Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2327 Blame yourself! (3 updates)

"Who is he?"

The head of the Long family frowned. After all, he had to pretend to be poisoned, so he couldn't take action.

And those who do not have the strength of a great sage may not be able to resist the strong wind just now!

"Oh no, the headmaster's body has been stolen!"

A disciple rushed into the camp and saw at a glance that the coffins placed in the camp had disappeared.

"Who actually wants to steal the headmaster's body?"

The face of the head of the Long family changed, and two guesses suddenly appeared in his mind.

One of them is the people from Du Yue Tiangong, maybe they want to find out the real cause of death of Master Longjian.

But Ling Feng is already dead, so whether or not to investigate seems to be meaningless, right?

Next are the people from the demon clan.

There are all kinds of evil methods among the demon clan. Master Longjian was a great saint-level expert after all when he was alive. If his body was transformed into a corpse puppet, he would also be a very powerful being.

"Which side will it be?"

The head of the Long family frowned deeply and was a little unsure for a moment.


Suddenly, the head of the Long family spat out a mouthful of black poisonous blood, and his expression suddenly changed.

"What's going on? Haven't I already swallowed the antidote?"

The head of the Long family felt a thump in his heart. He had pretended to vomit blood before, but this time, it was clear that there was a change in the blood and energy in his body.

It seems that there is a force beyond his control that is destroying his internal organs.

"Could it be that that boy from the Xiao family dared to lie to me?"

The head of the Long family covered his chest, and suddenly a chill ran down his spine. If the detoxification pill was just a scam, wouldn't he...


The face of the head of the Long family changed drastically. He couldn't care less about the theft of the master's body. He immediately rushed back to his camp and began to suppress the poison in his body.

Seeing that the heads of the Long family were suddenly in chaos, the entire Longjian Tianfu was even more chaotic.

Let's say that Yu Junyao was swept away by the green wind and flew for more than a hundred miles before stopping.

The cyan hurricane disappeared, and a figure emerged. It was Jun Jiuyou.

Jun Jiuyou chased in the direction of Longjian Tianfu for more than ten thousand miles, but did not find any disciples of Longjian Tianfu returning to Longya City (Longjian Tianfu's headquarters), and returned as quickly as possible.

Just in time, he caught up with the moment Yu Junyao was in crisis, and took action in time to rescue Yu Junyao.

With his ability, if he just wanted to escape, the heads of the Long family would naturally not be able to stop him.


Yu Junyao fell to the ground, feeling her internal organs rolling, and she suddenly started retching.

She had endured the stench of corpses before, but how could anyone survive a hurricane spinning at high speed for hundreds of miles?

"You're too weak. It's just a few turns, isn't it?"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at Yu Junyao. Similar to Ling Feng, if Ling Feng was the number one iron hanhan, Jun Jiuyou could definitely be regarded as the number two iron hanhan.

The thought of pitying the beauty and cherishing the jade will never appear in his mind.

Yu Junyao vomited so much that her jaundice water almost came out. With tears streaming down her face, she stared at Jun Jiuyou angrily, "You still have the nerve to say that!"

Jun Jiuyou shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: "How is it? Did you succeed?"

"Hmph, I'm going to take action, so what's the point?"

Yu Junyao opened the spirit ring and threw the coffin out. She rolled her eyes, revealing a hint of cunning, and hummed softly: "See for yourself!"

Jun Jiuyou glanced at the coffin and, not knowing what was going on, raised his hand and opened the coffin.

A foul odor suddenly hit his nostrils.


Jun Jiuyou felt like his head was going to explode. The stench was simply beyond words.

Especially, he was so close!


Seeing that Jun Jiuyou was hit, Yu Junyao laughed happily, making you say that this girl is useless, it will be strange if I don't torture you to death!

Jun Jiuyou quickly closed the coffin, pinched his nose tightly, and glared at Yu Junyao, but it was hard for him to get angry.


With a cold snort, Jun Jiuyou put away the coffin and gritted his teeth and said: "For Brother Ling's sake, I don't want to be as knowledgeable as you."

"Bah, what do you mean, for that brat's sake, I have nothing to do with him!"

Yu Junyao snorted and bit her lip.

"It doesn't matter. Why are you so nervous and want to clear his name?"

Jun Jiuyou raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "I said you must like him! Hey, am I right?"

"Nonsense! Do I like that brat? Tell me clearly!"

Yu Junyao was so angry that she jumped up and down and chased after Jun Jiuyou. Jun Jiuyou had no choice but to speed up and gallop towards the main camp of the One Moon Palace.

Soon, the two of them carried Master Longjian's coffin back to the camp of One Moon Heavenly Palace. Although it was already late at night, the candles in Xuanyuan Longteng's camp were always on.

"Stolen it back?"

Xuanyuan Longteng looked at the two people in front of him. He had waited until now and naturally hoped to hear good news.

"If this girl takes action, she will be captured easily!"

Yu Junyao snorted softly and glanced at Jun Jiuyou.

Jun Jiuyou nodded, took out the coffin, and said calmly: "It's right here."

Xuanyuan Longteng's face suddenly showed excitement. He walked quickly to the coffin and raised his hand to open the coffin lid.

Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou looked at each other and took several steps back at the same time.

A foul smell came to their noses. Even from a distance, Yu Junyao and the other two felt like vomiting.

However, Xuanyuan Longteng's expression only changed slightly, and he completely opened the coffin lid and began to examine the body of the Dragon Sword Sect Leader.

Yu Junyao and Jun Jiuyou's expressions changed at the same time.

Otherwise, how could he be the Sect Leader? He really has something extraordinary!

It's so smelly, but he can still tolerate it?

"I say, Sect Leader Xuanyuan, doesn't it smell bad?"

Yu Junyao couldn't help asking.

Xuanyuan Longteng said in a deep voice: "In order to find out the real cause of death of Sect Leader Dragon Sword and clear Ling Feng's unjust grievances, what does this smell count for?"

After all, it was Xuanyuan Longteng who personally took action to force Ling Feng into the void channel. Although Yu Junyao said that Ling Feng would definitely be able to escape danger, Xuanyuan Longteng still felt deeply guilty.

Therefore, all he could do was to find out the truth and clear Ling Feng's name before Ling Feng returned.

Although, all this might be too late.

Ling Feng killed too many disciples of Longjian Tianfu and many disciples of Duyue Tiangong. Even if he was found out that he was not the one who poisoned, he might not be able to stay in Duyue Tiangong as an elder in the future.

But, he had to clear Ling Feng's name!

This was the only thing he could do for Ling Feng.

Seeing Xuanyuan Longteng endure the stench and carefully examine the body of Longjian Sect Leader, Jun Jiuyou and Yu Junyao were immediately in awe.

The reason why this Xuanyuan Sect Leader attacked Ling Feng was that he had too many helplessness. He really treated Ling Feng with sincerity.

This was also why Ling Feng did not want to join the Evil Valley and worship Mu Shenjun as his teacher at the beginning, because he could feel Xuanyuan Longteng's sincerity towards him.

Therefore, he also regards himself as a member of Du Yue Tian Gong. It has been like this in the past, and it will always be like this in the future.

(PS: Brothers, please help me. The monthly ticket ranking is still very low, it’s not good~)

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