Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2334 A little help! (1 update)

Under the leadership of the ghost doctor, Lan Yan cautiously came to the Hall of Evil.

Not long after, above the main hall, the evil people who stayed in the valley gathered one after another.

"Shura Cooking Saint" Chef Niu, "Smiling Face Killer" Xiaoxiao'er, "Blood Demon Hand" Kuangxue, "Fairy Bones" Elizabeth...

Feeling those arrogant and powerful auras, Lan Yan felt a chill running down his spine.

Are these people the ones who make the entire West Sword Region fearful...

Sure enough, every one of them has a strange shape!

After a while, the legendary "Invincible Naughty Boy" Mu Shenjun finally came to the main hall. Next to him, there was also a young man who was about the same grade as Lan Yan.

This young man is naturally Chu Chaonan.

When Ling Feng left before, this guy also wanted to go out with him, but unfortunately, because of his poor strength, he was detained by Mu Shenjun.

After more than a month of "hell-style" devil training, he was finally released by the Shepherd.

"Junior Lan... Lan Yan has met the Valley Master!"

Feeling the domineering aura emanating from Lord Mu Shen, Lan Yan shivered and almost fell to his knees. He barely managed to stand still and quickly bowed deeply to Lord Mu Shen.

Lord Shepherd looked at Lan Yan and said calmly: "A junior from the Azure Fire Tribe?"


Lan Yan swallowed hard, and kept thinking about whether the Azure Fire Tribe and the Valley of the Evil had ever had any quarrel before.

Fortunately, the Gods have always been aloof from the world, and there is no enmity between them and the Valley of the Wicked.

"I heard that it was that boy Ling Feng who asked you to come?"

Lord Mu Shen stared at Lan Yan and asked lightly.

"Hehe, we have only been away for more than a month. Junior Brother Ling... ahem, senior brother is not good anymore, and we have to send someone back to bring in reinforcements! Haha, it seems that without me around, he really can't protect him!"

Chu Chaonan grinned, with a look of contentment on his face.

Lord Mu Shen rolled his eyes at Chu Chaonan angrily, looked at Lan Yan, and continued to ask: "Please tell me in detail what happened."


Lan Yan took a deep breath, and immediately told all the evil people about the current situation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, as well as the news that the Divine Desolate Catalog was likely to be born soon.

Of course, Ling Feng also truthfully told the truth about the things he had been wronged and wronged in Longjian Tianfu.

After hearing this, all the villains were suddenly filled with righteous indignation.

"Damn it, even our little villains who came out of the Villainous Valley dare to accuse us unjustly. I'm afraid those bastards are getting impatient!"

Blood Demon Shou, who had a good relationship with Ling Feng, became furious when he heard about Ling Feng's situation.

"Boss, what are you waiting for? Let the brothers go out and kill everyone!"

Xiaoxiao'er's eyes flashed coldly, and she said coldly: "I haven't gone out for a hundred years. People outside have almost forgotten the fear of being dominated by us!"

Although Big Iron Hammer didn't speak, the anger surging in his eyes said everything.

Ling Feng was the one who helped him resolve his knot. Now that Ling Feng was in trouble, he naturally wouldn't just sit idly by.

"Everyone, please be patient!"

On the other hand, Shura Cooking Sage seemed a little calmer, "Of course Ling Feng wants to help, but just now this junior from the Azure Fire Tribe also mentioned the news about the Divine Desolate Picture Book!"

Shura Cooking Saint's gaze focused on Lan Yan, "Boy, as you said, the demon clan has really discovered the catalog of the gods and wilderness, in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains?"


Lan Yan swallowed hard, "It can only be said that there is a high probability. This...this is also Boss Ling's guess."

"Is that kid's guess?"

Shura Cooking Saint narrowed his eyes and smiled, then turned to look at Lord Mu Shen, and said in a deep voice: "Boss Mu, if it is really a picture book of the gods, it must not fall into the hands of the demon clan, otherwise, it will be a disaster for the entire human race. It’s a catastrophe. Secondly, we can’t fall into the hands of the Three Great Sword Houses, otherwise, we will never have a chance to live a stable life. It seems that we in the Valley of Evil must also come forward.”

