Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2328 Black Ice Soul! (1 update)

a long time.

Xuanyuan Longteng carefully inspected the body of Master Longjian for a long time, but still found nothing suspicious.

The cause of Master Longjian's death was very obvious. It was due to severe poison in his body. The toxin invaded his internal organs and completely cut off his vitality.

This point is not inconsistent with what the head of the Long family said.

Could it be that Master Longjian really had excessive energy due to his fight with Ling Feng, which resulted in insufficient energy and was unable to suppress the poison in his body?

But, is this Dragon Sword Master, a powerful master of a great sect, really so bad?

After all, the other elders who were poisoned did not seem to die from the poison so quickly.

Xuanyuan Longteng frowned deeply. He thought he could find some clues by stealing the body of Master Longjian, but now he is still at a loss.

After all, because Master Longjian died of poisoning, his corpse was severely decomposed. Originally, with the physical strength of a saint-level strongman, the body could be preserved intact for hundreds of years even after death. However, Master Longjian, it can be said that It was a very miserable death.

The high degree of decomposition of the corpse also made it much more difficult to examine the corpse.

"How is it, Headmaster Xuanyuan, do you have any clues?"

Yu Junyao pinched her nose and looked at Xuanyuan Longteng.

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head and sighed softly: "I haven't found anything yet."

"It would be great if that brat Ling Feng was here. That family is proficient in medical skills. If he were here, he would definitely be able to find out the true cause of death of Master Longjian!"

Yu Junyao frowned and said in a deep voice.

"What a pity, he's not here!"

Jun Jiuyou sighed, "With the speed at which this corpse is decomposing, even if Brother Ling does come back by then, I'm afraid there will only be a bare skeleton left. How can we conduct an autopsy?"

Xuanyuan Longteng also frowned deeply, "Is there really no way to find out the truth?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Yu Junyao thought for a moment and said slowly: "Ling Feng said that that old guy Sun Guangyi is very weird, and some clues can definitely be found from him. In addition..."

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth and took out a blue gemstone from the Naling Ring. As soon as she took it out, an astonishing cold air came out.

"This is the Xuan Bing Soul. With the power of Xuan Bing, it can delay the decay of the corpse. Maybe we can wait until Ling Feng comes back."


Jun Jiuyou and Xuanyuan Longteng's expressions changed. They didn't expect that Yu Junyao actually had such a treasure.

The most wonderful use of the Xuanbing Soul is naturally not to delay the decay of corpses, but the power of the Xuanbing contained in it, which can stabilize the mind and hold the essence.

When a strong martial artist is practicing, if he is not careful for a moment or is eager for quick success, he can easily go wrong and go crazy.

For example, Jun Jiuyou's father, if he had the mysterious ice soul to protect him, he would not be injured at all, so that he would need to use the Fountain of Youth to extend his life.

"Miss Jade, I'm very curious, who are you?"

Jun Jiuyou stared at Yu Junyao. Not even the Jiuyou Divine Clan had such a treasure as the Xuanbing Soul.

"My background as a girl has nothing to do with you!"

Yu Junyao snorted softly, folding her hands in front of her chest with a proud look on her face.

It's no wonder that although they are both gods, Yu Junyao was born in Zhongyuan Domain, which is the real domain of gods. There are many powerful gods, and Jiuli God Clan is just one of them.

In the West Sword Region, the Jiuyou God Clan is indeed powerful, but compared with the major God Clan in the Zhongyuan Region, it is still far behind.

Although her current strength is not as good as Jun Jiuyou's, she is about twenty years younger than Jun Jiuyou.

In twenty years, if she received key training from the Jiuli Divine Clan, it would be enough for her to far surpass Jun Jiuyou.

"If you don't say it, don't say it."

Jun Jiuyou's eyes flashed with light. Although Yu Junyao did not tell her origin, he could probably guess that Yu Junyao came from the God Clan, and she was definitely a God Clan with the more noble bloodline of the Jiuyou God Clan!

"Headmaster Xuanyuan, take this Xuanbing soul and seal the body of Headmaster Longjian."

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth and handed the Xuan Bing Po into Xuanyuan Long Teng's hands with a pained expression on her face, "I have to pay it back!"

Yu Junyao felt uncomfortable at the thought of placing this Xuanbing soul on the rotting corpse of Master Longjian.

"This is natural."

Xuanyuan Longteng took the Xuan Bing Soul and carefully placed the Xuan Bing Soul in the coffin. A cold air escaped, but it did not condense into frost. In this case, it can at least slow down the decay rate of the corpse dozens of times. .

"On the other side, Girl Yu warned her well, but Sun Guangyi is very suspicious."

Xuanyuan Longteng looked at Jun Jiuyou and said in a deep voice: "Young Master Jiuyou, can you do me a favor and keep an eye on Sun Guangyi. Only you have the strength to spy on him suspiciously without being discovered."

Jun Jiuyou shrugged, "Everyone has already helped me, so naturally I won't give up halfway. I just hope that Brother Ling can come back as soon as possible! Hey..."

His father doesn't have that long to wait!

While Jun Jiuyou was thinking about Ling Feng, Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged on the back of a giant wasteland scorpion, meditating and adjusting his breath.

The Glazed Fire Essence is indeed a natural treasure that the ghost doctor spent 1.6 billion high-grade Yuan Jing to capture.

Although Ling Feng was seriously injured and almost shaken to his foundation, after swallowing the glass fire essence, he recovered about 70% to 80% in the shortest time.

After refining the first glazed fire essence, Ling Feng swallowed the second glazed fire essence. The pure fire spiritual power made Ling Feng's flame swallowing ability slightly improve, and the pound of The power of Qi and blood is truly the essence of the Glazed Fire Essence.

After refining three glazed fire essences in a row, Ling Feng's internal injuries were completely healed. Even the "Eight Desolations Immortal Body" had a breakthrough, and his physical body became a little stronger.

Not to mention Ling Feng, when he was refining the glazed fire essence, a trace of the energy and blood power that escaped from his body was absorbed by the giant wasteland scorpion, which greatly increased the realm of the giant wasteland scorpion. few!

Seeing Ling Feng swallowing the glazed fire essences one after another, the donkey's saliva was about to flow into a river.

Seeing this guy's extremely "resentful" look, Ling Feng had no choice but to give him a glazed fire essence. If he kept craving for it like this, his eyes would probably turn green.

Of course, Ling Feng did not favor one over the other. Underworld Yalong, Xiao Qiongqi and Zifeng all received one each.

As for the Yellow Emperor and Huang Shaotian, he only had a ray of spiritual thought left, attached to the East Emperor Bell, but he did not need a treasure like the Glazed Fire Essence.

Of course, the most mysterious little goldfish, whose origins even Ling Feng didn't know, Ling Feng didn't dare to provoke it. He only dared to throw a glazed fire spirit to it from a distance, which was considered a kind of "please".

After coming to the West Sword Region, Ling Feng could ignore ordinary Saint-level experts even if their cultivation levels continued to break through, but he still couldn't see through this little goldfish, this "Fish Ancestor". There is a lot more to please, and at critical moments, it might come in handy.

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