Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2332: A little kid but a big kid! (2 updates)

Feijiang County, Pegasus City.

As a must-go place to enter the Tager Desert, the border town is almost the same as the first time I came here, as lively and prosperous as ever.

After a year, Ling Feng revisited the old place, and he felt a little emotional.

After a while, Ling Feng came to the Li family. When the head of the Li family, Li Yao, saw Ling Feng, he even thought that he was dazzled.

"Young Master Ling!"

Li Yao looked at Ling Feng with surprise.

In this year, Ling Feng can be said to have made a great name in the entire Western Sword Domain.

After all, as a figure of the Duyue Palace, it is difficult not to be famous in the entire Western Sword Domain.

Of course, because Pegasus City is located in the border, the spread of news is relatively slow. The news that the Li family received was only that Ling Feng killed a young master of the demon clan.

In just one year, Ling Feng's cultivation is enough to easily kill the demon saint!

Li Yao secretly felt lucky that he had chosen to befriend Ling Feng. Otherwise, with Ling Feng's current strength, he could destroy the entire Li family with a wave of his hand.

"Master Li, long time no see."

Ling Feng nodded to Li Yao and smiled faintly, "How is Li Zui doing these days?"

"Haha, Zui'er has now become the most outstanding talent among the younger generation of the Li family, and is not much inferior to Xin'er."

Li Yao said with a smile.

"That's good!"

Ling Feng nodded. With Li Zui's talent, it was not surprising to have such an achievement.

As for Xin'er, Ling Feng vaguely remembered that there was a girl in the Li family, whose name seemed to be Li Xin, the girl who entered the Yellow Spring Valley with him that day.

"What is the purpose of Ling Shaoxia's visit to my Li family this time?"

Li Yao hurriedly invited Ling Feng to the mansion, and ordered people to invite Li Zui and others out, and then asked with a smile.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to use the teleportation array in Pegasus City to go to Kunyun City."

Kunyun City is the only way to go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, and it is also the closest city to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

If you fly directly to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, even with Ling Feng's speed, it will take at least three to five days, but if you use the teleportation array, it will take at most two hours for Ling Feng to return to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

"Is it just a small matter?"

Li Yao smiled and ordered someone to arrange it, and then smiled and said: "By the way, Young Master Ling, you plan to stay in Pegasus City for a few days this time. Last time, Young Master Ling left in a hurry. This time, I must treat Young Master Ling well."

"I'm sorry, Master Li, this time I really have something urgent to do, so I just came here to visit Li Zui!"

Just as he was talking, he heard an excited voice from outside the hall, "Brother Feng!"

Then, he saw a figure, "whoosh" rushing over, it was Li Zui.

After not seeing him for a year, Li Zui has grown a little taller and his face is much more resolute.

Judging from the aura, he has actually broken through to the late king level.

It seems that the Li family has spent a lot of effort to cultivate Li Zui over the past year.

"Good boy, you have made great progress!"

Ling Feng patted Li Zui's shoulder. After not seeing him for a year, the little guy has become much stronger.


Li Zui blinked and laughed, "Of course, after all, I am your apprentice, Brother Feng!"

"Your arrogance and conceit must be corrected!"

Ling Feng frowned and raised his hand to knock on the boy's head.

This guy is extremely talented and has a good character, but he is just young and successful, so it is inevitable that he is a little proud.

In addition, he has been treated as a baby by the Li family over the past year, and his tail is probably already cocky.

You must know that this world is so big, and geniuses are like crucian carp crossing the river. If you are proud and complacent with a little achievement, you will never achieve anything.

These, when he leaves home and goes out to experience, he will probably understand them himself.

If he is a real genius, he can break through failure and then stand up.

If he didn't have the qualifications, Ling Feng wouldn't force him.

Staying in the small Pegasus City and dominating one side is also a kind of luck.


Li Zui scratched the back of his head, looked around for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Hey, why don't I see my master's wife?"

"You kid!"

Ling Feng glared at him, "What nonsense are you talking about, where did you get your master's wife?"

Li Zui stuck out his tongue and quickly changed his words: "I mean Sister Yu, isn't she inseparable from you, Brother Feng?"

"Stinky boy, why do you ask so many questions about adults' affairs? Practice well is the main thing!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at him unhappily. Are he and Yu Junyao inseparable?

Well, well, it seems that this year, it is indeed inseparable.

Even when he fell into Miro Continent, he was able to meet her again.

Is this fate?

Shaking his head, Ling Feng threw these distracting thoughts behind his mind.

Some things are useless to think too much.

"Brother Ling."

At this moment, a gentle voice came, and Li Xin stepped forward and bowed to Ling Feng, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

What girl doesn't have spring in her heart? Especially in the past year, Ling Feng has become famous and has become a hot figure in the entire Western Sword Region, a peerless genius.

Such a young hero naturally makes countless girls fall in love with him.

However, this admiration, compared to love, is more of worship.

"Miss Li."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He was able to obtain the 5,000-year-old Huangquan flower that day thanks to Li Xin's help.

After a while of pleasantries, Ling Feng gave Li Zui a few words of advice. Of course, he didn't skimp on his own experience and also gave Li Xin some pointers.

With Ling Feng's current vision and realm, his guidance was undoubtedly to the point.

Although they only spoke a few words, Li Zui and Li Xin felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

Exactly, listening to you is worth ten years of reading!

About half an hour later, the teleportation circle was finally positioned successfully and could be activated at any time to head to Kunyun City.

"Everyone, farewell!"

Ling Feng bowed his hands to everyone in the Li family. Originally, Ling Feng thought that when he saw that boy Li Zui again, he would give him some guidance for a few days. Unfortunately, time was running out and he was not allowed to stay.

"Young Master Ling, farewell! Whenever you want to come back, the door of my Pegasus Ranch will be open for you at any time, Young Master!"

Li Yao looked at Ling Feng's back with a smile. If Ling Feng could come back every year to give guidance to the younger generation of the Li family, would the rise of the Li family be far away?

"Brother Feng, when you come back next time, you must bring Sister Yu with you! Also, I think she is very suitable to be the master's wife. Brother Feng, you have to work harder!"

Li Zui shouted loudly.

"You brat! You're a little kid but you're a big kid!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, without looking back, and strode into the teleportation circle.

The destination ahead is Kunyun City!

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