The ten evil men, more or less, all have some issues with the three major sword houses.

If others don't say it, Mu Shenjun once dug up the ancestral graves of the ancestors of the nine major families in Du Yue Tiangong. This is already a huge hatred.

If it weren't for the powerful strength of Lord Mu Shen and the One Moon Heavenly Palace did not dare to retaliate, how could he have lived in seclusion in the Valley of Evil?


Lord Mu Shen narrowed his eyes and smiled, then glanced at Shura Cooking Saint, "Third brother, don't you see that you are also concerned about the fate of the entire human race?"

Shura Cooking Saint shook his head and smiled, "I have no choice but to become a villain. But I am a human being after all!"

"Third brother, it seems that you have indeed changed a lot in these years."

The Shepherd God gently patted Shura Cooking Saint's shoulder, seeming to remember something, and couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity, if the second brother can also let go of his obsession..."

Among the top ten villains, apart from the "Hai Yaksha" Hai Qinglan who has been wandering away all year round, there is also the "second child" who has never been seen before, and is the most mysterious.

And it seems to be a taboo, and the villains who stay in the Valley of the Villains never take the initiative to mention it.


Lan Yan smiled and said, "Boss Ling said that he needs a little help now. This...these are the words that Boss Ling asked me to pass on."

"A little help?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Mu Shenjun's lips, he turned to look at Chu Chaonan, and said with a faint smile: "Chaonan, this time you will represent our Evil Valley, go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountains, and help Senior Brother Ling."

"Huh? Just me?"

Chu Chaonan pointed at his nose. Are you kidding me? Even Ling Feng was tortured to death. It's useless to have one more person!

"Why, you just said that Ling Feng couldn't do it without you, and now you're giving up?"

Lord Mu Shen smiled slightly, with a trace of amusement flashing in his eyes.

"Who...who said I can't do it!"

Chu Chaonan puffed up his chest and said, "Just go, there is no one I, Chu Chaonan, have ever been afraid of!"

"Well, you are worthy of being my disciple, Lord Shepherd!"

Lord Mu Shen patted Chu Chaonan on the shoulder, "Good disciple, let's set off without further ado!"


There was also a trace of bitterness on Lan Yan's face. There were so many masters in the hall, but they just sent a guy with a cultivation level similar to his own?

Just this kid, what use can he be put to?

"Why, Ling Feng said himself that he needs a little help!"

Lord Mu Shen grinned and said, "It is just right to send my Kaishan, um, second disciple!"

Chu Chaonan clenched his fist and said, "Old man, you are so cruel! Hey, that blue thing, let's go!"

Lan Yan's mouth twitched a few times, took a deep breath, and had no choice but to leave.

He didn't dare to bargain with Mr. Shepherd anymore.

Let alone bargaining, even if he stayed here for a moment longer, he felt like he would be scared out of his wits.

After a while, Lan Yan and Chu Chaonan left the hall and walked out of the valley.

"Boss Mu, let Xiao Nanzi go alone, I'm afraid..."

Shura Cook Sage frowned, his eyebrows raised into an inverted figure.

"If this kid doesn't exercise more, the gap between him and Ling Feng will only get bigger and bigger."

Lord Mu Shen narrowed his eyes slightly, "However, the Shenhuang Atlas is of great importance. Since the demon clan and the three major sword houses have already started taking action, there is no reason for us to stay out of the matter."

After a pause, Lord Mu Shen stared at Shura Cooking Saint and said calmly: "Lao San, it's up to you to take Lao Wu (Crazy Wu Lang) and Lao Jiu (Blood Demon Shou) to set off together and secretly help Xiao Nanzi and Ling Feng. "


Shura Cooking Sage nodded. With him, Crazy Wulang, and the Blood Demon Hand, it should be more than enough to deal with the Golden Dragon Great Sage and the ten demon saints under his command.

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