Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2331 Split up! (1 update)

"Thank you, Boss Ling, thank you! Thank you very much!!"

After saving his life, Lan Yan jumped up and down excitedly and hurriedly thanked Ling Feng profusely.

Ling Feng glanced at Lan Yan, thought for a moment, and then said: "Lan Yan, your life is not in vain. I need to ask you a favor for something."

"Boss Ling, just ask, let alone one thing, even ten or eight, I will definitely do it!"

Lan Yan still dares to go against Ling Feng's wishes now. He has already transformed from the arrogant and domineering second generation ancestor into a very qualified henchman.

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Lan Yan's shoulder. Fortunately, he didn't kill him with a sword, otherwise he would have lost such a useful bastard.

"It's not that much. I just want you to run errands for me."

Ling Feng said, taking out a shining gold coin from the Naling Ring and handing it to Lan Yan, "I want you to go to the Wild Sky Forest and the Valley of the Wicked for me!"

"Evil... Valley of the Evil!"

Lan Yan's eyelids twitched, and then he trembled all over. He looked up at Ling Feng and said bitterly: "Boss Ling, aren't you asking me to die?"

Where is the Valley of the Wicked?

In the Valley of the Evil, there are ten evil people, all of them are extremely vicious and possess great supernatural powers. Not to mention a small second-generation ancestor like him, even the ancestor of their Blue Fire Tribe would not dare to break into this ghostly place like the Valley of the Evil easily!

Let's not talk about the others. Last time outside Yueling City, he almost died in the hands of the "Smiling Face Killer" Xiaoxiao'er. If Elder Jian hadn't cut off his arm, his life would have been long gone. Accounted for.

If this came to him, he would feel like even ten lives would not be enough for him to die.

"Of course I won't let you die in vain."

Ling Feng stared at Lan Yan and said calmly: "The gold coin in your hand is called a villain's coin. When villains see this villain's coin, they will naturally not attack you."

"Is this reliable?"

Lan Yan held the villain coin, which looked like an ordinary gold coin.

"What do you think?"

Ling Feng glanced at Lan Yan and continued: "I will tell you the specific location of the Valley of the Evil in a moment. You will be guarding outside the valley. Every morning, Xiaoxiao'er will go out. You can take the opportunity to find him. You Just tell him that I asked you to come and let him take you into the Valley of the Wicked!"

"What, laugh... Xiaoxiaoer!"

As soon as he heard Xiaoxiao'er's name, Lan Yan's calves started to tremble. He was a "madman" who killed without blinking an eye!

"I said, take this villain coin and tell me my name. Your life will certainly not be in danger!"

Ling Feng frowned, and Lan Yan immediately closed his mouth, not daring to speak any more.

"You both recognize Xiaoxiao'er and the ghost doctor. Xiaoxiaoer likes to play tricks on outsiders. When you arrive at the Valley of the Evil, go directly to the ghost doctor. The senior ghost doctor is easier to talk to and ask him to take you to the owner of the valley, Mu Shenjun. ”

"The Valley of the Wicked, the valley...the owner of the valley?"

The corner of Lan Yan's mouth twitched a few times, and when he saw Ling Feng's sideways gaze, he quickly suppressed his words again, "I know...I know."

"Valley Master, this is my master!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Today, the situation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains is complicated and confusing. Even among the three major sword houses, there are too many people with evil intentions. Just tell the Valley Master that I need a little help."

"It turns out that you are the descendant of the Valley of the Wicked!"

Lan Yan suddenly understood and nodded quickly, "I understand, I understand, I will definitely fulfill my mission!"


Ling Feng patted Lan Yan on the shoulder, "Young Master Lan, if you can handle this matter, I will immediately return all your original divine patterns. From now on, you can go back to be your handsome young master." Lord. But in the future, you must keep your eyes open and see clearly who you can mess with and who you cannot mess with. Hehe, not everyone is as soft-hearted as me. "

The corner of Lan Yan's mouth twitched a few times, and he secretly cursed: Are you the only one who is so merciful? When I killed Elder Jian, I didn't even see you frowning!

If I hadn't been a little bit useful, the grass on the grave would have been several feet tall by now.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, Boss Ling, I will definitely change my mind in the future and never dare to be a playboy again!"

"That's good!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, took out two more bottles of elixirs to restore Qi, blood and consciousness, and handed them into Lan Yan's hands, "Okay, without further ado, let's split up. You must go to the Valley of the Wicked as soon as possible. Please bring reinforcements!”

"Don't worry, Boss Ling, I will definitely do it!"

Lan Yan nodded heavily, holding the villain coin in one hand and the elixir in the other, with a look of determination flashing in his eyes.

Ever since he was a child, he has always been a useless person who could do nothing. He only relied on his status in the Blue Fire Tribe to be able to dominate.

But now, he wants to prove that he is also a useful person.

At least, he can be a good henchman!

Not long after, Ling Feng sent Lan Yan out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, and the two temporarily parted ways.

Ling Feng went directly to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, while Lan Yan went to the Valley of the Evil to bring reinforcements.

Not to mention the Great Sage Jin Jiao, the person who hides in the dark and plots against him is very troublesome.

As for Xuanyuan Longteng, it was hard to help him openly.

As the leader of a sect, he really has too many things he can't control. From the looks of it, the Valley of the Evil Ones is better. At least, you can do whatever you want without any burden.

He had killed too many disciples of Longjian Tianfu and Duyue Tiangong that day, and he could no longer look back.

He can no longer be the elder of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, but as a little villain in the Valley of Evil, this status is not bad!

"I hope Lan Yan can be invited to serve as his right-hand man. It would be great if Senior Shura Cooking Saint can be invited to come out."

As the third of the top ten villains, Shura Cooking Saint has no doubt about his strength, and his relationship with him is also very good.

With Shura Kitchen Saint taking action, he would not be afraid even if he faced the siege from two or even three major sword houses.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng immediately unfolded his body skills.

This is the edge of the Tagore Desert. It is still quite far away from the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. He must rush to the nearest city as soon as possible and use the teleportation array to teleport to the city near the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range in the shortest time. , arrived at the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains!

"Pegasus City is a good choice!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. When he first arrived in the West Sword Region, he had accepted a named disciple, Li Zui. (PS: See "Chapter 1940 Pegasus Ranch" for details)

At the beginning, this boy pestered me to become a disciple. Although I had no intention of accepting a disciple at that time, seeing that Li Zui had a very good talent in the Soul Path at such a young age, I also taught him some training experience in the Soul Path.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a year now, and I don’t know how far this kid has grown.

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