Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2329 You are so disgusting! (2 updates)

"Finally fully recovered!"

The Wasteland Giant Scorpion ran wildly for a whole day and night in the Tagore Desert. Finally, at the end of the horizon, a green forest appeared.

This also means that they are about to leave the Tager Desert and re-enter the Western Sword Territory.

Fortunately, in this whole day, Ling Feng's injuries have completely recovered.

Even after experiencing this extremely brutal battle, Ling Feng made another breakthrough and gained a clearer understanding of the Holy Level.

He believes this is an opportunity.

Once you fully understand it, you can naturally break through the Saint level in one fell swoop!

"Okay, we have reached the border of Tagore Desert, you can leave!"

Ling Feng gently patted the giant wasteland scorpion under him. The giant wasteland scorpion immediately stopped and prostrated respectfully on the ground.

This giant wasteland scorpion can be regarded as the overlord in the Tagore Desert. Unfortunately, in front of Ling Feng, he has no temper at all.

Ling Feng and Jianlu jumped off the back of the giant scorpion in the wasteland, waved their hands casually, and said calmly: "Go."

The giant scorpion of the wasteland glanced at Ling Feng with its big eyes, and then at the donkey. He didn't have any objections when he saw this "Master Donkey", and then he immediately let go and ran towards the depths of the desert. go.

I didn’t expect that I could still save my life. It’s really not easy!

"Boy Ling Feng, what are you going to do next?"

The bitch hugged the glazed fire essence happily, but because he only got one, the guy didn't want to eat it at all. He took it out and licked it twice every once in a while, leaving Ling Feng speechless for a while.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily and snorted coldly, "I'm not dead. The guy who framed me behind my back is about to suffer!"

After the words fell, a ray of murderous intent flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and disappeared in a flash.

The bitch couldn't help but shudder. The murderous aura in Ling Feng was getting more and more terrifying.

"You want to go back? Aren't you afraid of being besieged again?"

The bitch laughed mischievously, "You know, you have already died once!"

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? In the eyes of the three major sword houses, I am already a dead person. They will not guard against a dead person."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "This time, I want to investigate in secret, find out the person who harmed me behind the scenes, and then let him know what it means to live worse than death!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly. Ever since he started martial arts, he had never been plotted so miserably by someone. (Except for Ling Hanyang’s time, after all, Ling Hanyang’s purpose was to help Ling Feng open the Golden Eye of the Emperor.)

In the past, the enemy was in darkness and we were in the dark, and Ling Feng was caught off guard. However, this time, Ling Feng turned to the dark side, and the result was not certain.

"in addition……"

Ling Feng sneered and took out a treasure that had been sealed for a long time from the Naling Ring.

(PS: For details about the origin of Qian Ji Bai Chang, please refer to "Chapter 1192 Qian Ji Bai Chang". In the Tianlan Sea Area chapter, Ling Feng got a treasure that can be disguised when he passed through Tianlan Sea Area.)

I saw Ling Feng put Qianji Baidu on his face, pinched it casually a few times, and used Bahuang's physical training technique to change his body shape. After a while, a big fat man with a pockmarked face appeared in front of the cheap donkey. In front of you.

The "fat man" who was so famous in the Tianlan Sea finally reappeared in the world!

"Hmph, I want to see who can recognize me!"

Ling Feng sneered, and his voice became slightly shrill. From head to toe, there was nothing similar to Ling Feng.


The bitch glanced at Ling Feng, then looked away, and focused on the Glazed Fire Essence. He held it in the palm of his hand and licked it twice. He estimated that in a few days, it would lick it away.

"You're really gross!"

Ling Feng shook his head, and with a thought, he entered the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

He wanted to see the situation of Xiaodie and Lan Yan.

Xiaodie is the key to detoxification. As for Lan Yan, he was also poisoned. From him, we can understand the toxicity of the poison.

At this moment, Lan Yan was half leaning on a pillar, humming for a while.

The regret in his heart was that he was a good second-generation ancestor, the young master of the Blue Fire Tribe, who usually acted domineeringly and had everything he wanted, so why did he provoke Ling Feng?

If Ling Feng had not been provoked in the first place, he would not have robbed the original divine pattern.

If he hadn't been robbed and interrogated about his origins, he wouldn't have had to follow Ling Feng as a lackey.

If he hadn't been a bitch around Ling Feng, he wouldn't have been poisoned!

Hey, all this is because I was blind in the first place!

Now, he was poisoned and dying. He could only watch himself getting weaker and weaker day by day, feeling anxious.

However, the little girl who can detoxify sleeps for several days, and who knows when she will wake up.

At this moment, there was a movement from behind. Lan Yan turned around and realized that it was a strange guy.

It was a fat man, weighing at least 280 kilograms, tall and burly. Moreover, he looked ferocious and filled with evil aura, which made Lan Yan's heart thump.

Isn't this Ling Feng's magic weapon? If an outsider comes in, doesn't it mean that Ling Feng is dead, and his treasure has been taken away by others, and even the soul mark has been erased.

Oh my gosh!

Lan Yan was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. Is this the so-called rainy night when the house leaks?

Ling Feng is his only hope of survival!

The big fat man got closer and closer. When he walked in front of Lan Yan, he suddenly squatted down and looked at him carefully.

"How does it feel?"

Ling Feng asked.

Lan Yan sweated slightly on his forehead, "I...I'm fine. Thank you so much for your concern."

"I can't even speak clearly. This poison is quite severe."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, stared at Lan Yan, and said calmly: "Take off your clothes."


Lan Yan only felt a slight tightening in a certain part, and immediately stared at the fat man in front of him with a horrified expression, cursing in his heart: You are a pervert, a wretched man, you are so good at that!

"Is there something wrong with your hearing? I said take off your clothes, I want to check it carefully!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly.

"Holy shit!"

Lan Yan suddenly shrank into a ball, a sense of humiliation welling up in his heart.

I miss you, the young master of the Blue Fire Tribe, who is handsome and handsome. Today, I have to be raped by a wretched fat man...

oh! No!

However, Lan Yan then thought about it, this fat man was a fierce man. Even Ling Feng was killed by him. He was also poisoned, so he couldn't beat him!

Thinking of this, Lan Yan felt sad, tears kept rolling in his pupils, and he actually started sobbing.

"What the hell..."

Ling Feng was confused when he saw Lan Yan acting like a "little daughter-in-law". He wanted to check the situation of his poisoning. Should he make it so tragic?

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