Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2330 Xiaodie evolves! (3 updates)

"Is there something wrong with you?"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while. Has this guy been poisoned and his brain has been stunned?

Lan Yan gritted his teeth and thought to himself: There is something really wrong with you, the pervert, the smelly glass!

However, he did not dare to anger this ferocious "fat man", so he cowered and said: "As long as you don't kill me, anything is fine!"

"Psychosis, persecution paranoia?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to this guy, and turned to look at Yu Xiaodie not far away.

Yu Xiaodie was still sleeping soundly, but the black energy on her body had gradually dissipated and was taken into her body.

She evolved from the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm, and perfectly inherited the innate ability of the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm. Any poison would not be harmful to her, but would instead be nourishment for her evolution.

However, it takes a while to refine the toxicity.

Ling Feng walked towards Xiaodie. Judging from Xiaodie's breath, she should wake up soon.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

When Lan Yan saw that perverted fat man walking towards Yu Xiaodie again, about to extend his evil "devil's claws", he immediately shouted, "You damn fat man, what do you want to do? She is still a child. If you have anything, come at me." !”

Of course, the reason why Lan Yan protects Yu Xiaodie is not because of his kindness, but because Yu Xiaodie is the only key to detoxifying him and his only glimmer of hope.

Ling Feng turned back to look at Lan Yan, only to see that this guy actually pulled open his upper body robe and yelled: "Aren't you going to fuck me? You wretched, perverted fat guy, come on, don't do that." girl!"


Suddenly, countless black lines appeared on Ling Feng's forehead. This guy is really an idiot!


Ling Feng tore away the thousand changes on his face, revealing his true appearance, rolled his eyes and said, "Lan Yan, what did you just say?"

"Ling...Boss Ling?"

Lan Yan's expression suddenly froze. Has the wretched, perverted fat man turned into Ling Feng?

"What did you say about me just now?"

Ling Feng's face turned pale and he stared at Lan Yan.


Lan Yan is about to cry, you said you entered your own magic weapon, everything is fine, what are you doing in disguise?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, I heard a burst of laughter, and I knew with my toes that it was naturally that bitch.

I saw that bitch rolling on the floor with laughter, tears streaming down his face, "Oh, I am so ridiculous that this beast is so stupid, so wretched, perverted, fat guy, hahaha!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and was too lazy to talk to that bitch. He glared at Lan Yan angrily, "You guy, you have such a dirty mind! Do you second generation ancestors all like to play this trick?"

"Am I dirty?"

Lan Yan murmured in his heart, "It's obviously you, so let me take off my clothes as soon as we meet! This can easily be misunderstood!"

However, since his fists are not as big as others, it is natural that what others say will be whatever he says, and he does not dare to refute.

"Reach over here!"

Ling Feng snorted, grabbed Lan Yan's arm, and after carefully checking his pulse, his expression became more solemn.

The toxicity of this poison is indeed powerful. No wonder even Xiaodie fell asleep for so long after absorbing it.

Lan Yan is a god, and his physique is much higher than that of ordinary people, but he is still unable to resist this poison, which shows how terrifying this poison is.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took out a golden needle, pierced Lan Yan's fingertip, and collected a drop of poisonous blood.

He wanted to study it carefully to find out what kind of poison it was.

Although Ling Feng majored in medicine, poison and medicine have always been indistinguishable. Before this, he had also received a copy of "The Classic of Prescriptions for Ten Thousand Poisons" and the guidance of a ghost doctor, and he had benefited a lot. , conducted a deeper study of the poisonous path.

After a while, Ling Feng finally gained some results and murmured to himself: "This seems to be the toxin of an ancient insect. There are many ancient insects. I can't identify the specific one yet."

However, Ling Feng finally understood why it was difficult for Xiaodie to resolve this toxin in a short period of time even after she had evolved to such an extent.

It turns out that this is the poison of ancient alien insects.

"Ancient zerg?"

Lan Yan took a deep breath and said feebly: "Boss Ling, I have nothing to do on weekdays, but I am very interested in these strange beasts from ancient times..."

After a pause, Lan Yan took out an ancient book from the Naling Ring, "This is a book called "Insect Chronicles". Maybe it will be helpful to you."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to take the "Insect Chronicles" and nodded. After all, Lan Yan was the young master of the God Clan, and he could still be of some use sometimes.

At this time, a soft white light suddenly shone. Ling Feng and Lan Yan looked up at the same time, only to see that the white light was emanating from Xiaodie.

"Xiaodie is waking up!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Counting the time, it was time for Xiaodie to wake up!

Sure enough, I saw that the wings behind Xiaodie actually swelled in size. Immediately afterwards, her figure seemed to have grown taller, making her look much taller and more exquisite.

If she looked like a seven or eight-year-old girl before, now she looks more like an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

After a while, the white light that enveloped Xiaodie gradually dissipated, and Xiaodie slowly opened her eyes, which were still as ethereal and unstained as ever.

What she absorbed was the most evil toxin, but she transformed it into such holy power. It must be said that the creation of heaven and earth is really full of miracles.

"Xiaodie, how are you? How do you feel?"

Ling Feng looked at Xiaodie and asked in a deep voice.

Xiaodie blinked her big bright eyes, and when she saw Ling Feng, she showed a hint of intimacy. She flapped her wings and flew to Ling Feng, calling sweetly, "Master."

"It looks like you've evolved again!"

Ling Feng looked happy. Xiaodie only knew some simple modal words before, but now she can actually call her master.

"Oh, great aunt! Ancestor! Please detoxify me quickly!"

But the blue fireworks rushed forward in a hurry, and I don't know where the strength came from, and hugged Ling Feng's thigh, "Boss Ling, you said you would help me detoxify first! You can't break your promise!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He was greedy for life and afraid of death. This young master of the Blue Fire Tribe is really a top-notch person!

"Xiaodie, please help him detoxify. Is there no problem?"

Ling Feng looked at Xiaodie and said lightly.

"Oh, let me try..."

Yu Xiaodie looked at Lan Yan, and the small wings behind her flapped. After a while, a ball of shiny scale powder adhered to Lan Yan's body surface. Then, a ball of black gas emerged from Lan Yan's body, and soon... rushed out from above his head.

The black energy condensed into an extremely ugly insect, and it pounced on Xiaodie with all its teeth and claws. It seemed that it had an sworn hatred with Xiaodie.

However, Xiaodie didn't change her expression, opened her lips slightly, and swallowed the black gas directly.

Then, the wings behind Xiaodie flashed white, and there was nothing unusual anymore.

"I...I'm fine! I'm all fine!"

Lan Yan had a look of surprise on his face. The feeling of weakness and the tingling feeling in his soul when he was poisoned had all disappeared!

"It looks like Xiaodie has evolved again!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and curled his lips. With Xiaodie's current ability, it couldn't be easier to resolve this poison.

(PS: It’s the third day of asking for monthly votes. Brothers, please give me some help. I don’t see any hope! As for the suggestion to add updates first, I also think about it, but I haven’t saved the manuscript at all. I must see it first. Ranking will give you the motivation to write more~)

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