immortal bird from ancient times, and its true form is a Nine Nether Bird. After tens of millions of years, the Nine Nether bloodline in the Nine Nether God Clan’s body has become very thin, but it is naturally Has the talent to control the wind.

When it comes to speed, Jun Jiuyou has a unique advantage over gods like Yu Junyao who are good at manipulating flames.

Yu Junyao was so angry that she couldn't match Jun Jiuyou's speed, so she could only watch Jun Jiuyou's figure disappear into the dusk.

"Tch, a grown man is proud of being fast!"

With a low curse, Yu Junyao's pretty face turned slightly red. Naturally, she learned these words during her time in the Valley of the Wicked.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Junyao continued to stare at the camp ahead, waiting quietly for night to fall.

Time passes bit by bit, which is undoubtedly a kind of torture for people like Yu Junyao who can't sit still.

But at this moment, she had to be on the big tree, motionless!

"You bastard, you owe me this time!"

Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and realized that she was also a direct descendant of the dignified Jiuli God Clan. She was a daughter of a wealthy family. She had such a noble status, and now she actually wanted to engage in the business of "stealing corpses".

Finally, the night completely enveloped them, and bonfires began to light up in the Longjian Tianfu camp.

Yu Junyao put on night clothes, covered her face with gauze, and at the same time took out some magic weapons to hide her breath. She felt in the dark and quietly sneaked into the Longjian Tianfu camp.

Although the body of Master Longjian is most likely already on the way back to Longjian Tianfu, there is also a great possibility that it is still in the camp.

After all, time was short, and the senior elders were all poisoned. Maybe no one had thought of how to deal with the leader's body yet.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Junyao quickly bypassed the blockade guarding the outer area and sneaked into the camp area where the elders gathered.

Because the elders were concentrating on fighting the poison in their bodies, they did not notice that anyone had sneaked in.

Yu Junyao carefully recalled that when she followed Ling Feng to the Longjian Tianfu camp during the day, the camp where Master Longjian was located, and his body was probably still in the camp where he originally lived.

Fortunately, her memory was very good, and unlike Ling Feng, she was an out-and-out road idiot. Soon, she used her memory to sneak into the vicinity of the headmaster's camp.

There are many disciples standing guard outside the leader's camp, and they are heavily guarded. It really looks like a place where corpses are placed.

Yu Junyao frowned slightly. With so many people guarding outside the camp, it might not be easy to sneak in without anyone noticing.

The distance between these guarding disciples is just enough to detect each other. Once one of them disappears, it will inevitably arouse the alert of others. Therefore, it is impossible to sneak attack one of them first and then use this gap to sneak into the camp.

"It seems that some extraordinary measures must be used!"

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth and took out a rather delicate-looking sachet from the spirit ring.

This sachet was given to her by Elizabeth, one of the top ten villains.

According to Elizabeth, girls are always relatively weak, and it is not good to be beaten and killed all the time, so sometimes, you need to use some special things.

There is a special aroma stored in this sachet. Women will not have any impact if they smell it, but once a man smells it, if his mind is not firm enough, he will be immersed in endless fantasies.

As for what kind of fantasy it was, Elizabeth didn't say clearly, but from her extremely ambiguous smile, Yu Junyao could guess something.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Junyao threw the sachet in the direction of the camp. At the same time, she controlled a stream of pure energy. When the sachet happened to fall in the center of all the guarding disciples, she threw it. It detonates.


A slight explosion made all the disciples alert.

"what's the situation?"

The disciples stared at it and immediately felt a scent of fragrance, and then a bright red color appeared on their faces.

Soon, the guarding disciples fell into hallucinations one after another.

It’s not that these disciples are not determined at all, but who is the “fascinating” Elizabeth?

If the sachet she personally made cannot even enchant these stupid young people, how can it be worthy of the name of "charming".

After a while, the guarding disciples fell into a state of sluggishness, enjoying themselves in their own fantasies and unable to remember where they were.

"The sachet that sister Elizabeth gave me is really amazing!"

After easily dealing with the guarding disciples, Yu Junyao's figure flashed before entering the camp.

Sure enough, there was a coffin placed in the camp. Yu Junyao carefully opened the coffin. Inside was the body of Master Longjian.

Because Master Longjian died of poison, his body was very rotten and exuded a strong stench. The stench hit her face and almost made Yu Junyao gag.

"Bah, bah, bah, it stinks!"

Yu Junyao quickly closed the coffin and slapped her nose several times with her jade hand, but the smell of corpse lingered for a long time.

Resisting the urge to vomit, Yu Junyao directly put the entire coffin into the spirit ring. She did not have the courage to directly touch the body of the Dragon Sword Master, so she had to take away the coffin as well.

"We have the body, it's time to go back!"

Yu Junyao cursed secretly in her heart, thinking that this brat Ling Feng owed her a huge favor!

However, just as she was about to leave the camp and leave silently, a roar came from outside the camp.

"Someone...someone broke into the camp!"

A low roar pierced the night sky, but it was a guard disciple who actually woke up from the hallucination with his strong willpower.

And when he roared like this, he immediately alarmed the entire camp.

For a moment, nearby disciples rushed over one after another, and the elders in the surrounding camps also suppressed the toxins in their bodies and rushed out.

"Who dares to break into our Longjian Tianfu camp at night without showing his face?"

The head of the Long family, with a group of disciples, surrounded the camp. As soon as Yu Junyao walked out of the camp, he would be destroyed and fell into their siege.

"Damn it!"

Yu Junyao frowned, just a little bit away, and she could leave without anyone noticing.

Although her strength is not weak, but she has to deal with so many opponents, after all, she is still a little inadequate.

At this moment, a violent wind suddenly blew up from the horizon, and the faces of the disciples surrounding the camp changed.

The head of the Long family also frowned, "Are there any masters?"

The strong wind swept away, like a green electric shock. The next moment, it was directly swept into the big tent. Before Yu Junyao could react, she was grabbed by the shoulder by a huge force. The next moment, she was directly swept up into the air. among.

"Don't leave!"

Several semi-saint-level elite disciples from Longjian Tianfu soared into the sky, trying to intercept him, but before they could get close, they were swept away by the violent wind.

"Click" sound!

The sword is broken!

People die!

In the blink of an eye, the green hurricane disappeared into the night sky without a trace.

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